All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 197 Su He, The Social Star, Wei Chi's Displeasure

The restless atmosphere continued to spread throughout the country.

Bai Ze didn't care about it, and lived his leisurely weekends quietly.

Until I came to the school gate early this morning, it was originally agreed to gather here first.

As a result, as soon as they passed by, Bai Ze was startled, and was immediately taken aback by his classmates.

"Student Bai Ze, we have all heard what Teacher Zhou said."

"You were personally appointed by the principal, and you are about to play against Su Lin Academy to win glory for the school."

"Student Bai Ze, if you win this battle, you have to tell us the details. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"That's right, that's right, I really want to go to Su Lin Academy to win glory for the school."

"It's a pity, I don't have that qualification."

At the spacious school gate, Bai Ze was surrounded by a group of students, all of whom were members of the top class.

Speaking of which, it's no wonder they were so excited.

In terms of the history of the two schools, Su Lin School has always been the best in stabilizing Tianzhou School.

No matter what kind of competition, competition, or battle, they have never won against Su Lin Academy.

And last time, Su Lin Academy was known as the most pinnacle generation.

But in the freshman test, he was defeated by Bai Ze from Tianzhou Academy, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

However, the freshman test may not tell much, but this time it is completely different.

A five-on-five match was a head-on confrontation between the two schools.

For the sake of honor, Su Lin Academy will definitely send their strongest students.

As long as they win at that time, the deeds of Bai Ze and his group will definitely be recorded in the history of the school and will be passed down forever in Tianzhou Academy.

Even if it's just a substitute, those who were mixed in the past have a chance to be included in the school history.

Bai Ze's strength is so strong, victory is basically a certainty.

That's why many students wanted to go with them.

Who doesn't want to have their own name when talking about defeating Su Lin Academy in the future?

Hoo hoo -

Just when Bai Ze was at a loss, a gust of wind suddenly struck.

A luxury bus speeding in the distance suddenly stopped in front of the Tianzhou Academy.

Teacher Zhou stepped forward, dispersed all the students and said, "Okay, the school bus has arrived, bring your luggage, we are ready to go."

"For the rest of the students who stay in our school, I will not be there for these five days, and I will accompany the participating students to Su Lin Institute."

"If you have something urgent, you can ask other mentors to help you solve it."

Seeing the rescuers coming, Bai Ze didn't hesitate, and hurriedly broke free from the encirclement of his classmates, and followed them into the car.

The classmates behind him were reluctant to leave, wishing they could jump into the school bus too.

Seeing the fame of the whole school, and the opportunity to be sought after by the seniors slipping away, they felt a pang of sadness in their hearts.


The car door closed, and Bai Ze put his hands on his back and waved to the window as a farewell.

The students left reluctantly until the school bus drove away.


Sitting next to Xia Yinyue, Bai Ze breathed a sigh of relief, finally escaped from the clutches of his classmates.

At this time, he was preparing to enter the world to make arrangements for the next game.

But suddenly, a student in the front row turned his head around and started talking to Bai Ze.

"Student Bai Ze, this is the second time we have met, and we haven't had a formal introduction yet."

"My name is Su He, the second-order creator, a technological civilization."

With a smile on his face, he continued: "Student Bai Ze, the match against Su Lin Academy this time is five-on-five, so we need to cooperate."

"I just thought, let's seize the time to get to know each other better, so as to increase our tacit understanding."

"By the way, is Bai Ze a civilized world?"

Staring at the boy who called himself Su He, Bai Ze couldn't help but remember something.

He seems to be in the class and belongs to the social star category.

If the position of squad leader is established, it is estimated that it must be him.

Just talking about the world's mainstream civilization, Bai Ze is actually not easy to talk about.

" world, it can barely be called a civilization of giant beasts." Bai Ze said vaguely.

Su He gave an 'um', then simply stood up, and spoke to the other six students in the car.

"Everyone report the lineup of their own creatures. The battle against Su Lin Academy will be five-on-five. We need to organize and cooperate."

"In addition, in terms of lineup, Bai Ze will be the main force, and we will cooperate with him to attack."

"Xiao Ke and Xiao Ya are substitutes, so there shouldn't be any problem?"

In a few words, the direction of the whole game was arranged by Su He.

Xiao Ke and Xiao Ya, a pair of twin sisters, were chosen as substitutes.

It's no problem to hang out with the big boss Bai Ze.

But when it comes to who will be the main force, Wei Chi is a little confused.

Wei Chi's family used to have some relationship with the Tang family, which can also be said to be a hostile relationship.

As the young master of the Wei Group, he would naturally compare him endlessly with Tang Qingcheng.

He had bowed down to her many times, which made Wei Chi very mad.

I was very happy to go to Su Lin Academy this time.

The purpose is to completely defeat Tang Qingcheng with his current strength.

But now that he wants to let himself assist Bai Ze, let him be the c position, and let him show off, Wei Chi is very upset!

"I'm OK."

"I'm fine."

The two sisters said in unison.

"Xiaobai is the strongest, and I have no problem assisting him in attacking."

Xia Yinyue continued.

Su He nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Wei Chi and Huang Tian beside him with kindness.

"Student Wei, Classmate Huang, how about you, there should be no problem, right?"

A black line appeared on Wei Chi's forehead, and Huang Tian obviously saw something was wrong.

But before his boss said something, he naturally couldn't say anything.

"I...I have no problem, just follow your lineup."

After a moment of silence, Wei Chi replied nonchalantly.

Although I don't want to, there is no way.

With Mr. Zhou present, Bai Ze can be said to be the focus.

He is also the only one who has ever defeated Tang Qingcheng.

If you say you disagree at this time, you will most likely be pushed out.

We can only look for opportunities to see if we can suppress Bai Ze.

Anyway, when it comes to the competition field, no one can control it, so you can do whatever you want.

At worst, leave the team and just be a lone hero!

Wei Chi thought so in his heart, Huang Tian also nodded.

"I... I'm fine too!"

His boss agreed, so he naturally had nothing to say.

In this way, the preliminary lineup is determined.

Afterwards, at Su He's call, the seven students gathered together and discussed their respective creatures.

Draw up a preliminary plan, by the way to restrain Tang Qingcheng!

"That's the decision!" Su He said loudly.

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