All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 5 The Second Simulation, Marching To The Ocean

In deep thinking, time passed quickly.

After a while, another familiar sound came from Bai Ze's ear.

【Ding! The 30-minute cooldown is over, and the host can start the next simulation at any time! 】

Just do it!

Knowing that the cooldown was over, Bai Ze immediately crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

Let your consciousness enter that sea of ​​stars again.

This time, his main goal is to enter the ocean!

"System, start the simulation, start ten consecutive draws!"

With an order, ten subtitles appeared again on the system panel in front of him.

After a rough sweep, this time Bai Ze's eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay, just these three talents!"

In addition to the Tianlongren who were temporarily fixed last time, this time, there are two rare talents.

[Biological Advancement (Blue)]: Creatures are more likely to undergo metamorphosis, gaining new strength and posture.

[Extraordinary Arrival (Purple)]: Biological evolution is accelerated, and it is easier to give birth to extraordinary creatures.

The purple-level talent is still linked to extraordinary creatures, and this time there will definitely be a new breakthrough!

【Ding! After the talent is selected, the host is asked to choose the item to carry. 】

"Bring them all!" Bai Ze said without hesitation.

After everything was selected, Bai Ze's perspective changed again.

The world in front of you is clearly visible!

[At the beginning of the birth of the world, the gods opened up the land, rained water, and adjusted the climate. (Land card, rain card, ecological card activation)]

[Early First Era: You placed the White Ape Tribe on land, made clay and placed it in the lake. (Clay manufacturing activated)]

[Middle of the First Era: According to the vague memory in his mind, the white ape began to develop with biological instinct. 】

[And the clay creature that has been silent at the bottom of the lake for a long time, due to the climate and environment, the body has undergone some changes. 】

[A small part of them turned into small fishes, filled the ecological vacancy, and wandered in the ocean. Most of them turned into a 60 cm long creature called a horseshoe crab! 】

【Ding! Marine life, horseshoe crab is born, creation value +10. 】

"Horseshoe crab? Is this an ancient creature?!" Bai Ze said excitedly.

He continued to look down.

[Late First Era: With their hard shells, horseshoe crabs are invincible in lakes, and most of the small fish are used as food. 】

[At the end of the First Era: The horseshoe crabs that had obtained territorial rights and a lot of food began to multiply. 】

[Among them appeared, a larger-bodied clansman with a bright and plump shell, named King Crab! (Tianlongren activates)]

【Ding! High-blooded creatures, king crabs are born, and the creation value is +20. 】

[Early Second Era: Led by the King Crabs, the Horseshoe Crabs perfectly dominated the lake. 】

[Under continuous precipitation, due to the large-scale reproduction of horseshoe crabs, the area of ​​the lake has increased dramatically, and it has returned to normal proportions, 3 kilometers of ocean! 】

【Ding! The proportion of the world returns to normal, and the ability to automatically produce biological resources is restored! 】

【Ding! The world area has reached a critical point, and it has been automatically solidified by the host! 】

[Note: The ratio of land to sea in the world is 1:3. 】

"Why has the area increased and the ability to automatically produce has been restored?"

"Could it be that if the creatures multiply enough and are strong enough, the world can be enlarged?"

"Also, if the world reaches a certain size, can it still have a function similar to archiving?"

Bai Ze asked three questions at once.

[Yes, host. 】

The system replied.

At this moment, Bai Ze felt that his choice this time was really right.

With the ability of the world to produce itself, at least there will be no scene like the last round, the battle of trapped beasts.

In addition, this archive function is also, if you have it.

After that, there is no need to start the simulation from the initial state, which greatly enhances the efficiency of world development!

However, this scene did not last long.

Then there was a change.

[Middle of the Second Era: Just as the horseshoe crabs dominated, a creature called squid emerged from the cells born in the ocean. 】

【Ding! Marine life, squid is born, and the creation value is +10. 】

[Late Second Era: The squids intend to clash with the horseshoe crabs and compete for control of the sea. 】

[At the end of the Second Era: During the battle, the soft tentacles of the squid, a mollusk, could not break through the hard shell of the horseshoe crab. 】

[So you found that these squids changed their strategies, they transformed before the battle, their bodies grew larger, and the ink spit out of their mouths evolved a hallucinogenic and anesthesia effect. (Activation of biological advancement)]

【Ding! The poisonous squid is born, and the creation value is +20. 】

"This has evolved from a melee player to a ranged player?" Bai Ze recounted.

The world has the ability to resume automatic production, and the first native-born organisms appear.

Bai Ze is still looking forward to it, it will show in the future.

[Early third era: The poisonous squid sprayed the poisonous ink in the body, and penetrated into the horseshoe crab through long-range attacks. Their carapace can resist physical attacks at most, and it is ineffective against this kind of magic attack. 】

[In the end, the poisonous squids defeated the horseshoe crabs almost without a fight and drove them out of the sea. 】

[Middle of the third era: After the defeat, the horseshoe crabs felt that since the ocean was impassable, they would try to march to the land and compete for a piece of their own territory. Unexpectedly, they happened to meet the White Ape Tribe. 】

[The horseshoe crabs who had no intention of fighting again wanted to migrate with the leader. Unexpectedly, the white ape tribe was so motivated to fight that they even wanted to treat all the horseshoe crabs as food! 】

[Late third era: under the threat of their lives, the horseshoe crabs had no choice but to clash with the white ape tribe. 】

[But because there are no hostile forces on the land, and they have multiplied for nearly three epochs, the White Ape Tribe has almost occupied the land plate. 】

[And reproduced quickly, even learned to use flames, and various stone tools, and even created a powerful weapon such as a slingshot! 】

[Horseshoe Crab had already suffered a defeat, and was already devastated. In the conflict with the White Ape Tribe, he was helplessly defeated, and finally withdrew from the stage of history. 】

Bai Ze looked at all this and felt a little regretful.

However, in the process of biological development, the extinction of one race after another is inevitable.

What surprised him was that the White Ape tribe, which he hadn't observed for a long time, could already use tools and make fire? !

[Late third era: Because of the horseshoe crabs, the White Ape Tribe realized for the first time that there is such a thing as ocean in this world? 】

[They like to fight, it seems that some kind of gene in their blood has been affected, not only want to become the overlord of the land, but also want to become the overlord of the sea! 】

[At the end of the third era: the advance troops of the White Ape Tribe marched into the ocean, but as soon as they stepped into the shallow sea, they were stunned by a black toxin contained in the seawater and drowned in the sea. 】

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