All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 404: The Emperor Comes To The World, Fight The Tongtian Emperor!

At this time, as time passed, many audiences outside also noticed the abnormality.

Some of them were stunned, some were dumbfounded, and the taunting just now stopped.

[This power, the creature of the goddess, shouldn't it be to advance to the monarch, right? ! 】

[Advanced Monarch? It's actually a monarch level? ! 】

[No, so far in the whole country, none of the new students, including the children of the aristocratic family, has the monarch creature, right? 】

[This is definitely the first case in the whole country, the first case in the whole country! 】

[If it is successful, doesn't that mean that the Goddess will become the new generation, the number one person in the country on the surface? ! 】

Seeing such a picture, the audience in the imperial capital seemed to see hope.

As quickly as weeds on the wall, he changed his attitude and flattered loudly.

Many people stood up collectively and looked at the big screen.

In the main battlefield, the black rain became heavier, so dense that it extinguished the flames on the sea level.

Bean-sized raindrops rolled down the demon emperor's cheeks, forming a spectacle like a waterfall, pouring down.

The other party was holding a red cross, standing in the rain without moving a muscle, as if waiting for the sleeping lord to advance.

Bai Xingwan didn't let go of this opportunity either. In an instant, thousands of feet of sea water leaped high, forming a waterspout that pierced through the sky.

The sea level continues to rise, 500 meters, 800 meters, until it breaks through 1,000 meters!

The entire body of the demon emperor will be submerged in the sea water.

Helpless, it had no choice but to spread its wings again, flapping and flying up into the sky.

This scene was too shocking, the players who remained in the arena didn't know what to do, and the creatures were so frightened that they could only hide and tremble on the edge.

The strong wind was blowing, and a large number of demons were also swept away, and the formation collapsed, unable to stop Bai Xingwan.

The sleeping lord climbed up along the water column, covering his whole body inside it.

Its body shape is getting bigger, and the incomprehensible ravings are coming out of its body, spreading to every corner of the hell planet.

Hearing these sounds, the creatures suddenly felt a splitting headache, as if their heads were about to explode.

Some creatures began to retch, vomit, and retch uncontrollably.

It seemed that his world was plunged into darkness, and countless tentacles struck him.

Stretch into their mouths, tear, pull apart, and gradually swallow them in the deepest darkness.

Despair overwhelmed the sky, and death filled the world.

The deep gloom even spread to the Demon Emperor.

Feeling this force, the demon emperor also retreated hundreds of meters.

Monarchs are crowned, and the world blesses them.

Thousands of tentacles are dancing and sticking out of the sea, seeming to be in a carnival.

Greeting the hymn of countless people, towards the top of the world, unparalleled power blooms.

The raging waterspout turned into a giant dragon, opening its mouth wide and surrounding Cthulhu.

He awakened from deep sleep, He is the supreme ruler, He is the old god!

"Praise my God, praise my Lord."

"For His coming, offer a hymn of blood and tears."

"For His coming, offer the most beautiful gift of abundance."

Crazy ravings sounded, and the rushing sea rushed away.

The king was born between the heaven and the earth, that is the first king on the face of this world, an incomparable existence!

boom! ! !

A huge tsunami exploded with a bang, and the rainwater pouring down from the sky slowly fell into the sea along the sleeping lord.

The two sides confronted each other, and the violent power was beyond words.

The outfield also fell into an upsurge at this moment.

【Advanced successfully, the monarch really appeared? ! 】

【Among the younger generation in this world, the first monarch comes from the hand of our goddess! 】

[I just want to ask, who said just now that the goddess of the imperial capital can't do it? 】

[The first monarch among the newborns in the country, the only one, the well-deserved number one in the country! 】

The shouts covered everything, and the sarcasm just now could no longer be heard.

The headmaster of the imperial capital showed surprise, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

"At a critical moment, the sleeping lord actually entered the realm of a monarch?!" He couldn't believe it.

Many principals were also shocked.

Among them is Principal Ziyou, who just mocked the emperor.

Unexpectedly, within a few minutes, Bai Xingwan actually broke through the restrictions and created the first monarch creature of the new generation in the entire Federation!

Such a historic scene is enough to be recorded in history and become the first person!

Didn't her previous ridicule directly become a joke?


"This is the Goddess of the Imperial Capital, it's really terrifying!"

"Breakthrough monarch before the battle, definitely worthy of the title of number one in the country and the strongest of the new generation."

"Good job Bai Xingwan, follow this momentum!"

"The light of hope of our imperial capital, the future leader of the human race, lead our imperial capital to victory!"

"Su Lin province is just a stepping stone, beat them!"

On the side of the Imperial Capital Division, the crowd was enthusiastic, and even many players joined in the shouting.

At the match scene, Bai Xingwan stretched out her fist forward.

Staring at the giant in front of him, a sharp edge flashed in his tough eyes.

"If this is the limit."

"Then at this moment, go beyond the limit!"

The voice fell, and the Sleeping Lord took the lead.

The soaring water column rose to the sky, and it spread the long and narrow wings on its back, jumped up, and went straight to the demon emperor.

Due to breaking through the monarch, the power of the sleeping lord has been greatly enhanced, and his height has also skyrocketed to 500 meters, which is half the height of the demon emperor.

The two collided rapidly, and for a while they were evenly matched.

This scene once again stunned the audience outside.

Bai Xingwan closed her eyes tightly, recalling the past again and again in her mind.

Responsibility, responsibility, faith, honor, is this what she must shoulder as a goddess of the imperial capital?

Perhaps this is the meaning of her existence.

Bai Xingwan raised her arms and called out, the sleeping lord suddenly jumped up, catching the boss's red cross with one hand.

Afterwards, Green's fist, which was covered in water, hit the opponent's body, causing a layer of spray.

The boss's blood volume plummeted, Bai Xingwan's points gradually increased, and the imperial capital reached 27 million points.

It is only one million away from the first Su Lin province!

The headmaster of the imperial capital was so excited that his chest heaved. In such a battle, he was on the verge of extinction, and the monarch came down.

If he can defeat the emperor, turn the tables and win the game, it will be enough to make a big mark in history!

Let the name of Goddess ascend to the altar completely!

But at this time, in the anxious atmosphere of the audience, only Guli Starcraftsman remained calm.

He half-closed his eyes, said nothing, and even had no expression on his face.

Although the monarch is strong, he will eventually lose to the emperor.

He knows very well that no matter how grand the evolution is, it will not be able to bridge such a large gap.

Gradually, the demon king entered a red blood state, with blood volume lower than 50%, unfolding a red barrier, and fell into a rage.

Bai Xingwan was out of breath, and seemed to have little energy left.

"It's still one million points away, and it's almost over."

"However, you probably can't hold it anymore."

"Even so, let us fight to the last moment together!"

"Never back down!"

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