All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 196 Lucky And Unfortunate, The Sensation Of Su Lin Academy

As the old principal said, his face was already facing the ceiling, and his eyes were full of melancholy.

However, what he said shocked Bai Ze.

Although I don't understand what it means, but just by listening to it, I feel like I've been blown away.

"However, if it is held every twelve years, it won't be..."

"That's right." Teacher Zhou next to him replied.

"This year is the twelfth year, which is the year when the national competition is held."

This answer shocked Bai Ze again.

"But there is a fixed rule that has never changed over the years."

"It is to participate in the competition, must be at least 18 years old, and must not be higher than 18 years old."

"In other words..."

"Meaning, only our generation can participate in this competition?!" Bai Ze interrupted immediately.

Teacher Zhou was taken aback, then nodded in affirmation.

Nevertheless, the competition in this competition is quite fierce.

Because it is said that the luck of the twelve years has gathered at the top, and it is the most peak year.

So there are many families who hope their children will become a dragon, but it is a bit of a stretch to have children.

It is because this year, the child just turned eighteen, to participate in this so-called national competition.

"Another thing worth mentioning is that anyone who is over the age of 18 can participate in the national competition, no matter if they are the children of the school or the children of the family."

"Even homeless people who accidentally awakened the world, as long as they are 18, they can sign up according to the rules of this competition."

Bai Ze nodded, already quite clear about this game.

That is to say, from the very beginning, Zhong Peng knew that the national competition was about to start, so he said that.

He was sure that he would appear in the national competition, so he wanted to use this to beat himself.

"I see."

"But principal, I suddenly remembered a question."

"Go to Su Lin University for exchange and discussion, why must it be our class."

"If you are a senior senior, you should be able to defend the school's honor, right?"

Facing Bai Ze's unexpected question, the old principal frowned.


"This problem, on the one hand, is because I just said that you are the most peak class in recent years."

"Only by fighting each other at the peak can we truly show which side is stronger."

"On the other hand, when you go to Su Lin Academy, you will know soon."

The old headmaster waved his hands, as if playing a riddle, and fooled Bai Ze.

Since the other party didn't want to say anything, it's not easy for Bai Ze to follow up.

After all, the principal has said it, and he will understand it soon after he goes there.

"Thank you, principal, for clarifying the confusion. I'm fine now, so I'm going to go back now." Bai Ze bowed his head slightly in thanks.

The old headmaster let out a light 'um', and then lay down on the leather seat again.


"You are lucky, you happened to hit the national competition, the most peak year in twelve years."

"But it's also unfortunate, because in this year, there will definitely be a gorgeous figure."

"In front of this person, all self-confidence, self-improvement, and even self-reliance of anyone will be obliterated, and it will appear so bleak."

"Like the grass next to the delicate flowers, swaying in the wind, pale and powerless."

"But since the opportunity has come, why not try it, maybe you can fly higher and farther?"

When Bai Ze left, the old headmaster murmured such a sentence, which made him slow down.

It wasn't until the words fell that Bai Ze walked away with a serious face.

The door was closed, and a suffocating sense of tranquility swept the room without any fluctuations.

After waiting for a while, Teacher Zhou spoke helplessly.

"Principal, what do you think of Bai Ze." She asked in a flat voice.

The headmaster nodded slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Very strong, even in my time, it is powerful that I have never seen before."

"Then he..."

Teacher Zhou was about to answer, but saw the principal shaking his head again.

"But it's impossible."

"Because the comprehensive strength of this session is also very strong!"

"I have never seen such a strong group of young people, and they are several grades higher than my class."

"There is also the daughter named God, known as the descendant of the true god, which has never been reached by anyone, so it is impossible."

Hearing this, Teacher Zhou was silent for a short while.

Immediately, he raised his eyes to look in a certain direction, and there was some disappointment in his pupils.


On the way back, Bai Ze kept thinking about it.

Today is Xia Tian, ​​half a year has passed.

So there is no doubt that this national competition should start soon.

According to the tone of the old principal, participating in this competition should bring a lot of benefits.

Although he didn't dare to utter wild words, he said that he must compete for the crown.

But the opportunity has appeared, how could Bai Ze let it go?

Grasping this time, Bai Ze decided to devote himself to the development of creatures.

It's best to break through to the third-tier world before this game starts!

"However, for the next two days, let's prepare for going to Su Lin Academy."

Bai Ze sighed, then quickened his pace back.

At the same time, the students in the Su Lin Academy on the other side also received the news.

But the difference is that the news they received was that a certain school would send students to study and exchange at Su Lin Institute.

By the way, hold a five-on-five duel.

Therefore, students pay less attention to it.

At this time, in the top class of Su Lin Academy, many students gathered around and were discussing this matter.

"I heard that Monday is a five-on-five match, and there will be no real dead creatures. Do you have any ideas?" One of the pointed-headed boys asked.

The classmate next to him shook his head in contempt and disgust.

"Ordinary schools come to our Su Lin Academy to discuss and exchange ideas. Why don't people from our top class join us? Isn't the principal making too much of a fuss?"

"But there's no way. The principal called names and said that ordinary classes are not allowed to participate, and our top class must come." The boy next to him said distressedly.

The top class of Su Lin University can already be said to be the class with the strongest comprehensive ability among the same age in Su Lin Province.

Facing a group of unknown school students, they were really not happy to let a top class in the province play.

"Forget it, forget it, it's all abuse, isn't it boring to be idle?"

"However...however, it is also a competition organized by the school. Do you want to inform the big sister to participate, otherwise..."

Everyone in the discussion glanced vigilantly at the purple-haired girl who was packing things not far away.

No one around her dared to approach her, and it had always been like this.

The icy temperament, as if facing the towering snow-capped mountains, makes people even stutter.

"No need, no need, a group of miscellaneous fish, if the big sister is allowed to grow up, wouldn't it be a shame for our Su Lin Academy, the number one in the province?"

"Why don't we ask Brother Wang to sit in the town? In case something happens, Brother Wang will come to the rescue."

With that said, everyone's eyes shifted to a burly boy not far away.

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