All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 79 Thousands Of Fleets, The Black Hole In The Center Of The Storm

[For this kind of behavior, your creatures cannot avoid it, so you have to fight, and at the same time, you are replaced one by one. Although you barely defend your home planet, you are also dead or injured. 】

"It shouldn't be..."

Bai Ze stared at the simulated text and let out a long sigh.

For those liches, they don't know that this is a simulation.

Since this is the case, who would be so stupid as to launch a suicide attack on himself?

It's like they're running after something, running, a race against time?

Bai Ze was a little hard to understand, he continued to look down.

[Middle of the Third Era: The best recent situation is the meteorites who are outside the storm zone and fighting the witch beasts. Relying on the strength of the commander-level Hypageton, the witch beasts are all wiped out, and the army also suffers very little loss. 】

[In this battle, even though they were victorious, more than half of the casualties were overall. Except for the Meteor Zerg, the other three races were basically wiped out. 】

【You originally planned to let the meteorites return to their home planet with ice cubes to recuperate. After you have made enough adjustments, you can make a plan for the next step. 】

[But as soon as the creatures were about to leave, there was a dazzling light in the distant and dark universe, breaking their illusions. 】

[Happageton, who was floating in the universe, widened his eyes and stared straight at that direction, shocked for an instant! There are thousands of interstellar warships emitting that light in the distance! Coming here at full speed! 】

[Before you can react, the turbulent firepower immediately covered the past. The meteorites unfolded their armor and tried their best to resist, but the brilliance of the artillery fire was comparable to that of the sun, or even fiercer than the sun! 】

[In less than a few minutes, a large number of meteorites were blasted into dregs and fell into the universe. 】

[No way, you give the order as quickly as possible, let the meteorites quickly drop the ice, and spread out to escape, remember not to return to the parent planet. 】

Bai Ze did this for the sake of a fight.

He didn't expect that after the first wave of the Lich army, there would be such a large support army, which really surprised Bai Ze!

But since these liches are coming towards the black ice south of that planet.

So if you give them the black ice, will it stop the blow to your own creatures?

After thinking about it, Bai Ze ordered.

"System, open the Eye of God again!"

【Ding! After receiving the command from the host, the eyes of the gods have been opened! 】

【You opened the eyes of the gods and discovered all the weaknesses of those interstellar warships, but you didn't care about this issue, but looked behind the warships. 】

[In the hazy universe, an irregular building is slowly revealed in the distance. 】

【Surprisingly, you found out that it was a huge space station! It's about the size of your planet, and all the starships, liches, are traveling from there! 】

[At the moment of shock, thousands of interstellar warships have already arrived at the side of the ice floe. As you guessed, they are indeed here for this purpose. Soon, many interstellar warships will escort the ice floe and start return trip. 】

[Unfortunately, the remaining liches don't seem to be planning to let you go, they want to silence you! It was immediately divided into several waves, the largest wave directly invaded your planet and launched a devastating blow! 】

[The three clans, who had already suffered heavy losses, were unable to resist the army, and were finally reduced to ashes under the fierce artillery fire. 】

[Moreover, after staying in the universe for a long time, even the meteorite worms would not be able to bear it. Their flying speed was greatly reduced, and they were overtaken by the Lich in a short while, and they suffered a catastrophe. 】

[The lich drives the interstellar warships, each of which has the level of the first level of the warrior class. Under their siege, Hai Pajiedu had no choice but to flee, and it was difficult to fight back. 】

[Late Third Era: Your creatures are nearly wiped out, and the only one left, Hypagedon, was forced to a dead end, so he had to fly to the storm zone, trying to make those liches retreat. 】

[But the opposite side seemed to be desperate, hundreds of fleets, chasing after Hai Pajiedun, rushed directly to the storm zone! 】

[The further you go to the center, the greater the danger. Countless meteorites were blown and smashed into the spaceship, causing a large-scale explosion. There was also an uncertain cosmic turbulence. The engulfed liches scattered and lost their way. 】

【Relying on the fact that he is a living being, with a higher realm, and far more flexible than a machine, Hypagedun flew to the center of the storm zone, throwing away all the interstellar warships. 】

[But just when it thought it was safe and started laughing and laughing at the incompetence of the liches, an accident happened! 】

[In the hazy darkness, a giant black hole about three times larger than the Bai Ze planet appeared behind Hypageton! 】

【The powerful suction is like a pair of black hands, firmly binding Hypageton and dragging it into the black hole. No matter how the latter struggles or fights back, it will be of no avail. 】

[In the end, I was immersed in a bottomless black hole and completely disappeared into the world. 】

[At this point, the mother planet has been destroyed, and the host organisms are extinct. This simulation is over! 】

"Black hole?"

"What's going on here? How could there be a black hole in the middle of the storm zone south of my planet?!" Bai Ze opened his mouth wide.

If you think about it carefully, if there is a black hole there, then the appearance of the storm zone can also be explained.

The probability of forming a black hole is extremely low, and in a way, a black hole can be regarded as half a portal, but the uncertainty is too great.

If you are sucked into a black hole, you may be sent to a random location, or you may be swallowed by the black hole, and there will be no sun!

As for the environment in the storm zone, no accident, it was transmitted from other places through the black hole, and even the huge black ice had this possibility.

"Really..." Bai Ze shook his head in distress.

After this round of simulation, he felt dizzy.

If you want to get Xuanbing, you can't beat the Lich Clan.

You want to give up that thing, but they want to kill people to silence them.

The recent dilemma made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

【Ding! Based on the above data, the host has obtained a total of 3,000 founding points this time! 】

The sound of the system came from Bai Ze's ear.

In an instant, the displeasure just now was gone.

He raised his head suddenly and questioned: "What? You can also get creation points for fighting?"

【Ding! Completing anything related to "achievements" will give you genesis points. 】

[Including meeting a Lich for the first time, or destroying a Lich! 】

The systematic explanation immediately made Bai Ze smile.

If so, then he doesn't need to worry now, the creation value will be used up so soon.

"Understood." Bai Ze said seriously.

【Ding! This round of simulation is over, please choose an item to keep from the following options. 】

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