All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 37 Seeking Help From The Three Extraordinary Races, The Ultimate Life Form Is Born

[The middle of the third era: The giant cocoon made itself stronger and stronger by absorbing the spiritual energy of other creatures, and the blood in the body also boiled and became restless. 】

[But at this time, nearly half of the world's ecology has been destroyed, and a large number of creatures have begun to suffer from hunger. Fortunately, they are full for a long time, so it is not too difficult. 】

[Late third era: The creature inside the giant cocoon has evolved into a rudimentary form, but the beetle lord discovered that it seems that it is a defect in blood and genes that prevents it from breaking out of the shell! 】

[What kind of blood is missing? Obviously, almost a hundred species of creatures in the entire world have their blood integrated into them, and the gene chain is relatively complete? 】

[The bewildered Lord of the Beetle met a strange creature by chance. It had dozens of tentacles and a powerful devouring ability. 】

[Lord Tianniu knows at a glance that this is the most powerful clan in the sea, a deformed creature born from the hybridization of the Sea Emperor clan! It's a pity that its strength is extremely weak, far inferior to a young sea emperor. 】

[At the end of the third era: However, through this deformed creature, it inspired the lord of the longhorn. The blood that the giant cocoon lacks is the most mysterious three extraordinary races in this world! 】

[Those are the mysterious three tribes that it is far from daring to provoke. It is rumored that because of their noble bloodlines, they stopped interbreeding a long time ago, so their own bloodlines did not spread to the cocoon. 】

【Lord Tianniu has thought carefully, for the great plan of the gods, even if it is risky, it will go to the territory of the three extraordinary clans, and ask their leaders to borrow a drop of blood! 】

"Hehe, since it is so determined, let's help them out."

Bai Ze, who was observing, was very satisfied with the determination of Lord Tianniu.

So he was going to send down oracles among the extraordinary three races, and let them give some help.

[Early Fourth Era: You sent oracles to the Dapeng Clan, Tianyi Tiger Clan, and Water Emperor Clan respectively, told them about your plan, and informed them to give some help to the upcoming Beetle Lord. 】

[The three tribes bowed their heads, they followed the orders of the gods, and felt extremely admiring for your upcoming plan, admiring the wisdom of the gods, and then prepared a drop of blood in advance. 】

[The middle of the Fourth Era: Lord Tianniu came tremblingly to the territory of the Skywing Tigers. They were sent away. 】

【Following the Sea Emperor Clan, and even hovering in the air, the same is true for the most proud Roc Clan. This shocked Lord Tianniu, but also lamented the greatness of the gods! 】

【All of this must be the great Father God who is helping me, he is staring at me, and has not given up on me! 】

【Ding! Host Faith +1. 】

[Late Fourth Era: Just as the world's energy was about to wither, the Beetle Lord finally returned to his own territory with the blood of the three extraordinary races. 】

【It was very excited when it saw the big cocoon that was about to move, and put three blood essences containing super-strong blood into the giant cocoon. With the deepening of the gray gas in the air, the giant cocoon really reacted! 】

"It's about to be born, just watch this one." Fine beads of sweat appeared on Bai Ze's forehead.

His current mood is as tense as that of Lord Tianniu.

This is the ultimate creature that Bai Ze has cultivated with all the power in the world.

If it fails, there will be no chance of a comeback this time!

[At the end of the fourth era: the giant cocoon that absorbed the blood essence finally began to peel off the cocoon. Pairs of sharp, sickle-like tentacles pierced out from it, and with the yellow crystal shining on the chest, the huge body stood in the middle of the forest. 】

【Ding! A warrior-level extraordinary creature, the Super Jedon larva was born! 】

【Ding! Super Jadon larva acquires skills: mega fireball, wavy light, absolute defense! 】

【Ding! The beetle race was affected, collectively advanced, and the star bug was born! 】

【Ding! The extraordinary race, the starry sky Zerg was born! 】

Seeing the Super Jadon hatchlings slowly coming out of the cocoon, Bai Ze was very happy in his heart.

But he is also very clear that this alone is not enough!

"If it's just like this, I still can't win a place in this preliminary test!" Bai Ze secretly made up his mind.

Then add another fire to the birth of the gods!

He waved his big hand, and shouted sharply: "System! Use the extraordinary assembly active skill, target the super Zeedun larva!"

【Ding! After receiving the host's order, this round simulates the only active skill, and the extraordinary assembly is activated! 】

[Early Fifth Era: The world began to recover gradually, and a god-given power fell from the sky and fell on the super-Jedon larva, prompting it to have hundreds of genetic bloodlines in its body, blending and intersecting again, resulting in a second assembly beyond common sense! 】

[Silver-white brilliance rises, gradually enveloping its huge body for the second time, and the world offers infinite blessings, causing the surging blood in its body to evolve to its peak at this moment! 】

[Super Jadon larva has absorbed the strengths of all creatures, representing the extraordinary three races of sky, land, and sea. The blood vessels are also constantly mixed and reorganized in its body, and finally transformed into a brand new energy! 】

[Under the gazes of countless creatures as if revering the gods, the double cocoon formed by the white light began to be slowly pushed aside. 】

[A pair of pincer-shaped hands with yellow crystals protruded from them, and the wings covering the sky like a kunpeng spread out behind it, and the perfectly upright human-shaped appearance appeared in front of all creatures! 】

【Ding! Gather the strengths of a hundred schools of thought and create a living god! 】

[The ultimate life form, the incarnation of terror and despair, the law that governs the universe, the perfect Hypageton was born! 】

【Ding! Hypageton's new skills: Dark Fireball, Absolute Barrier, Teleportation, Extinguishing Breath...]

【Ding! The Zerg in the starry sky was affected, they advanced collectively, and the meteor worm was born! 】

【Ding! The lord of the longhorn was affected, and the warrior-level extraordinary creature, the universe insect king was born! 】

【Ding! The extraordinary race, the Meteor Zerg was born! 】

Bai Ze stared fixedly at the screen, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


In one sentence, it summed up all the excitement of Bai Ze right now.

"The well-deserved ultimate life form has gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools and obtained all the power of the trinity of sea, land and air!"

Unexpectedly, after twists and turns, in the end, it was really created by Bai Ze.

Bai Ze glanced over.

Although his current state is only worthy of the peak of the warrior level.

But remember, this Hypergeton has only just been born, and its upper limit is far from that!

Moreover, with the power of hundreds of bloodlines in its current body, its true strength is far from being able to be drawn by level.

Even if it is really a tough and commanding creature, it is not impossible to give it a try!

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