All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 12 South Of The Planet, A Huge Shadow?

"I remembered!" Bai Ze suddenly shuddered.

The birth of extraordinary creatures will revive the decaying world and accelerate the development of the ordinary world.

If more extraordinary creatures can be born, it is even possible to advance the entire planet!

Planets are divided into five levels in total, and the higher the level, the greater the power of the planet.

As for the higher level, it cannot be called a planet anymore, it should be called the Kingdom of God!

Bai Ze's world, now undoubtedly, is a 0-level planet, which is the most standard novice planet. It has not entered the hierarchical division and belongs to the rookie among rookies.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that a supernatural creature came out by accident." Bai Ze sighed.

While speaking, the corners of his mouth were raised.

The original intention was to play around casually, apply this kind of bad luck buff to them, and then test the rules of this visitor from another world.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it turned out to be an incentive effect, prompting the creatures to advance to transcendence!

However, the world has decayed like this, even if there are extraordinary creatures born, it probably won't help.

[Early Sixth Era: You discovered the birth of extraordinary creatures, which temporarily delayed the decline of the world, and the creatures had a few respites, but it was still useless to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. 】

[The middle of the Sixth Era: A series of vague voices from the horizon, passed into the ears of the only remaining creatures, eavesdropper, south, treasure, destroy. 】

[They still hold the last sliver of fantasy, looking up at the space, and find a dazzling sun hanging in the sky, scorching light falling on the earth, they think that the gods have finally come to save themselves, as if seeing hope, their faces are full of excitement! 】

[But after a while, the Chaoyang seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. The Cloud Wing Tiger King had wings, and it was the first to discover that it was not a Chaoyang, but a terrifying gamma ray burst! 】

[In the end, when the gamma ray burst completely bombarded the parent star, the creatures realized that it was not hope, but real despair! 】

[The gamma ray burst pierced through the mother star, all living things became extinct, and the world wall shattered. When the Cloud Wing Tiger King was about to die, he vaguely saw a huge black shadow following the gamma ray burst! 】

[The size of the black shadow is exactly a hundred times that of the parent star, covering the sky and the sun, and the sun, moon and stars appear as small as fireflies in front of it. 】

[So far, this simulation is over! 】

"..." After a brief silence, Bai Ze was dumbfounded, unable to speak for a moment.

It's just... all of a sudden...

In the last second, the extraordinary creature was born, and the world offered blessings, but in the next second, it was blasted to ashes.

Sure enough, animations are all deceiving children, how can there be so much power of friendship and love.

In the face of absolute power, isn't it a dead end?

But when it comes to power, Bai Ze also felt a deep sense of fear.

The two extraordinary creatures that I finally created, under this force, didn't last even a second, and turned into a handful of loess.

And the last few paragraphs also caught Bai Ze's attention.

"The eavesdropper, Yi Nan, good thing, and what is that black shadow?" Bai Ze asked himself.

Not surprisingly, the eavesdropper was talking about himself.

Could it be that there is something interesting in the south of the home planet?

Thinking of this, Bai Ze raised his eyes and glanced at the endless starry sky.

"All right."

With these creatures in his hands, let alone explore the deeper universe.

Even if they just came out of the world wall, they might suffocate to death.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it for now." Bai Ze said helplessly.

In the next round of simulation, he will no longer bring visitors from another world.

This thing has advantages and disadvantages, but as time goes by, it will inevitably happen if it is discovered by aliens in the universe.

Want to ask if you can fight against it?

Bai Ze saw it with his own eyes, a huge black shadow hundreds of times bigger than his own planet.

This is definitely his current, unattainable superpower!

"By the way, the settlement of this simulation." Bai Ze said hastily.

【Ding! Combining all the above data, in this simulation, the host has obtained a total of 3000 creation points! 】

[Please the host choose the items that will be kept in this simulation. 】

[Cloud-winged tiger king (extraordinary creature), king squid, white ape race, Deng's fish, horseshoe crab, light-colored aura, kyanite...]

"System." Bai Ze thought.

[Winged Tiger King (Supernatural Creature, Servant Level Beginner)]: An unparalleled supernatural creature, absorbing a lot of aura, sufficient for itself, relying on a strong belief, finally broke the biological restrictions, advanced to a supernatural creature, and can spread its wings , soaring in the sky.

Affiliated race: Saber-toothed tiger race

Creator Required: 500.

"It's the same price, it's easy to handle." Bai Ze directly clicked to permanently solidify.

Although the creation value produced this time is not as good as the creation value produced during the last round of ocean peak.

It is more than enough to permanently solidify an extraordinary creature.

【Ding! The permanent immobilization is successful, and the host is asked to choose a temporarily immobilized creature. 】

"Hmm... let's temporarily solidify the king squid." Bai Ze hesitated and said.

Regardless of other races, the White Ape tribe does have some wisdom, but not much...

In the end, he just made up a god's theory, and fooled other creatures, as well as himself, to death.

Therefore, the relatively mild king squid has become Bai Ze's preferred creature.

【Ding! Temporary fixing of the item is successful, please ask the host to temporarily fix a talent. 】

Bai Ze thought for a while and said, "Don't fix any talent, end the simulation!"

【Ding! The simulation is over. 】

[Cooling time, 60 minutes. 】

Hearing this voice, Bai Ze naturally withdrew from his own world.

He collapsed on the bed all of a sudden, secretly happy in his heart.

Among living things, there are also high and low blood vessels.

Similar to the angels that appeared on the planet Xia Yinyue, each one was born to be superior to other races at the beginning of its birth.

This situation, academically speaking, is called a high-blooded creature with a high race value.

And those low-level creatures, such as squids, horseshoe crabs, etc., if they want to catch up, they have to advance step by step and eventually become high-level creatures.

But the resources to be spent are not something ordinary creators can afford.

So people are more inclined to change the energy of the world and directly let the natives give birth to creatures with higher bloodlines.

However, it is worth mentioning that no matter what kind of blood creature it is, in front of Chaofan, it is just a chicken of the same feather, and it can be beaten with one hand!

Now Bai Ze already has two extraordinary combat powers, and there are piles of subordinate races around him.

After a few days to start choosing a school, he is sure that he will hit a good university!

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