All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 6 This Is Neither, Nor Is That, How To Play?

[Early Fourth Era: After suffering, the White Ape Tribe did not dare to approach that strange sea area, which was even called the Sea of ​​Death by them, and it was named the Forbidden Land! 】

[Middle of the Fourth Era: Due to the lack of conflict, the two races began to multiply and develop rapidly. 】

[All kinds of common fruits are born on the mainland, and various resource foods such as seaweed and kelp are produced in the ocean. The oxygen content in the world has risen rapidly, and the world has expanded in a large area! 】

【Ding! The diameter of the land breaks through to 10 kilometers, and the ocean expands to 30 kilometers. 】

【Ding! The area of ​​the host planet has reached the threshold, and the system has automatically fixed the host! 】

Seeing this, Bai Ze felt happy for a while.

"Sure enough, with the development of the ocean, creatures will have more space to live, and they won't be crowded together to die." Bai Ze said with satisfaction.

Now the area of ​​his planet has reached the level of ordinary awakened people, which can support stable development.

Although compared to a genius like Xia Yinyue, it's still not nearly as good.

But how can you say that he is also a real genius?

Genius, how can it be so easy to surpass?

"One step at a time, take your time, and you will always be able to surpass!" Bai Ze said firmly.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

Not every peak lasts forever.

After all, there is still time to go down the mountain.

[Late Fourth Era: The rich ecology led to the birth of a large number of creatures, but it also made the world chaotic, especially the ocean]

[Many large, carnivorous shark species were born. They have almost no natural enemies in this sea area. They once shook the dominance of the poisonous squid and made the ocean intensify. 】

Seeing more and more chaos in the ocean, Bai Ze became a little anxious.

The world is prosperous. Although there are more food resources, there are also more creatures.

What followed was a large-scale battle, which could easily lead to accidents.

"I hope that the extraordinary descendant will appear soon." Bai Ze said weakly.

[At the end of the fourth era: The size of the large shark is too huge, and the toxin of the poisonous squid has little effect on it. Under their ruthless hunting, the poisonous squid family is driven to a desperate situation. 】

[Early Fifth Era: The poisonous squids in the desperate situation exploded with great potential, and transformed their bodies once again. They returned to the original power era, their bodies grew enormously, and they grew rounder tentacles, and Strong suction cup. 】

【Ding! Marine life, king squid is born, creation value +30. 】

Bai Ze's eyes were full of excitement when he saw the birth of the king squid.

In his previous life, the king squid was also a dominant creature in the ocean.

Its body length is even 13 meters, and it once confronted a sperm whale!

But the squid has evolved twice, why hasn't the extraordinary advent appeared yet?

Could it be because the trigger of this talent needs to reach a certain threshold.

And the king squids haven't reached it yet?

[Middle of the Fifth Era: With its tentacles, the king squid can screw a large shark to death as long as it catches it. 】

【However, in the process of victory, an unknown number of creatures were affected and killed, and the marine ecology was almost destroyed. The originally prosperous ocean gradually became dead. 】

[Late Fifth Era: The ocean has completely fallen into a trough, and the king squid, which cannot survive, intends to migrate to land to find the possibility of survival. 】

[It's a pity that the land at this time lacks development, and has already run out of ammunition and food. Even the White Ape tribe, which was originally the overlord, has had a meal without a meal. 】

[At this point, due to the shortage of resources and food, all creatures are extinct, and the energy of the mother star is exhausted, so new creatures cannot be born. This simulation is over! 】

"Uh..." Seeing this, Bai Ze was a little embarrassed.

I didn't care about the land for too long, and as a result, that piece didn't develop well, and I died directly.

" it still all dead in the end?" Bai Ze sighed.

There are too few creatures and insufficient resources, and eventually starve to death.

There are too many creatures, the disputes become bigger, and eventually they are killed.

That's the current state of the simulation, land and sea.

This is dead anyway, how can he play?

"With you, I'm really corrupt..." Bai Ze said helplessly.

Then, it's time to keep the creatures you get.

[White ape race, horseshoe crab, king squid, and many other sharks...]

At a glance, Bai Ze is a bit in trouble.

Although the white ape race is not strong in physique, they are superior in their extremely high IQ.

After the baptism of time, he will use weapons and fire.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the world's first civilization can evolve.

But the size and strength of the king squid made Bai Ze's heart skip a beat.

A proper potential level creature.

"Well... I choose to temporarily fix the king squid." Bai Ze said.

After weighing the pros and cons, he still chose to keep the king squid.

Even though the White Ape Tribe was about to produce civilization, it was still short of strength in the face of absolute power.

"That's all, if you temporarily fix your talents, you can choose to descend from the extraordinary."

Bai Ze takes the lead!

Just now, the extraordinary descended, and the entire round of simulation was not used.

Bai Ze guessed that it should be the creatures in his hand, none of which reached a certain threshold.

It's like the level mechanism in Pokémon. Only when you reach a certain level can you evolve Pokémon.

So Bai Ze still chose it and decided to try again next time.

【Ding! This simulation is over, the cooling time is 50 minutes! 】

A system beep sounded in my ear, and the cooling time was quite long this time.

Bai Ze decided to take a look at his brand new world first.

"System, I want to check my real world!" Bai Ze called out.

In the next second, a round sphere appeared in front of Bai Ze.

Inside its thin world wall, a green continent and a vast ocean really appeared!

However, when I checked my backpack, the three resource cards had disappeared.

"As expected, there is no such thing as a free lunch." Bai Ze shook his head and said.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something again.

In the previous simulation, because I don't have continents and oceans, I don't need the creation value.

And now that there is 10 kilometers of land, do you need a lot of creation points when the simulation starts?

"Fortunately, after two rounds, I have accumulated a lot of creation points, which should be enough." Bai Ze said to himself.

Observing that his world was indeed fixed, he withdrew.

After waiting for 50 minutes, Bai Ze was not idle.

He picked up his mobile phone, ready to inquire about some things about biological advancement and extraordinary things.

But at first glance at the time, it was suddenly startled.

"No way, two days have passed, could it be that the time flow in the simulator does not match the reality?" Bai Ze was shocked.

During the simulation just now, Bai Ze only felt a snap of his fingers.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to reality, two days and two nights had passed. The time difference really made him unacceptable.

"Since this is the case, the time is tight, and there is no time to waste it." Bai Ze frowned.

After all, he began to quickly flip through the information on the phone.

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