All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 405 Even If There Is A Strong Wind, Life Will Never Give Up

【Ding! Contestants in the Su Lin competition area, all creatures of Bai Ze have entered a state of out-of-combat, and are going offline...]

【Ding! Go offline successfully! 】

In the illusory space, Hypageton and Shihuang came here.

Entering this land, time and space will be completely static, so there is no need to worry about the deterioration of the injury.

Seeing this, Hypagedun finally relaxed and fell to the ground, as if he had lost all his strength.

It has been fighting fiercely for a long time. It was just holding on to death before, but now it has been completely beaten back to its original shape.

Bai Ze himself returned to the present world directly after going offline.

The Eastern Division is calm, but it is also devastated, with traces of fighting everywhere.

But it also means that the competition in the Eastern Division is completely over and the dust has settled.

Now everyone's eyes are on the Western Division.

"Bai Ze, Bai Ze?"

"Bai Ze..."

In the ear, a soft call sounded.

Bai Ze opened his eyes half asleep, and saw a small hand dangling in front of his eyes.

"Bai Ze, are you awake?"

"It scared me just now. I saw you being besieged by Qin Xinlian and Zhao Qi."

"I thought you couldn't go offline, so I almost went online again to help you."

Bai Ze looked around, familiar room, familiar people, it seems that he has successfully logged out.

"However, you did a great job."

"Now our points have directly run over the imperial capital, and we have really achieved a comeback, ranking first in the country!"

Xia Yinyue stepped forward and hugged Bai Ze tightly, who was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

That's right, at this moment, the points of Su Lin's province have been fixed, and there will be no further reduction.

Next, it is to look at the operation of the imperial capital.

"Opponent, what's the situation now?" Bai Ze asked.


The TV screen in front of me switches.

Sitting on the sofa on the other side, Tang Qingcheng gently shook the handle in his palm.

"Look, this is the case."

"Huh?" Bai Ze was taken aback.

Xia Yinyue also got up from Bai Ze.

On the TV screen, it was the live broadcast of the Western Division.

At this time, black clouds overwhelmed the city, and the world was shrouded in a gray mist.

The ground was submerged by thousand-meter-high sea water, and huge waves rolled in.

In the mist, there was a gigantic monster like Mount Tai, slowly revealing Green's skin.

It is covered with tentacles, spreading dark ravings, making people crazy and obsessed.

Most importantly, Bai Ze was also very surprised when he saw the state of this monster.

"Isn't this... the sleeping god in Legendary in that system myth?"

"How did it appear here, and this realm."

Sitting next to Bai Ze, Xia Yinyue explained, "This is a creature that Bai Xingwan summoned."

"Just now, it has completed its evolution and entered the realm of the monarch."

"Now the whole country is boiling. It can be said that it is the only monarch creature in our new generation."

Hearing the word 'monarch', Bai Ze was startled again.

Not only does such a huge monster have a strong bloodline, but it also has a monarch level? !

I'm afraid it is much stronger than the withering storm I encountered back then.

They are not at the same level as Mu Han and Yan Yan.

It can only be said that he deserves to be the biggest opponent in this competition.

The level cannot be underestimated.

"Wait, something's wrong."

"What's the situation in the Western Division, why didn't I see other creatures."

"There are many factors for this." Tang Qingcheng paused and said.

"But you just need to know that all the other players have gone offline, and now Bai Xingwan is facing the boss alone."

"The point difference between our two provinces is only one million. If she can defeat the boss alone, then the imperial capital has won."

"If she can't, then we will win."

Hearing this, Bai Ze nodded.

An emperor-level creature, facing it alone?

This is a task that no one present can complete, right?

But despite thinking so, Bai Ze turned his eyes to the screen, showing a nervous look.

One million points is nothing in front of a huge boss.

In his own competition area, there are no more points to harvest.

If she really wins the boss, Su Lin will definitely lose.

Bai Ze's current mood is like keeping the rankings in the early morning at the end of the month, afraid that someone will overtake him.


The waves are continuous, and the sleeping lord is ready for the competition.

With the movement of its wings, the powerful wind force pushed the sea water away, tearing a vacuum zone abruptly.

Thousands of tentacles waved, followed the pace of the sleeping lord, and rushed upwards in unison.

At this time, a tsunami set off, like the energy of a bomb explosion of millions of tons, hitting the scarlet barrier.

The tentacles wrapped around the Sleeping Lord's body, forming a drill-like shape on its arms, sliding down mucus, and constantly beating the Demon King.

In the Eastern Division, this barrier will only appear at 50% bloodline.

It takes tens of thousands, or even more than a hundred thousand creatures, to break through.

And the Sleeping Lord wants to do what hundreds of thousands of creatures can do by himself.

"Not enough, not enough...

"The old gods shouldn't only have this ability!"

Amid Bai Xingwan's command, the Sleeping Lord swung his fists even faster.

Consisting of tentacles, the constant impact hits the red barrier, forming waves of ripples.

Suddenly, the demon emperor seemed to be awakened.

He suddenly raised the red cross in his palm and swung it downward.

This unexpected blow was unexpected by the Sleeping Lord, and immediately flew backwards after being hit.

The audience outside the stadium was amazed, and their hearts were beating in fright.

The Sleeping Lord didn't fight back immediately, but just let out bursts of raving, and in the deep darkness, he summoned more tentacles and slime.

They are attached to the side and turned into Cthulhu's most powerful combat weapon.

It flapped its wings, and faced the boss again and again, striking again and again, without any sign of retreating.

[No, still no, that barrier needs at least tens of thousands of creatures to break through with a combined attack. 】

[Although the monarch is strong, there is nothing he can do by himself. 】

[Even the barrier cannot be broken, victory is almost out of reach. 】

【Have you reached the limit? Damn, is there really no way? ! 】

The headmaster of the imperial capital looked solemn and his face was tense.

Bai Xingwan was cultivated by him alone, and he didn't believe that the other party would not fall here.

Even if it's just a fluke, even if it's just an expectation.

Even if it's just a fantasy.

"Huh—" Bai Xingwan took a deep breath.

Looking ahead, the two constantly colliding with each other, Youyou said: "Even if there is a strong wind blowing on the ground, I want to ride the wind and break through thousands of miles."

"I said, if this is the limit."

"Then at this moment, go beyond the limit!"

With a deep moan, she evaporated into boundless divine power.

Feeling this power, the sleeping lord rose violently, and the powerful belief trended him to stand up continuously.

Waving its tentacles, roaring wantonly.



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