All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 7 The Ocean Reached Its Peak And The Birth Of The Devonian

Needless to say, this investigation actually found two development paths for Bai Ze about extraordinary creatures.

The first development route is extended by intelligent creatures.

Similar to humans, the body is relatively weak, but the IQ is extremely high.

Can use various tools and weapons, use extremely strong intelligence, and advance to an extraordinary creature.

And the second, without a doubt, is the simplest prehistoric creature.

With a simple mind and well-developed limbs, he can be invincible in the world with his physical body alone.

As long as it is big and strong enough, there is a high probability that it will advance to an extraordinary creature.

Helpless, Bai Ze has given up the white ape race.

Then there is only the second method, which can be tried!

In the process of querying information, time flows quickly.

After a while, a notification sound came from the system.

【Ding! After the cooling time is over, the host can start the simulation at any time! 】

"Time is running out, it seems that we have to hurry up." Bai Ze cheered.

Not sleeping for two days is not a big deal to the Creator who has awakened the world.

They are born with powers that are different from ordinary people. If they can't even do this little thing, what's the point of awakening?

"System, start the simulation!"

After pondering over and over again, Bai Ze decided to continue to develop towards the ocean this time.

The last simulation lasted for two centuries longer than the first one.

This also proves in disguise that it is right to develop towards the ocean.

As the saying goes, you can only win if you dare to fight.

He wants to muddy this basin of water and make the creatures grow stronger!

As for how to solve it, it all depends on one's own luck that there will be large-scale battles between creatures.

If you can get something, a more secure talent, then it will be easy!

【Ding! Due to the increase in the size of the host world, this simulation will consume 100 Genesis Points. 】


"Yes." Bai Ze hesitated and said.

Sure enough, this simulation will use the creation value.

Fortunately, I saved a lot before. If it is only at this price, it is not too much for the current Bai Ze.

【Ding! Ten consecutive draws have been released, please host to choose. 】

What caught my eye was another ten simulation talents.

This time, Bai Ze read it carefully.

There was a burst of joy at first, and then a face full of doubts in seconds.

"What is this stuff?"

He clicked, a talent on the panel.

[Visitors from Other Worlds (Purple)]: Creatures in the world have a small probability of being able to hear some top-secret news from the depths of the universe, and it is also possible that some interesting things will happen!

Top secret message from the universe?

Could it be the skill of giving treasure? !

Bai Ze thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

I can't control that much, anyway, it is one of the few purple talents.

Even if he didn't know what it was for, he would still carry it, maybe a miracle would happen?

[Steady to win (blue)]: There is no certainty of victory, and creatures generally do not easily form enemies, which greatly reduces the possibility of disputes.

"That's it!" Bai Ze affirmed.

This talent is exactly what he needs now.

It can greatly reduce the conflict between creatures and let the world develop safely.

【Ding! The talent has been selected, please the host to decide whether to carry items. 】

"Bring the king squid and make it with clay."

This time, Bai Ze decided to abandon the land completely.

Focus on the ocean with all your heart!

【Ding! Carry the item successfully, and the simulation begins! 】

[At the beginning of the world, continents and oceans, various scenes of prosperity have initially taken shape. 】

[Early First Era: You released the king squid family into the ocean. They felt the familiar atmosphere, quickly integrated into it, and directly promoted to become the overlord of the ocean. 】

[Middle of the First Era: Because there is no old enemy, the king squid race multiplies rapidly, and small marine organisms transformed from cells have also begun to appear one after another to fill the ecological gap. 】

[Late First Era: The world's land grew to 20 kilometers, and creatures such as ammonites, armored fishes, and bamboo stones were born in the ocean, and the world became chaotic. 】

[However, some subtle changes have taken place in the air of the world, but you don't know what caused it. 】

"Has the air in the world changed?" Bai Ze wondered.

Could it be because of that unknown talent, a visitor from another world?

Bai Ze frowned, and continued to read.

[At the end of the first era: above the ocean, there is often a kind of light blue mist floating, which covers the original rich oxygen on the continent, but you don't know what it is. 】

[However, the marine life exposed to this mist has a faint tendency to evolve. 】

[Early Second Era: Under the rule of the King Squid, all creatures in the world heard some intermittent voices. 】

[Lost ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Aura¥#▓@■. Absorb. 】

【Get▓▓▓◆as soon as possible▓▓▓¥#find▓@回■.◆ come. 】

[Middle of the Second Era: The creatures and plants in the world all live in that light blue mist, who would have thought that this has accelerated dramatically, the speed of their evolution and transformation! 】

[Late Second Era: In the Second Era alone, a large number of native organisms were bred on land and sea, and many ferns, gymnosperms, and a large number of food resources grew on land! 】

[In the ocean, the number of creatures has increased dramatically, thousands of creatures have been born, and various large predators have been born one after another. The whole world has ushered in its peak moment. 】

[Among them, the development of the ocean is particularly obvious. With this fog, it shows a trend of a hundred times faster development]

[Countless seaweeds, kelp, corals, etc. fill the ocean. Due to the rapid reproduction of organisms, the world plate expands rapidly, the land extends to 30 kilometers, and the ocean extends to 90 kilometers! 】

[At this moment, marine life is constantly at friction, thriving, and in full swing, prompting the entire ocean to usher in a most prosperous period! 】

[Historical name: Devonian Period! 】

Good guy!

Bai Ze was stunned.

"This isn't mist, it's clearly spiritual energy, it's really a gift-giving skill!" Bai Ze exclaimed.

It's all up to now, how can he not see it.

The mist that covers the oxygen and promotes the rapid development of the world is actually aura!

This thing is also sold in the market, but it is not worth more than 100 million, let alone owning it, it is difficult to even look at it.

"This wave is really making a lot of money." Bai Ze was extremely excited.

There is also this Devonian period, which was the most prosperous era of marine life in ancient times!

This achievement has completely exceeded Bai Ze's estimate.

A record high has been set!

"Hehe, since that's the case, let the storm come more violently!"

"System, throw clay into the ocean!"

Bai Ze's eyes were full of excitement, and it decided to take advantage of this momentum to make the whole world more chaotic!

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