All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 519 The Second Reversal Of Godhood, The End Of The Lord In Yellow!

Wang Yang rushed to the sky, accompanied by a loud 'plop'.

At this time, the Sleeping Lord had fallen into the ocean.

The old God's War dropped his hand, floating on the sea level, and sinking slowly.

The master in yellow was left behind and became the main target of the leaders.

At the moment, the state of both sides is not very good.

After a long and fierce battle, all the leaders were also covered with injuries.

The time for healing is not as good as the time for fighting.

"The Sleeping Lord has fallen, and he has no fighting power for the time being."

"Don't be in a hurry to make up the knife, go to encircle and suppress the Lord in Yellow!"

Bai Ze raised his arms, and under his order, the six leaders dispersed.

The Renhuang and Zu Xing were forced to turn on the waterproof system and temporarily sank to the bottom of the sea.

The only one still able to move, the Demon King Star, led the last group of battleships and launched an attack from the right wing.

Seeing the beams of light passing across, the tentacles of the Lord in Yellow were blown up.

When the gap is torn open, Kunpeng Taotie, Gatanjieer, etc. attack, and they can easily touch him.

As a mage-like creature, the Lord in Yellow has weak defenses.

What's more, he was the one who commanded the peak, and even the sleeping lord of the monarch level was brought down.

With such a defense, how could it withstand Bai Ze's indiscriminate bombing.

In just a short moment, the Lord in Yellow was a little staggered, and his breath was sluggish.

But on the other hand, Bai Ze has almost reached the limit.

"Hold on."

"Defeat him, and your mission is over!"

Bai Ze spoke encouraging words.

The leaders compressed every ounce of strength in their bodies, without reservation, and fought back with all their strength!

At the same time, in the opposite space.

Bai Xingwan used all her strength to grab Bai Xingran's wrist.

"Ran Ran, it's useless."

"Let go."

"One of us must die, this is destined."

Bai Xingran pinched Bai Xingwan tightly, but did not let go.

"I can not do it."

Seeing Bai Xingran, he was about to disappear with him.

Bai Xingwan was emotional, and suddenly turned up the volume: "Ran Ran!"

"This is my sister. I made a decision two years ago."

"You can't change anything, you will only die with you."

"Let it go now and take over the game, or we're really going to lose."

Bai Xingwan paused for a moment, then lowered her voice: "Promise my sister."

"Go on with my share, let go."

Bai Xingran's eyes were dim, unmoved.

However, after a moment of silence, she suddenly spoke.

"Sister... I can't let go."

"You said, you made a decision two years ago."

"Then now, can I use the same method to change this decision?!"

While speaking, there was a faint divine power in her body, which was being squeezed and passed away quickly.

Feeling wrong, Bai Xingwan was shocked.

"Ran Ran, you can't do this!"

"Inverting Tiangang and transporting it backwards is life-threatening!"

Bai Xingran ignored it completely, and replied with a pale face: "Sister."

"I dare to do what you dared to do before."

"And I'm sure you'll be fine."

Hearing this, Bai Xingwan started to struggle.

The dissipating body seemed to exert the greatest strength in this life, trying to get rid of Bai Xingran.

Reversing Tiangang and reverse transportation are originally taboo techniques.

What's more, the two had already used it once before.

Even if she succeeds by luck, Bai Xingwan's vitality will be seriously injured.

Now, Bai Xingran actually wants to use it again. Could it be that this is a play and can be repeated infinitely?


However, the majestic divine power has burst out from Bai Xingran's body, and has been transported into Bai Xingwan's body without reservation.

And at this moment, Bai Xingwan's godhead, which had already been dim, also underwent a slight change.

It started to shift abruptly, was pulled out of the body, and drove towards Bai Xingran.

Bai Xingwan wanted to stop it, but she couldn't do it at all.

The risk of this taboo technique is simply too great.

The first time, she was seriously injured, and even if she succeeded the second time, it would definitely be at the level of hemiplegia.

Not to mention, once the delivery strength is not grasped, or it is interrupted midway.

If the ritual fails, the transporter will die on the spot.

"Quickly stop...Ran Ran." Bai Xingwan hoarse.

"Even if you succeed, it's of no use."

"The last time I transformed into a godhead, I have already bottomed out."

"Even if I survive, I won't be able to exert my full strength."

Bai Xingwan might have a lot of worries, but Bai Xingran didn't.

She shook her head and said firmly, "I don't care that much."

"It doesn't matter what power it is, or what honor it is."

"All I know now is that I must never let go!"

While speaking, a force surrounded the two of them.

Bai Xingwan was powerless to resist, even though she had exhausted all her strength, she could not shake Bai Xingran.

In the outside world, the loss of the Creator for a long time has led to an irreversible collapse.

The family members perished wantonly, and the black goat cubs were almost extinct, leaving only a group of star family members and many leading creatures to support them.

On the battlefield where the leaders clashed, the Lord in Yellow was beaten to the point of crippling.

Faced with encirclement and suppression, they were powerless to fight back.

"I don't know, I don't know."

"I don't know, what is this doing?"

There was a bustling sound from the spectator seats.

"Why did it become like this?"

"The dual godheads activated, and they had the upper hand just now, almost swallowing Bai Ze."

"As a result, the goddess is suppressed to the point of being completely wiped out?"

Such a scene also made many principals feel puzzled.

If it's just a buffer for a while, it's acceptable.

But in the current situation, Bai Xingwan seemed to be disconnected directly, and she didn't know what she was doing at all.

"Can you see something, is there something wrong with Xing Wan..."

At this time, the headmaster of the imperial capital turned his head and asked the God of the Federation in a low voice.

"Indeed." The God of Federation nodded.

"There is indeed something wrong with the goddess."

"However, the headmaster of the imperial capital can rest assured."

"Because it's not a big problem, it can be resolved quickly and then the game is over."

Hearing what the God of the Federation said, he couldn't help being even more puzzled.

But since everything was said to be fine, the headmaster of the Imperial Capital naturally didn't want to ask more questions.


"Everything is going according to the original plan."

"The stage has been set up for you, it's just the last step."

"Bai Ze, work harder, it's time for you to appear on the stage." The God of the Federation murmured.


In the competition world, staring at the master in yellow who was seriously injured and dying.

All the leaders assembled, ready to deal him the final blow, to knock him down completely.

"He's dying."

"The last blow, knock him down!"

All the leaders looked at each other and used their last energy.

Colorful feathers fell from the sky all over the sky, surrounded by wooden vines, purple light flew, and there was strong acid in the mouth of the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

The long-range attack has arrived first.

Waiting for the master in yellow to stalemate.

Afterwards, Taotie pierced the sky with his sword, and a golden light suddenly appeared.

A dazzling flash pierced through the body of the Lord in Yellow.

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