All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 78 Translucent Ice Cubes, The Lich Family Outside The Universe

[Because of your method, the large army successfully escaped the cosmic turbulence twice. Apart from being hit by meteorites and bruising the dead members, the large army had almost no extra damage. 】

【And in front of their eyes, a huge light blue black shadow has appeared. Hypagedun led the team forward, and only after getting closer did they realize that this is not the monster they had guessed! Or something like a meteorite asteroid. 】

[Instead, it is a huge black block! Floating in the universe, the whole body is translucent. Through Hypageton's powerful vision, it seems to be able to detect something strange inside the ice cube. 】


"So that huge black shadow is just a big ice cube?" Bai Ze was slightly taken aback.

But in the universe, how could such a huge ice cube appear out of thin air?

When I saw it before, it was a hundred times the size of my own little ball, and now it is one third of my own planet.

Under it, the meteorites looked extremely small.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Bai Ze observed the last words of Hai Pajton.

The ice cube was translucent, and there seemed to be something inside.

"System, activate the God's Eye!" Bai Ze ordered.

【Ding! After receiving the command from the host, the eyes of the gods have been opened! 】

Bai Ze's eyes turned golden yellow, he stared at the ice floe, and was surprised to see a faint red.

"Is it a creature?!"

All of a sudden, Bai Ze reacted.

But with the thick ice floes on the periphery, the eyes of the gods can only see a little bit clearly.

It is still uncertain what kind of creature is inside, and whether there is only one creature.

"Hmm..." Bai Ze thought for a while.

So, he sent down an oracle in the universe.

[Just when the meteorite zergs surrounded the huge ice floe and didn't know what to do, you gave the direction and first ordered Hai Pajton to burn down the volume of the ice floe with black fire. 】

[Then order all the meteorites to collectively drag this ice floe back to the parent star, and don't open it directly in the universe for the time being, otherwise there will be a certain risk. 】

[Happageton ordered to release super-high-temperature black flames, and then prepared the meteorites to drag them back to their home planet. 】

At this time, an immature idea came to Bai Ze's mind.

A voice from the universe says that there are good things south of their planet.

Could it be that the target of those alien races is this creature in the ice floe in front of them?

What the hell is it that makes others covet it so much?

Bai Ze was looking forward to it, he decided to go back to his home planet and study this thing carefully.

But then, something bad happened.

[At the end of the second era: The ice floes melted a little bit, and just when they were about to be dragged, the third voice in the universe came into the parent star. 】

[All the creatures on your planet have learned about the information south of the home planet, but only the Transcendents who stayed in the home planet turned pale! 】

[They looked at the sky urgently, and sure enough, a little red light was gradually amplifying soon after, and as expected, it was a gamma ray burst! 】

[The moment it fell, it swept across the entire planet. Fortunately, the three clans barely survived the bombardment of the gamma ray burst by virtue of their tall city walls and strong strength. 】

[Unfortunately, the rest of the creatures are tragic. Their strength is low, and they turned into fly ash in the air in the aftermath of the explosion, and the entire race is almost extinct. 】

[The mother planet's ecology has been severely damaged, the forest has turned into dead wood, the soil has turned into scorched earth, and the blue ocean is also filled with various radioactive substances, which are extremely harmful, and the world area has begun to shrink sharply. 】

Bai Ze's perspective is in the universe, and he looks into the distance.

There are so many star points, they can't stop approaching here.

At first glance, the row of spaceships looked like interstellar battleships, with bright lights shining all over them!

Those sitting inside are all monsters with tentacles and extremely hideous faces.

Bai Ze preliminarily judged that it should be one of the alien races in the universe in the legend, the Lich family!

"The lich family?"

"The ones that emit gamma-ray bursts are from this family?"

Bai Ze felt a little shocked.

He made a rough calculation, and there are hundreds of interstellar spaceships coming towards him!

There is also a huge manatee-like monster next to it. It should be a witch beast specially cultivated by the Lich family. The number is close to 100, and the scale is extremely large.

"But why did the Lich appear here?" Bai Ze asked in distress.

Bai Ze has heard a little about this race.

It is also one of the races that have hatred against human beings, but their location should be in other multiverses. How could they appear in this small place like this?

Before I had time to think about it, the opponent had already attacked.

[Early third era: Many fleets are rushing towards the parent star. They seem to be communicating with each other. After discovering the traces of Hypageton's witch beast, they quickly turned around and headed there. 】

[It was discovered at a close distance that each of those witch beasts was a slave-level peak existence, and they could eject air cannons from their mouths, causing a wide range of explosions. 】

[You know that these liches should be here to fight for the ice, so you might as well issue an order immediately to let Hypagedon lead the meteorite worms to meet the enemy. 】

[In the universe, the two races launched a fierce confrontation, and the meteorites launched a charge. Unlike other creatures, they seem to be at home in the universe. 】

[However, the situation on the mother star is even worse. The Lich fleet fired lasers and bombarded the mother star indiscriminately while landing quickly. 】

[The three clans headed by Taotie were unable to enter the universe. They and the rest of the meteorite clan were all hit by the first wave of gamma rays, and more than half of them were collectively lost. The total number of people was less than 800! 】

[It also welcomed a wave of laser rain from the universe, and the staff was greatly reduced again. At this time, the state became more and more depressed. 】

[You found that these liches seemed crazy. As soon as they broke through the world wall of their parent star, they used their racial talents to activate the light cannon system in the starship with their own energy. 】

[The light beam fell, the sky island fell, the temple collapsed, and the Neptune Clan, the lowest state in the ocean, was the first to be bombed to extinction. 】

[Taotie and Kunpeng were furious, and united with the remaining meteorites to form a coalition army, and started the battle to defend the mother planet! 】

[The creatures of the three races flew into the air, fighting those interstellar warships in melee, and lost their long-range advantage. The liches obviously became powerless, and flames fell from the sky, heralding their death. 】

[The strange thing is that the Lich, who was gradually falling into a disadvantage, didn't panic at all, and didn't even have the slightest desire to escape. 】

[On the contrary, it became more and more crazy, launching a suicide charge, driving the battleship continuously, crashing into the creatures, causing explosions, and both of them fell! 】

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