All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 517 Vitality Declines, Bai Xingwan Is On The Verge Of Death

With a loud bang, all the battleships in the sky exploded.

From the depths of the sea, tentacles drilled out, poking them from the bottom.

The lord in yellow stood in the center, his slender tentacles spread across the bottom of the sea, so weird and unpredictable that he couldn't grasp the trajectory of his movements at all.

At the same time, His robe fluttered, as if being blown up by a storm.

Chaotic dark spheres surrounded the body of the Lord in Yellow.

Then it seemed that the tracking system was activated, and it flew towards the commanders.

The sleeping lord held the Old God's War in his hand, and rushed forward as a warrior to assist the lord in yellow to attack.

After losing the blessing of divine power, the War of the Old Gods became a melee weapon.

The sharp three-edged fork exudes an ancient aura. If it is hit, the scars left will not be healed by any means.

The commanders who had been struggling for a long time to recover their physical strength with healing item cards became a little embarrassed at this moment.

The dense tentacles and bombing force them to move at a high speed, barely avoiding being hit.

It is impossible to get close to the master in yellow, let alone the sleeping master, interfering in front.


There was an explosion.

Bai Ze turned his head and saw that the Zu Xing had been hit!

What's even more surprising is that they just wanted to use the space transition system to escape from this encirclement.

But he didn't want to, the space transition system couldn't be used, so he was hit!

In other words, is the space of this world blocked? !

"The space is blocked?"

"You still have so much divine power?" Bai Ze couldn't help sighing.

Bai Xingran on the opposite side didn't reply, but was still concentrating on mobilizing his godhead.

Since the arrival of a large number of commanders, the one-sided massacre has begun.

Although Bai Ze has the advantage in numbers, he can't resist the absolute difference in realm.

This one creature is worse by a large margin, and even ten of them may not beat one.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Near the last land, there were explosions one after another.

Every time it exploded, another creature in Bai Ze died.

The audience watching from the audience, their eyes somewhat dodged.

That scene was simply too bloody.

Xia Yinyue couldn't help reaching out her hand, and pulled Tang Qingcheng's arm, looking very flustered.

Mu Han crossed his arms and chatted with the sons of God, sometimes nodding and sometimes shaking his head.

"Ouyang Xing is handsome."

"That boy, should be all right?"

Elder Hong was beside him, muttering in a low voice.

Ouyang Hou shook his head and said quite seriously, "It should be fine."

"Even if it is a double godhead, this kid must have a way to deal with it."

The current situation can be regarded as one against two.

After all, Bai Xingwan has dual godheads, but Bai Ze has nothing.

However, Ouyang Hou just trusted him, it was so simple.


The one-sided massacre lasted for almost twenty minutes.

During the process, Bai Xingwan didn't say a word.

In contrast, Bai Ze, in such a short period of time, the number of creatures lost was even more than the previous five hours.

He clicked on the system panel and took a closer look. There were only about 10,000 members left.

Consuming it all the time is not an option.

Bai Ze clicked on the system backpack, and he was going to use his hole card, the monster cemetery!

But at this moment, an accident happened!

Originally, Bai Xingwan squinted her eyes slightly and had a flat face.

Suddenly the divine power was released, and he took a few steps back, almost falling to the ground.

"elder sister!"

"elder sister!"

"What's wrong with you, sister?!"

Seeing this, Bai Xingran shouted with all his might.

However, Bai Xingwan did not reply.

Instead, he frowned, stepped forward in two steps, and continued to exert his divine power to support the activation of the divine spark.

"Sister, stop!"

"I feel that your divine power has been reduced. Are you committing suicide?"

"No, stop now..."

Gradually, her voice faded and then disappeared.

Bai Xingwan suppressed Bai Xingran, with her mouth half open, panting heavily.

But it was obvious that the strength in her body was disappearing little by little.

The originally rosy little face became a little pale.

Outside, after observing that the enemy's attack slowed down, Bai Ze was stunned for a moment, and did not take out the monster cemetery.

Immediately afterwards, even the strength of the original creature weakened little by little.

Bai Ze instantly understood!

This means that Bai Xingwan's divine power should be coming to an end soon.

"The whole army obeys orders!"

"The opposing offensive has weakened, their ceiling has been reached."

"Seize the opportunity and do your best to counterattack!"

When Bai Ze gave an order, a large number of creatures raised their heads together.

Then, the horn of counterattack sounded.

Knowing that the opponent was starting to weaken, the troops retreating while fighting began to counterattack with all their strength.

There are even creatures that jump on the opponent's face desperately.

After death, even a leader-level creature can't withstand a few explosions at close range.

Bai Ze had to hurry up.

Because Bai Xingwan's divine power has bottomed out, Bai Xingran must be replaced next.

He couldn't resist the wheel battle for so long.

We must take advantage of Bai Xingwan's weakness to consume them more!

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

"Your divine power has bottomed out, this will endanger your life!"

Bai Xingran spoke again, but Bai Xingwan still didn't answer.

In anxiety, Bai Xingran couldn't bear it anymore.

If Bai Xingwan's divine power bottomed out, she might be swallowed and completely dissipated.

She has to stop!

Even this will impress the game.

After all, nothing is more important than a sister.

"Sister, I'm sorry."

"If you have to do this, then I can only do this."

After all, a majestic divine power exploded from Bai Xingwan's body like a sea wave.

She opened her beautiful eyes and forcibly suppressed this force.

It's a pity that Bai Xingran, who has absorbed Bai Xingwan's power, is already much stronger than her.

She activated her divine power and was competing with Bai Xingwan for control of her body.

To be honest, she hasn't used this trick for a long time.

Because only when I was ignorant when I was a child, would I compete with Bai Xingwan, who I didn't know, for control.

After they became their own sisters, the two of them discussed who would be in charge of their bodies and when.


Finally, accompanied by a sonic boom.

All the divine power pervading Bai Xingwan's side was dispersed by the shock.

Bai Xingran successfully gained control of his body.

The difference is that Bai Xingwan was not suppressed.

Her spirit body, after Bai Xingran won control of her body, broke away from the front.

"how come......"

Bai Xingran was surprised, as if he had seen something terrible.

She hurriedly took a step forward, supporting Bai Xingwan's spiritual body that was about to fall to the ground.

It was only after observation that she found that her breath was already very weak.

The divine power he was holding on to just now was already his full strength.


Bai Xingwan yelled, and all the covers fell apart in an instant.

The high wall built by the divine power, as well as the powerful aura, are gone.

Bai Xingwan was at the end of her strength, her face was haggard, and her vitality was extremely depressed!

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