All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 11 The Power Of The Whole Family, The Extraordinary Evolution Of The Last Gamble

"What the hell, what is a bad way, and what is faith?" Bai Ze frowned.

【Ding! Every creature should have its own belief in its heart. If the belief in the heart of the creature is the host, then the belief value will be condensed. 】

[Note: 1 belief value is equal to 100 creation value. 】

"Faith value, this thing makes so much money?" Bai Ze burst into joy.

A belief value of 1 point is actually equivalent to a founding value of 100? !

[Late Third Era: They firmly believe that the Dao is bad, as long as they wait, they will definitely usher in a new life. Anyway, they have no hands and feet, and are born weak. Isn't the god just let them lie flat and eat them all to die? 】

[You have discovered that the major races who have realized this truth have really stopped fighting and multiplying on a large scale since then. Apart from eating, drinking, sleeping, and worshiping the "gods" in their hearts, they hardly do anything. anything. 】

[Faith value +1. 】

"It grows so slowly, it seems that faith is not so easy to earn." Bai Ze thought for a while.

Wanting to make creatures have more beliefs is nothing more than letting them know their greatness and worship themselves.

But looking at their state, Bai Ze probably was fooled by the white monkey because of their stupidity, believing that they exist.

They do not absolutely understand, nor are they absolutely loyal, so there is almost no belief.

[At the end of the third era: Because creatures no longer develop, eat too much and be lazy, the world declines sharply, a large number of plants die, and the area of ​​the land and sea also begins to shrink rapidly. 】

[But you found that the creatures seem to ignore these things, they only know to wait, waiting for the great god to give them a new life! 】

[Early Fourth Era: The saber-toothed tiger race made of clay is not the same as other races. Their leader, known as the saber-toothed tiger king, is a leader with great wisdom! 】

[It firmly believes that it is useless to wait for the gift of the gods. If you want to fill the loopholes in the biological genes, you have to keep evolving, evolving, and evolving! 】

"Hey! Is there a materialistic Warrior here?" Bai Ze teased.

It's as if everyone in the world has been bewitched, but there is only one sober person.

Bai Ze began to look forward to it. He wanted to see what the evolution of the saber-toothed tiger king would look like.

[Middle of the Fourth Era: The speed of the world's decline is intensifying, causing the creatures who didn't care at first to start to panic, because they are almost out of food! 】

[But the inertia has been deeply rooted, and with the illusion of a new life, they still haven't made any changes, keeping their beliefs lying flat on the ground, and doing nothing. 】

[You are surprised to find that the saber-toothed tiger family on the other side is completely the opposite. Their leader leads the race to develop and build territories, and has a place in the world full of overlord creatures! 】

[Late Fourth Era: The second voice in the universe was transmitted only to the ears of the Saber-Toothed Tiger King. 】

[It was wandering aimlessly by the sea, and was surprised to find a pebble that was washed up on the coastline by huge waves, and the whole body was blue and white! 】

"Kyanite? The second time, it should be the same as the last time, right?" Bai Ze thought carefully.

It seems that this talent called visitors from another world does not refresh the "chance" randomly.

It is fixed, and even the refresh time is not bad.

In this way, Bai Ze's dream of infinitely refreshing "opportunities" was completely shattered.

"Ah... It's almost clear. Next, it's probably another gamma ray burst." Bai Ze said weakly.

[At the end of the fourth era: the saber-toothed tiger king devoured the pebble in one bite, so that his body transformed, his skin was covered with golden color, his front claws became longer and sharper, and he was honored as the tiger king by many tribes! 】

[It's a pity that even if it transforms again, it still hasn't made up for its missing hind legs, and its weak state can't be improved either. 】

[At the same time, the world has also decayed to the extreme. Large areas of plants withered, wind and sand swept across the world, and most of the creatures that worshiped and rotted became extinct one after another. 】

[Among them, the White Ape Tribe, which was the first to propose the theory of the gods, became the first group of extinct races, and the only remaining creatures finally began to panic! 】

"..." The corners of Bai Ze's mouth twitched, his face was speechless for a while.

God said?

In the end, this white ape was clever but was mistaken by cleverness, playing himself to death?

But think about it. It doesn't matter anymore.

Anyway, visitors from other worlds, Bai Ze has almost explored, they are quickly extinct, and the cooling time can be reduced.

[Early Fifth Era: The dying creatures want to rise up, but the world has already decayed too much, and it is too late. 】

【They roared to the sky unwillingly, could it be that all this is a trick set by the gods? Could it be that there are no new births at all, and the gods just dislike them and simply want to kill them? 】

[The middle of the Fifth Era: The world has entered a stage of death. Except for some cellular organisms, the number of surviving races in the world can be counted on one hand. 】

【Leading the few saber-toothed tigers, the Tiger King stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the messy world, feeling deeply regretful and unwilling. 】

"Good guy, is it on fire?!"

The scene in front of me is like watching a big movie about the end of the world.

Bai Ze can't wait for the whole coke and popcorn to come over, and watch while eating!

[Late Fifth Era: All the saber-toothed tigers sacrificed themselves, and there were still a lot of spiritual energy absorbed in their bodies, which were devoured by the tiger king one by one. 】

【You observed that the tiger king was extremely painful after devouring it, and the strength beyond the limit of the body almost burst it! 】

"Wait, it's not going to be..." Bai Ze was halfway through.

He stared wide-eyed, staring closely at the tiger king.

Sure enough, in the next second, what Bai Ze predicted really happened.

[At the end of the Fifth Era: With its strong belief, the Tiger King gathered an unparalleled terrifying force, which made it survive this difficulty and undergo a super transformation! 】

【You can see, the back of the Tiger King has pure white wings, and the golden light revolves around it, not only healing its missing leg, but also making its face radiant, as if it has been reborn! 】

[The spiritual energy surged in the sky, the purple air came from the east, and the clouds and mists were pushed away, and several rays of light descended, overlapping at the position of its body, and even the world that had been extremely decayed began to recover gradually, as if it was dedicated to the birth of a new king. Best wishes! 】

【Ding! Extraordinary creature, Cloud Winged Tiger King was born! 】

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