All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 186 The Missile Dyed The Red Sky, The Strongest Point Of Technological Creatures

Few of the students had seen such a scene, and it was as unstoppable as a torrent of steel.

"Namiworms are charging!"

"Such a fast speed and such a huge size, I'm afraid it will be difficult for an iron wall composed of steel creatures to stop it..."

The students showed panic and couldn't help sighing.

With such a terrifying scale, many female classmates covered their cheeks, for fear of seeing the cruel scene.

After all, the creatures on Bai Ze's side are really not ordinary small.

Under the attack of nanoworms, it will definitely be easily annihilated.




From nowhere, a vigorous and powerful voice sounded.


Hundreds of red lights appeared in the grass opposite the nanoworms.

Then, a series of "swish" sounds appeared, and the red light amplified infinitely.

"That's a missile!"

Some students stood up and exclaimed.

But before the rest of the students could react, all the missiles had already poured out.

The barrage filled the entire sky, dyeing the clouds a dazzling crimson.


portends danger!

It was too late to dodge, the size of the nanoworm was too huge.

Moreover, they have no brains, they can only rush forward.

Thousands of missiles fell like rain, and the sound of 'rumbling' explosions came and went.

Thick smoke billowed, covering a large area of ​​the forest. In the pungent smoke, there were still a large number of nanoworms rushing out without fear of life and death.

But the corpses had already piled up like a mountain in the rear, and there were countless nanoworm wrecks.

After this round of blasting, the number of nanoworms has been greatly reduced.

Seeing the tragic scene in front of him, Zhong Peng couldn't help opening his mouth and looking forward.

In the forest, shaded by giant trees, hundreds of green armored vehicles emerged.

The whole body is surrounded by a golden air current, more precisely, it should be a missile vehicle driven by immortal energy!

Even the inside of the missile was detonated by immortal energy, the power of which Zhong Peng saw with his own eyes just now.

He finally reacted in an instant.

The few so-called dwarf monkeys I saw just now were not the entire force of the opponent at all.

And his real strength has been hidden in the deepest part of the forest a long time ago, and he can't even see it.

The most frightening thing is that these are all high-tech products!

Did I predict wrongly?

The ancient apes of Bai Ze really entered the technological civilization? !

Not allowing Zhong Peng to think too much, he gave the order in a panic.

Now that there is no retreat, it is better to let the nanoworms speed up and charge.

Anyway, it is also a large creature, so it will not be easily strangled by some missiles.

Just take your chance and crush those missile cars before you die!

"Don't be afraid, charge forward!"

"It's just armor manipulated by some monkeys, don't be afraid, crush them!"

In the ears of the nanoworms, Zhong Peng's creatures kept shouting and cheering.

This also makes the nanoworms have high fighting spirit, and the pace of charging is getting faster and faster.

But suddenly, apart from the bombing of missiles, there was another sound in his ears.

At first, through a small screen, the students felt very strange and didn't understand why.

But gradually, the sky above the battle ground suddenly dimmed.

Some students seemed to have noticed something, and pointed their fingers at a certain place, and their pupils couldn't help but dilate.

"Look at the top of the clouds, it seems that there is a big thing flying!"

As soon as the words fell, the clouds under the sky were suddenly dyed red.

Scarlet portends danger!

However, before Zhong Peng could react in time, bombs fell vertically from the clouds.

The crimson sky was the color of hell, and thousands of bombs almost covered the entire forest.

"It's a bomber!" a classmate shouted sharply.

But on such a wide scale, it is already too late.

Even if Zhong Peng reacted at this time, he had no chance at all.

All the bombs fell on the nanoworm army, and the chain explosions affected a line, which was as gorgeous as a fire dragon in the sky.

After the explosion, thousands of bombers emerged from the clouds.

They are neat in size, lingering around the constantly charging nanoworms, and continuously dropping bombs.

Thousands of nanite troops lost more than half of their numbers before approaching Bai Ze's army.

Seeing this, Bai Ze really didn't expect it.

In the technological world ten years later, it is not surprising to have these things.

But the number and scale are too large, there are tens of thousands of missiles in one bombing.

The entire forest was on fire, the land was scorched, and the hills were crumbled, like a purgatory on earth.

On the other side, Zhong Peng had no choice but to quickly convey the order to his creatures.

Let them temporarily turn around and evacuate, at least not to get a chain explosion.

After getting the order, the nanites learned how to behave, and no longer charged in the direction of the missile vehicle.

Instead, they immediately disintegrated the large troops and ran in batches in different directions.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated Bai Ze too much.

The army of nanoworms has just disintegrated, and they haven't taken a few steps yet.

Suddenly there was a sound of "Zi la Zi la" on the ground, and sparks burst out.

Immediately, several currents rush upward until they are assembled into a triangular electromagnetic barrier.

Trapped the huge army of nanites in the center, making them unable to move an inch.

Students with high knowledge can see it at a glance.

This is an electromagnetic cage, a black-tech weapon commonly used by technological creatures, and it is best at catching other creatures.

But Zhong Peng was stunned on the spot, a nanite tried to touch the barrier, trying to break free.

But the strong electric current made it unable to move in an instant, and fell on the spot.

"How is this possible, since there is such a strong barrier?"

Zhong Peng felt that he was finished, he completely underestimated Bai Ze's development.

In just 72 hours, he really developed a high-tech creature.

You know, Nanoworms are only strong in the early stage, and the upper limit is very low.

But once intelligent creatures enter the age of science and technology, the upper limit is not usually high.

But just when Zhong Peng was desperate, the attacks suddenly stopped.

The bombers that were originally surrounding the nanoworms had already gone away in pairs.

Even the missile vehicles in the distance began to retreat at the fastest speed.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Peng couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

The control power of this electromagnetic network is so strong that even nanoworms cannot break through it in a short time.

Why didn't Bai Ze take advantage of this opportunity to attack them instead of dismissing the army?

"What's happening here?"

"The nanoworms are obviously covered by the electromagnetic net, why did Bai Ze withdraw the army again?"

"Could it be that it's Bai Ze who wants to let go of this second generation of gods?"

Not only Zhong Peng was puzzled, but also the students.

Everyone guessed for a while, but when they were thinking, several huge machines appeared in the gray sky in the distance.

It is more like a spaceship than a body.

Bai Ze could recognize the person who operated the spaceship at a glance.

It is the mythical legion ten epochs ago, a member of the Golden Dragon Guard!

The rest of the spaceships are escorts, and the one in the middle seems to be transporting something.

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