All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 68 The Last Hole Card, The Spiritual Recovery With All The Power Of The World

At this time, the corners of Bai Ze's mouth raised silently.

"An enemy that can't be defeated at all?"

"I do not understand."

Said, Bai Ze has raised his head, his face is full of confidence.

Once the recovery of spiritual energy reaches the extreme, the plants will submerge the entire planet.

And it extends to the universe, sending out indiscriminate attacks.

"In other words, not only my creatures, but you will also be attacked, right?"

The revival of spiritual energy is the last hole card left by Bai Ze.

It was precisely because this was a simulated war that nothing would happen even if the planet was blown up, so he dared to make such a bold move.

It's just that I didn't expect that it would actually come in handy in the end!

In the outside world, the creators and students are already dancing and furious.

"It's a plant! Those green things are all plants!"

"But, in Bai Ze's world, why did so many plants suddenly appear?!"

Just now, their attention was drawn to the place where the two armies of the mechanical planet fought.

I didn't even notice that the plants on Bai Ze's planet were growing crazily. Looking back now, it almost filled the entire planet!

"No, your focus is wrong!"

"The most important thing should not be why these plants can break through the world wall and rush to the universe. Aren't they afraid of cosmic radiation?"

"Furthermore, this dense plant is actually moving towards the last man!"

Watching the world of Bai Ze, Su Lin Province, the creators in the creation buildings in various urban areas, tens of thousands of students who were eliminated, all stared wide-eyed, for fear of missing half of the excitement.

The same was true for all the teachers in the preparation room, and many of them got up excitedly.

Pound Xingjiang was even more bewildered, and his mouth immediately opened into an "o" shape.

"What's the matter with those plants, Bai Ze's planet is filled up, and the creatures are also squeezed to death by them."

"Those plants seem to be attacking indiscriminately, they are attacking the last man!"

The big screen in the whole province was zoomed to the maximum, to see the competition between the two goals from the macroscopic perspective of the universe.

I saw countless vines, branches, and wooden sticks drilled out of Bai Ze's planet, frantically rushing towards the mechanical planet.

The latter sensed that something was wrong, and tens of thousands of missiles fired a volley, starting to launch a devastating blow on those plants.

But it's no use, no use at all!

"What the hell are those plants? What a terrifying recovery ability!"

"Being hit by a missile, it was already broken, but it grew back in the next second, and it was still dozens of times in a row. How did you do it?!"

"It can't be blown up, it can't be blown up at all, could it be that Bai Ze did all of this!"

The students' teeth were shaking in shock, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

The plants are still moving forward, the aura revived ten thousand times, and the speed of destruction of the opponent is far less than the speed of the regeneration of plants!

So that in the end, the plant extended to its side, wrapping the last man round and round, entwining it tightly.

Bai Ze looked at the plants covered by the sky, and his smile grew stronger.

The ultimate annihilation under the recovery of tens of thousands of times of spiritual energy is also his last fight with all the power in the world, and he will never allow failure!

Off the court, Pang De clearly saw that these plants were Bai Ze's masterpiece.

With a bad look in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "Opportunistic, I'm afraid it's not enough to use this method to restrain the old man's last man!"

In a word, all the systems on the body of the Terminator, which is as huge as a planet, are fully activated and fully fired.

Countless missiles, laser rain, shells, and light beams emitted from the planet, comparable to the brilliance of destroying the world, are wantonly destroying those plants.

The power is so great that the whole world turns red and green, and the raging fire can even illuminate this starry sky, which is extremely magnificent!

However, under the recovery of ten thousand times of aura, the growth rate is too fast!

The frenzied plants will not stop, and the plants covering the sky also cover the sky, devouring the sun and the moon, and drilling into the mechanical planet!

Wrap it tightly so that the entire planet cannot move.

Even if the firepower is fully fired, it will not help after all!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, Teacher Zhou Qing couldn't help laughing.

She turned her camera and looked at Pound on the side, her face full of relief.

"How is it, Pound Starsmith?"

"I've just said it, until the last moment, no one knows who will win or lose!"

"These plants covering the two balls are all the masterpieces of Bai Ze, your last one, but they have already been entangled!"

"This time, the overall situation is settled!"

Seeing this, Pound became anxious for a while.

He jumped up and rushed to the front of the big screen.

It was suddenly discovered that those plants were still increasing, and the strength of the binding was getting bigger and bigger!

As a result, the entire mechanical shell of the final man was squeezed to the point of cracking, and sooner or later there was a risk of being compressed and exploding.

"Hmph! Teacher Zhou Qing, you have to know that the student's creature is also in the mechanical planet!"

"If the mechanical planet is gone, they won't be able to survive, and they still won't be able to win. At most, they will die together!"

Speaking of this, Teacher Zhou Qing shook his head calmly.

"Starsmith Pound, are you too anxious and forgot something?"

"The rule of the simulated battle is that whichever side dies first will be judged to be a failure."

"If the Terminator dies in front of Bai Ze's creatures, Bai Ze will win!"

Teacher Zhou Qing said bluntly.

Outside, cheers, jumps, roars.

The creators of all cities and districts in the whole province are singing loudly and shaking.

Because the final big boss is about to be defeated, the undefeated legend of Su Lin Province will be completely broken today!

And they will be the ultimate witnesses!

"Impossible!" Pound Starsmith immediately retorted.

"The planet I created cannot be defeated by new students, I don't believe it!"

He waved his hand, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Then he looked at the two balls again, and said with a gloomy expression, "Isn't this kid going to die together?"

"Okay! I'll fulfill him! It just so happens that I'm in the mechanical planet, and I still have the last hole card left!"

"That's the legendary self-explosion system!"

The loud voice rang out, and all the teachers in the preparation room fell silent.

Teacher Zhou Qing's expression changed rapidly, and he looked at Pang De with surprise in his eyes.

Explosive device?

A leader-level peak, comparable to a monarch-level creature, is actually equipped with a self-destruct device?

Is this Pound star craftsman crazy?

Just a freshman test, as for this?

"Moreover, the trigger mechanism of this self-destruct device is that when the last person is injured and life-threatening, it will explode directly!"

"Everything around it will be shattered into nothingness!"

Pound's mental state was a little crazy at this time, and he seemed particularly excited.

There is no doubt that the self-destruction of a creature comparable to a monarch level is likely to reach the middle level of the monarch level, or even a full blow of a high level!

Under such an explosion, Bai Ze's creatures could not survive at all.

Could it be that in the end, it can only end in a draw?

Teacher Zhou Qing was a bit unwilling, and so was Bai Ze!

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