All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 187 Nuclear Weapon Strike, A Mysterious New Weapon

The army of nanoworms worked hard to destroy them. With their hard bodies, when a large number of people fell down, cracks finally appeared in the electromagnetic barrier.

Sensing such a glimmer of hope, Zhong Peng still did not dare to relax his vigilance.

He ordered the Nano Zerg to continue to separate according to the original plan after breaking through the electromagnetic barrier.

Then in a small team, organize a phalanx and launch an attack.

But not long after, the spaceship in the distance has already approached this piece of land.

Zhong Peng, who was fighting Bai Ze, was the first to observe this sudden situation and couldn't help frowning.

How many spaceships?

Could it be something like a bomber again?

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Zhong Peng's mind.

However, with just a few spaceships, he also wanted to cause damage to his army of nanoworms. Isn't Bai Ze underestimating himself?

Zhong Peng watched the spaceship approach, and the rest of the students also opened their eyes wide.

The spaceship came right above the electromagnetic barrier, and all the nanites saw something approaching, and all looked up into the sky, even stopping the movement of their hands.

At the same time, the escorting spaceships on the side all accelerated and scattered.

And the main spaceship, the largest among them, quietly stopped above the electromagnetic barrier, motionless.

The students and Zhong Peng didn't quite understand this scene, but the experienced principal could tell what Bai Ze wanted to do at a glance.

His face was ashen, and his breathing couldn't help being a little short.

"not good!"

The headmaster secretly thought that something was wrong, feeling that his "own" creature was about to die.

Sure enough, his conjecture was correct, but the headmaster had no time to end the plane war.

The base of the only huge spaceship opened up one after another, revealing a rectangular block.


What is the input port?

"Something came out of it..."

"Is it a missile? That icon is..."

The students outside looked at a missile, half of which was exposed from the rectangular opening.

On its side, there is also a circular pattern.

But half of it is blocked, so I can't see it completely.

"Target locked."

"Confirm delivery."

From inside the spaceship, a more serious voice sounded.

Then, the half-exposed missile loosened and fell straight down.

And as the missile came out of the cover, everyone including Bai Ze could see the icon clearly.

There is a black circle in the middle, surrounded by three black fans, and the overall color is dark yellow.

Is that a nuclear weapon logo? !

"I'm going! Little boy!"

"My God! It's a nuclear strike exclusive to technological civilization!"

Some students screamed out.

The nuclear bomb was gliding faster and faster in the air, dragging and releasing the tail line of immortal energy, and sparks were rubbed off all over the body.

And after the nuclear bomb was dropped, the spacecraft also quickly closed the hatch and started the return journey.

The rapidly falling nuclear bomb was reflected in Zhong Peng's widened pupils, his brain short-circuited for a while, and he couldn't say a word.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to roar, but in the end there was only shock on his face.


boom! ! !

The nuclear bomb penetrated the electromagnetic screen, and the moment it hit the ground, manic immortal energy swept across the flames and exploded.

The turbulent air flow spread to the sky and the earth, and the scattered light engulfed everything around.

Mountains, flowing water, and trees all turned into tiny black dots in the end, turning into nothingness in Tongtian's blazing fire.

The nanoworms didn't even react, they were still swaying, and they were already covered by the aftermath of the explosion.

The tall figure, which was comparable to the blue sky, was also surrounded by the soaring mushroom cloud, leaving a cloud of particles floating in the air.

After a brief silence, everyone present was dumbfounded.

The headmaster was even more stunned, with a melancholy expression on his face.

This time, his heart is bleeding.

"My lord, this is a range-shaped weapon newly developed by human civilization."

"It is rumored that it is a high-tech that can level a country."

Aurora's voice suddenly entered Bai Ze's ears.

As for nuclear weapons, it goes without saying that Bai Ze naturally knows what they are, after all, he has often heard about them in his previous life.


This earliest nuclear weapon may not be enough to wipe out the entire nanoworm army at once.


Bai Ze let out a soft 'hmm'.

Next, the mushroom cloud soaring into the sky in the distance dissipated, and the gray particles also decreased.

It was spread to the center of the burning forest, and hundreds of huge figures appeared.

"It's the Nanoworm Emperor!"

"He's still alive?"

Following the gaze of a group of students outside the arena.

The towering nano-worm emperor has traces of burns all over his body.

Potholes, devastated, but still standing tall with hundreds of surviving nanoworms.

After all, Bai Ze's technological civilization has just ascended to space by its own ability.

The nuclear weapons they have are only at the entry-level stage.

It is somewhat difficult to destroy the warrior creature in one go.

"so far so good......"

Zhong Peng panted heavily, and his mentality became a little more balanced.

In the next second, he seemed to have observed something, and immediately issued an oracle.

Because of the dropping of the nuclear bomb, Bai Ze's army was completely decommissioned.

Taking advantage of this time, it is just right for the nanites to attack and take down Bai Ze in one fell swoop!

"My lord."

At this moment, Aurora continued to report to Bai Ze.

"In addition to nuclear weapons, the human empire now has a weapon that is in the process of experimentation."

"However, there are already ready-to-use ones, if you approve..."

When Bai Ze heard this, he was very happy.

Are there any new weapons?

What are you waiting for!

Of course it was approved.

With Bai Ze's approval, Aurora's voice disappeared.

To be honest, the human race gave Bai Ze too many surprises today, which almost made him slow down.

Bai Ze is really looking forward to this so-called new weapon.

"Those missile vehicles are not moving, crush them, charge!"

Loud shouts sounded from the pile of nanoworms.

The missile vehicle hidden in the forest on the opposite side watched the surprise attack of the nanoworms, but remained motionless.

As if waiting for something.

Boom boom boom——

Suddenly, in the depths of the forest, a strange sound sounded.

"What's that sound?"

"Is it the roar of engine vibrations?"

Some students raised questions and were worried about Bai Ze.

"Could it be, is there something approaching here? Is it an enemy or a friend?"

While speaking, the sound of the engine vibrating became louder and louder.

In the distance, hundreds of missiles were suddenly launched from the forest.

These missiles fly in a spiral shape, circling and hitting the nanoworm army, with great power.

The resulting shock wave abruptly stopped their charge.

However, at the next moment, hundreds of black shadows sprang out from the end of the forest.

They were dressed in golden iron armor, holding a giant blade in their right hand and a cannon barrel in their left hand.

Take a closer look, isn't this the mecha? !

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