All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 69 The Big Bang, The Final Winner

"Look quickly, why is there a red light flashing on the body of the final man?!"

"That thing seems a bit a self-explosion system?!"

"How is it possible? There is a self-explosive device hidden on such a terrifying monster, and it keeps people alive?!"

The students outside the field couldn't believe it.

At this time Tang Qingcheng also came out, and Liu Mei confirmed with a frown: "It can't be wrong."

"The place where the red light is flashing should be storing a huge self-explosive device!"

As the eldest daughter of the Tang family, Tang Qingcheng has seen a lot since she was a child.

She had also heard of this kind of explosive device.

As for why Tang Qingcheng failed to discover the self-explosion system on Mechanical Godzilla, it was because the Dragon of Order in her hand was too strong.

He didn't even give Mechanical Godzilla a chance to show the self-explosion system, and killed it in seconds.

However, this sentence caused an uproar in the audience, and the faces of the students turned pale.

"Even Miss Tang said that this is a self-destruct system, so it shouldn't be wrong."

"Damn it! If this monster is really allowed to blew itself up, then we will all die together, and we still can't win!"

The students also feel unwilling for Bai Ze, they have finally come to this point!

Layout layer by layer, steady and steady, the sudden tide of plants almost broke the undefeated legend of Su Lin Province that has never been broken for so many years!

Is it going to end so hastily?

On the other side, the scarlet flash continued to expand in the planet, and Bai Ze also realized the problem.

"There is actually a self-explosion system hidden in the body of this final man?"

"The heart of the questioner is really cruel!" Bai Ze frowned.

At the same time, the remaining creatures on the body of the final man began to desperately try to get up.

They keep trying and breaking through the limits of their bodies!

However, at the end, the creatures were exhausted one after another, and fell down one after another. Gatanjiehe and Kunpeng also tried everything, but they still couldn't get up.

Looking at the plants that spread into the mechanical planet, their faces were covered with ashes, and their eyes were filled with despair.

Only Jayden, the highest level Death Scythe, is still resolutely choosing to persevere!

Once it fell down, it stood up again. With its tenacious perseverance, a hot feeling suddenly swept through the whole body, and Jayden the Death Scythe felt full of strength.

The bursts of terrifying aura rushing out made its outer armor even more glamorous, making it extremely powerful.

Bai Ze could tell at a glance that it was the same as the previous round of simulation!

Death scythe Jayton is relying on his own perseverance to break through the rhythm!

"Look at Bai Ze's humanoid worm, its skin has turned red, accompanied by bursts of light!"

"This kind of scene... is an omen to break through to the Commander level!"

"Commander level? You mean, Bai Ze's creature is going to break through the command level, so there is a chance of survival?!"

The dawn of hope strikes again, and the whole province is full of noise.

Finally, under the anxious eyes of countless creators, Hypageton's whole body was wrapped in white light, and majestic power gathered in his body, resulting in an advancement beyond cognition!

At the same time, the final person also reached the limit of endurance, and the self-destruct system was officially activated!

Pound raised his hands excitedly, and said frantically, "It's over! It's over!"

"An explosion will destroy everything, so let's kill each other!"

Gradually, a gleam of light gradually diffused inside the final man, and the explosion was imminent at this moment!

The hard iron shell began to break, glaring flames spewed out from the inside, the earth fissioned, tsunamis surged, the sky fell, and the entire mechanical planet presented an apocalyptic scene.

The outside world was accompanied by a burst of brilliance that surpassed the limit. The mechanical planet was completely shattered, and the explosion in an instant, with a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, burned all the plants around it.

The spreading prestige temporarily lights up the entire dark and boundless universe for a few seconds.

The shining Milky Way is even more eclipsed in front of it!

Bai Ze, a planet occupied by plants, is the closest to the last ones.

The light wave of the explosion was destroyed, causing the planet to fall apart in an instant, and the mountains and ground were cracked. There was no time for the spiritual energy to revive and regenerate, and it disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars.

The light lasted for a long time, and the world returned to its original chaos, and the silence was terrifying.

The Creator, students, and teachers watching the battle all stared wide-eyed, showing dull expressions.

"The knot... is over..."

"With an explosion of this magnitude, even Bai Ze's planet would be destroyed, and there would be no living things left."

" seems that this is the only way to end up..."

Everyone in the province came to their senses and shook their heads, feeling a burst of regret.

Teacher Zhou Qing sighed lightly, and sat back in his seat a little bit disappointed.

However, after a while, the sound of the system reporting the results was heard on the big screens in the whole province.

【Ding! Tianzhou Academy, this year's freshman Bai Ze, the simulated battle is over! 】

[Through the above comprehensive data, the system gives an authoritative judgment score, and the result of this simulation is ▓▓▓▓...】

【Ding! It is judged that one of the creatures is dead, the winner of this simulation, the freshman of Tianzhou Academy, Bai Ze! 】

The last sentence was played over and over again, resounding throughout the province!

All the creators, classmates, and teachers trembled all over, and suddenly showed extremely shocked expressions.

Some students were so excited that they jumped up and said excitedly, "What's going on?!"

"Why is Bai Ze's simulated score a string of gibberish characters, and the explosion just now, didn't it wipe everything out?"

"It should be a draw, right? Could it be that there is a bug in the system?"

After this question was asked, the students became more suspicious.


One classmate seemed to have noticed something.

His body couldn't help shaking, and he pointed his fingers at the screen.

"No...not right! Over guys, watch the big screen!"

"In the upper right corner of the universe, there seems to be a black dot, what is that?!"

Following his gaze, everyone really noticed that tiny spot in the rain!

In the preparation room, when he heard that the system announced Bai Ze's victory instead of a draw, Pound was furious.

He slapped the table fiercely, stood up and ordered: "Zoom in! Zoom in quickly! What the hell is that?!"

After receiving the order, the big screens in the whole province began to zoom in on that point at this moment.

Seeing this, the pupils of countless creators constricted, holding their breath and concentrating, not daring to take a breath, and the world suddenly became quiet.

At the same time, as the screen was enlarged a little bit, a weird electromagnetic sound echoed throughout the universe.


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