All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 8 Extraordinary Creature Kun, Mass Extinction

[At the end of the Second Era: The clay creature you put in evolved into a dominant creature in the ocean, Dunkleek! 】

"The overlord of the Devonian period?"

Bai Ze was a little nervous, but he had no regrets in his heart.

He decided to take a gamble, if he didn't succeed, he would be benevolent!

[Early Third Era: With the birth of Deng's fish, various overlord creatures appeared in the ocean one after another, but they were all extremely cautious, and they were not sure of victory. Seek victory in the middle)]

"As expected." Bai Ze's whole body seemed to be discouraged

It seems he was betting right.

In such a chaotic ocean, it is surprising that there is no fight, thanks to this talent.

[Middle of the third era: You discovered that there was a second voice in the universe, but this voice was only heard by a race called the sperm whale. 】

[The ¥ocean of ▓▓▓planet▓▓▓▓▓▓#underground▓has @我们■need. 】

[According to these unknown voices, some members of the sperm whale family relied on their memories and really dived into the depths of the seabed, and found a huge pebble with a blue and white body, which was named kyanite! 】

"It has appeared, the voice from beyond the sky has appeared again!" Bai Ze said with fiery eyes.

He eagerly wanted to see what effect that kyanite could have!

After all, the last round of aura has changed the entire mother world!

[Late third era: The sperm whale swallowed this kyanite in one gulp, and absorbed all the power contained in it, causing a super mutation in its body! 】

[Its body length extended to 18 meters, its teeth became sharper, and it evolved into the legendary dragon whale! 】

[At the end of the third era: This dragon whale became the leader of the sperm whales with a perfect posture. 】

[After this, it was overwhelmed, and its powerful body seemed to have reached a certain upper limit, causing it to undergo an unprecedented secondary mutation again! 】

[You find that its blue and exquisite patterns cover its whole body, and its front fins become wider and longer, like a pair of huge wings, gliding freely in the water. 】

[The ocean created huge waves, and countless rolling bubbles gathered around the dragon whale, and thousands of whales below worshiped. 】

[The area of ​​the world is increasing rapidly, the land extends to 50 kilometers, and the ocean exceeds 150 kilometers! 】

[Countless plants are popping up crazily, as if they are supporting the birth of a new king and praising the greatness of the gods! (Extraordinary Descend activates)]

【Ding! The extraordinary creature, Kun, was born! 】

"..." After a brief silence, Bai Ze roared directly, "Damn!"

"With a body length of 30 meters, it can still glide quickly in the water? It's just taking off!" Bai Ze said pleasantly.

I'm afraid if it wasn't for the simulation stage, he would have jumped up excitedly.

Extraordinary creatures!

Literally, it means that this creature has transcended the mundane and possessed unparalleled absolute power!

Now it is only the third day of awakening, if counted according to this time, except for those children from the aristocratic families in the city center.

Among the students of the academy, Bai Ze is already the well-deserved number one!

Even a genius like Xia Yinyue can only kneel down and sing conquest for herself!

"This time the bet is right, and you really have to fight hard to win." Bai Ze chuckled.

First came the appearance of the Devonian, and then the birth of extraordinary creatures.

Bai Ze is already looking forward to what good things will happen next.

But while he was happy, what Bai Ze didn't know was that danger was approaching quietly.

[At the end of the third era: Kun, who successfully advanced to an extraordinary creature, attracted the surrender of all the overlords in the ocean, and was supported as the lord of the ocean. In a true sense, he achieved the status of overlord. 】

【Ding! The first ocean overlord was born! 】

[Early Fourth Era: The peak of the ocean continues, creatures continue to multiply, the continent expands to 80 kilometers, and the ocean breaks through 240 kilometers. 】

[But just when everything was at its most perfect stage, the world was in a prosperous period, and some strange voices came from the depths of the universe again. 】

【The south of that ▓▓planet▓◆▓▓▓good¥#▓East@■.◆West. 】

[These voices are heard by almost all creatures on the planet. 】

[Middle of the Fourth Era: When the creatures were still researching why they could hear these sounds, they suddenly discovered that a bright scarlet beam of light flashed in the sky! 】

[You discovered that it was a gamma ray burst! It smashed towards the mother star, and the ordinary creatures were turned into ashes in the breath, but the extraordinary creatures didn't even persist for more than a second under this force! (Activated by visitors from another world)]

[At this point, the entire world has been penetrated, the mass extinction of creatures, and even the Milky Way where your planet is located, have also been razed to the ground! 】

[This simulation is over, and the total creation value is 5000 points! 】

"Huh..." Bai Ze took a deep breath.

After a while, he woke up from the trance.

"Zhuo!" Bai Ze yelled angrily.

At this moment, he finally realized the last words of the visitor from another world.

Interesting things will happen, so that's what it means!

The old saying is true, in this world, how can there be such a good thing as a pie in the sky?

It's not that I don't pay it back, but that the time has not yet come!

There is also a price to be paid for prying into other people's secrets.

It is estimated that he was brought to trial because he was discovered.

"Alas... After all, the strength is too weak." Bai Ze said with emotion.

He looked at the vast sea of ​​stars, the universe is so big, how could there be only human civilization?

There are also countless alien civilizations lurking in the distance of an unknown number of light years, and they are enemies of human beings!

Those voices are probably made by them, and if the snooping is discovered, they will naturally be sanctioned.

Fortunately, this time, it is fortunate that so many creation points have been produced, and an extraordinary creature has finally been born.

As long as you can keep it, you will definitely not lose money!

【Ding! Please choose the host to simulate the harvest this time. 】

[Kun (extraordinary creature), king squid, Deng's fish, deinosaur, mosasaurus, light blue aura, kyanite...]

"Not only creatures, but also items?" Bai Ze wondered.

Everything was so good that he was a little hesitant.

Extraordinary creatures are definitely the first choice, but Bai Ze still wants this king squid.

This thing has no temper, which is much better than the ferocity of those large carnivorous creatures.

As the initial overlord, it is undoubtedly the best choice to rule the ocean.

【Ding! 】

[Note: The harvest temporarily selected by the host will disappear if it is not used in the next round of simulation. 】

[If you want to permanently obtain the harvest in the simulation, you need to consume a fixed number of creation points, and the permanently fixed creatures are not included in the temporary harvest! 】

With the explanation of the system, Bai Ze understood.

Then the extraordinary creature must be preserved forever!

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