All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 36 Huge Cocoon, An Era Of Unprecedented Distortion

[At the beginning of the world's creation, the planet has become extremely prosperous, just like the Garden of Eden came into the world, magnificent, beautiful and colorful, the creatures are bathed in the morning sun, surging happily! 】

[Early First Epoch: Headed by the extraordinary three races, nearly 500 races have been born on the mainland. Among them, the Tianniu clan was first born in the forest, led by their leader, the Tianniu Lord! 】

"Ah... cancel the reservation, and you will lose the remaining memories of the last one. It seems that you have to do it all over again." Bai Ze shook his head helplessly.

He looked down at the planet, and a little consciousness went into it.

[Middle of the First Era: You suddenly descended on the beetle clan. For some unknown reason, they were so frightened that they didn't even have the courage to look up at you. 】

[And you told them directly that you are the god in charge of this world and the father god who created them. The reason why you created them is to let them breed the ultimate life you expect through hybridization body! 】

[In addition, you also gave them a specific biological model, which is the development goal, and told them that the plants here are free to eat, but you must cultivate the creatures you want! 】

[After knowing the truth of the matter, the beetle family was very excited. They are proud of being a child of God, and they promise you that they will definitely create creatures that satisfy you according to the will of God the Father! 】

【Ding! Host Faith +1. 】

"Time is running out, let's see what they do next."

Now that time is running out, Bai Ze doesn't care about it. It's time to train the beetles' brain power, and just tell them the goal in plain language.

There are other living things, this round Bai Ze has to find a way to control them as much as possible.

Otherwise, as in the last round, the group was completely wiped out without Bai Ze even asking a word, and even the development route stagnated.

[Late First Era: According to your wishes, the beetle family began to experiment with hybridization, giving birth to countless varieties of creatures, all of which were readily accepted by their family. 】

[Moreover, this kind of behavior has been passed down from generation to generation, so that most creatures in the world know about it, and some people even exaggerate it, causing many creatures to imitate and start hybrid activities. 】

[The limelight was so great that even the three extraordinary races this time knew it was your will. They adored the great gods and began to order their subordinate races to hybridize with the rest of the weak creatures. 】

[But it seems that because their bloodlines are too strong, the abnormal species produced are extremely weak. In desperation, the three extraordinary clans had no choice but to give up this crazy move. 】

[At the end of the first era: Because of the hybridization of all races, many creatures with different shapes and strange shapes were born in the world, adding a sense of weirdness to the world. 】

[You find that under this atmosphere, even the air in the world has undergone a slight change. 】

[At the same time, due to the wanton reproduction of the longhorn beetle family, the surrounding forests began to show a trend of decline, but this time, their satiety seems to have increased, and they do not need food so urgently. (Long-term satiety activation)]

[In addition, a fortunate thing happened. They really bred a mutant species of longhorn with double pincers and can walk upright. It was also a former Haitianniu! 】

"Come on, the next step is to adjust the blood and genes."

This double-clawed beetle aberration, also known as the sea beetle, is not perfect.

At most, only wisdom is born, and there are still physical defects, which do not meet Bai Ze's standards.

Only after continuous adjustments like the previous round, can a real super life form be created!

[Early Second Era: Because there are too many aberrant creatures, the oxygen in the world is polluted, turning it into a special gray gas, which is difficult for ordinary creatures to survive. 】

[But you found that the more impure the blood, the more messy the genes are, the hybrid mutants can dance happily in this kind of air, and even this kind of gas can help them strengthen themselves! 】

[Middle of the Second Era: Relying on this breath, Lord Beetle is still trying its hybrid experiment. It always remembers your warning. The ultimate life form standing between the heaven and the earth has a pair of symbolic Pliers! 】

[The lord of the Tianniu, under the banner of the gods, provoked the races in countless worlds, and rushed to send their tribesmen to conduct hybridization experiments with them. They believed in the gods and respected the father god, trying to do their part. 】

[Late Second Era: After hundreds of failed hybridization experiments, a semi-finished product that fused the blood of hundreds of creatures and obtained countless gene chains finally appeared before the eyes of the longhorn lord! 】

[It was a huge cocoon, surrounded by gray rot, inside it, a pair of yellow crystal-like pupils shone, and many tentacles could be stretched out, as if undergoing transformation! 】

[At the end of the Second Era: This huge cocoon is very greedy. Whether it is a plant or a living thing, it can be swallowed up by it, so that the ecology is greatly destroyed. 】

【However, Lord Tianniu doesn't care, because it is very clear that this creature is a larva drawn by the gods, but it seems that it will absorb the spiritual energy of other creatures to advance. 】

[So much so that the creatures in the world are depressed all day long, and it seems that they have no energy. 】

[Early third era: Because of the birth of the giant cocoon, the gray gas in the world became more intense, almost filling the entire parent star, and the creatures gradually adapted to it. 】

[Under the general trend, creatures continue to hybridize and merge, change bloodlines, modify genes, sky dragons, six-winged unicorns, turbo sharks and other special distortion creatures are born. 】

[They have great potential, and once caused the world to undergo earth-shaking changes! 】

[This great moment is recorded in history as the era of distortion! 】

【Ding! The host created a new era, and the age of distortion was born! 】

"The age of distortion?"

"A new era that has never appeared before?!"

Bai Ze looked shocked!

Accidentally hit and hit, actually created a new era? !

You must know that the eras that have been recorded in history, such as the Devonian and Cretaceous, are nothing new, and can only be said to have reached a high level.

And the era he created undoubtedly broke history and created a new record!

If this is spread, it will probably cause a lot of reports in the whole province!

"The annual rings of the era have begun to rotate, and the next step is to create a leader of the era."

"Let me see what potential this cocoon has!"

Bai Ze sweated for them, staring at his planet intently.

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