All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 518 Never Let Anything Happen To You! A New God Is About To Be Welcomed!

"Sister, why are you doing this?"

"This battle will obviously be won soon."

"With the power of origin, accompanied by a god, devouring can be contained."


Bai Xingran's voice fluctuated, with a hint of crying.

Bai Xingwan's divine power was exhausted, and she gave almost all of her strength.

And at this moment, the spirit body is fading and disappearing little by little.

"Ran Ran, don't be sad."

Bai Xingwan stretched out her hand, and gently stroked Bai Xingran's cheek.

On her face that had been dignified for a long time, there was a long-lost serenity.

"The gate of chaos has been opened."

"Just now, my sister has created enough advantages for you."

"Take them and win this game beautifully."

Bai Xingran pursed her lips tightly, her eyes flushed.

"Why..." she said in a low voice.

I'm afraid that if I make it louder, I won't be able to hold back on the spot.

"This is the result of my sister's own choice." Bai Xingwan comforted.

"Promise my sister."

"Win this game, with the most dazzling gesture, and take back our accompanying fetish."

"Then fuse it and go to the highest peak!"

Bai Xingwan gently caressed Bai Xingran, even though she was dying, there was still a trace of firmness in her pupils.

"I don't understand." Bai Xingran shook his head.

"Obviously we can win this championship together and get back the power of origin."

"Why, you choose this way."

Bai Xingwan didn't answer this question, but just when her figure was about to disappear.

With his hand, he lightly pressed on Bai Xingran's head, and stroked it slowly.

"We Ran Ran are the most obedient."

"Promise my sister?"

"Sister...just tired, tired..."

"Just wanted to take a break..."

Her voice became softer and her body became more transparent.

After Bai Xingwan closed her eyes gently, she dispersed into a particle and gradually disappeared into the air.

This means that the divine power is completely exhausted and is about to be completely swallowed.

Bai Xingran's tense face could no longer hold on.

"I disagree!" she snapped.

"Sister, I don't agree with you leaving me!"

Suddenly, the divine power around her exploded and soared into the sky.

The surging power swept across the world, and behind Bai Xingran, there seemed to be a shadow of a god.

Devouring a lot of Bai Xingwan's power, she has almost evolved to a complete body.

Under her urging, this force surged towards Bai Xingwan in her arms.

Reverse Tiangang!

Reverse transport!

Bai Xingran desperately activated this forbidden technique!

The reason why it is a taboo technique is the so-called reverse transport.

There is another saying that people cannot be resurrected after death.

If one wants to use divine power to revive a dying person, the end result must be double death!

But I have to say that this moment did ease Bai Xingwan's demise.

Her dissipated body began to freeze, as if being stretched by something.

Feeling the movement, Bai Xingwan, who was originally calm, opened her eyes.

"Ran Ran! What are you doing?!"

Bai Xingwan looked at Bai Xingran in shock.

Look at the body that stopped dissipating at this time, and the divine power that was continuously poured in.

She understood in an instant!

"Ran Ran, take back your divine power quickly."

"Back to Tiangang, reverse transport, there will be no results!"

"In the end we're both going to die."

Bai Xingran bit her red lips tightly, just like Bai Xingwan just now, she didn't seem to hear anything.

Rumble! ! !

With monstrous divine power, there were continuous explosions.

As Bai Xingwan said, both of them will be finished.

The disappearance of Bai Xingwan's body was indeed restrained, but Bai Xingran felt a sharp pain all over his body.

With the disappearance of divine power, like Bai Xingwan, her figure became transparent, scattered into particles and disappearing.

"Sister, I won't let anything happen to you."

"Whatever you want to say or do."

"After this battle, I will patiently listen to you."

"So please hold on to me now!"

She almost exhausted all her strength, swearing something.

Bai Xingwan stared at her blankly, for some reason, she couldn't utter the persuasion stuck in her throat.


When the two of them conveyed their divine power, they couldn't see it from the outside.

Especially Bai Ze.

He only noticed a group of creatures, not only their strength was greatly reduced, but their mobility was also weakened.

It's like a high-tech armor suddenly lacks parts and turns into a dumb zombie.

Seize the opportunity, Bai Ze doesn't care so much.

The sooner the battle ends, the better for him and the two sisters.

Therefore, he asked the army to increase its attack strength and attack frantically.

On the other side of the high ground, the family members counterattacked more and more fiercely.

The two sisters are transporting divine power, lacking divine power to control, and commanding a large number of commanding creatures, they can only act according to instinct.

Fighting against Bai Ze obviously won't gain any advantage.

On the main battlefield, the confrontation between the leaders is even more so.

For high-level creatures, a slight mistake may cause accidents.

Not to mention, it was the Creator who left the battle directly.

Seeing that the Lord in Yellow's offensive was weakening, Bai Ze ordered the six commanders to launch a counterattack with all their strength.

The sleeping lord who had already been seriously injured, without the cover of the lord in yellow, was easily broken through by Hai Pajedon and other leaders.

Lacking the support of divine power, the Lord in Yellow was unable to defend, and was staggered by the attacks from all directions.

The sudden defeat of Bai Xingwan's creatures caused doubts on the sidelines for a while.

"What's going on here?"

"Did Bai Ze do something?"

"I don't know, why did the Goddess' attack suddenly weaken?"

"It shouldn't be. Bai Ze didn't do anything. Could it be that the Goddess is releasing water and trying to tease Bai Ze?"

Obviously, this statement is too far-fetched.

If you want to see something, it has to be the referee's seat.

"Contestant Bai Ze didn't do anything, but Goddess' attack slowed down."

"Hmm..." Principal Su Lin suddenly fell silent.

Then, he blurted out: "The divine power of the goddess seems to be decreasing."

"I don't know why, but this should be the reason why the biological offensive has slowed down."

Several other principals also nodded in agreement.

They all felt that Bai Xingwan's divine power was decreasing.

The headmaster of the imperial capital couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Is it possible that this situation occurred because of the activation of the double godheads, which required a lot of divine power?

However, no one can intervene in the situation on the field.

Not to mention interfering, sometimes the players can't even see what they are doing.

Because there are spectators outside the arena, it is necessary to prevent cheating by sound transmission.

But in the audience, there was only one person who had a different attitude from everyone else.

There is no confusion and doubt in His eyes, but more anticipation and excitement.

At this moment, the god of the Federation caressed the armrest of the chair and smiled.

"It's finally time to enter the final chapter."

"Then witness the birth of a new god!"

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