All People: Gunner? I Start Throwing Two-Way Foil

Chapter 193: 200 Billion Planets (Please Customize)

It is precisely because of this that the planet spirit can kill sanctuary-level monsters, and then quickly increase its own level!

But why isn't Spirit of Rift following suit?

Because it is too straightforward, or too afraid of Ye Ren!

In the consciousness of the spirit of the secret realm, all sanctuary-level monsters belong to Ye Ren.

If he doesn't open his mouth, the spirit of the secret realm dare not use it!

Hearing this, Ye Ren's face was complicated, he wondered if he didn't have the spirit of the secret realm?!

As for being afraid of being like this!

Ye Ren sighed and asked:

"Is the spirit of the secret realm still alive?"

The two phoenix blood god trees looked at each other, since the spirit of the planet slaughtered a large number of sanctuary level monsters.

The entire Breathless Land was eroded by it, and the spirit of the secret realm had no power to resist, and used its last strength to keep the Phoenix Blood Divine Tree.

And now this last trace of pure land is about to be completely eroded by the spirit of the planet!

Ye Ren lowered his head and murmured:

"No wonder I've been feeling weird since just now."

Through the all-seeing eye, Ye Ren saw a huge pupil that stretched across the Breathless Land.

With a panoramic view of everything, this should be the embodiment of the length of the planet.

Sure enough, after Ye Ren discovered this, the situation in the Land of No Breath changed!

The spirit of the planet stopped playing, the earth began to tremble, and the majestic energy condensed on the dry ground, and finally turned into a sky-reaching titan!

Its purple-brown body is turbid, and its humanoid body also has four limbs, but its head is a ferociously distorted irregular spherical shape!

As a life conceived from the dead zone, the spirit of the planet can be described as extremely ugly!

【Death Realm Star Gathering (Saint Realm)】

[Race: Intelligent Spirit Body]

【Planet Spirit】

【Level: LV999】

【Gang Qi: 900/900】


The full level of the sanctuary is the limit in the low-level area of ​​Blue Star, and the spirit of the planet still has a terrifying 1 million blood points!

As a will generated from the planet, as long as the planet is not on fire, it is basically immortal!

Any damage can quickly recover blood!

Coupled with the upper limit of a million points of health, it is no wonder that the spirit of the secret realm lost to it, the difference between the two is indeed very far.

While being stared at by the spirit of the planet, red floating characters frantically appeared above Ye Ren's head——




This is because the spirit of the planet secretly released its innate skills, using the planet as a carrier to release coercion!

It is an extremely rare mental attack skill!

It's a pity that Ye Ren is in the state of quantum locked immortality, no matter how hard the planet spirit works, his health bar has not moved at all!

At this moment, the planet spirit felt curious.

It's not stupid, or it's quite smart, after all, it's the intelligence produced in a whole planet.

According to common sense, its brain is the star core, so the spirit of the planet is essentially equivalent to the AI ​​of a supercomputer!

When it was just born, it was curious about everything, but after being curious, it wanted to destroy Ye Ren!

Because after all, it is the consciousness born from the dead zone.

Destruction is its instinct, driven by this pure instinct, the planet spirit is even more destructive!

Strictly speaking, Ye Ren created a terrifying creature with his own hands.

If he doesn't manage it, the spirit of the planet will completely merge with the spirit of the secret realm and incorporate the Breathless Land into itself!

Asteroids will also gain the infinite expansion feature of The Restless Lands!

this means………

It will become a monster that only knows how to devour other planets!

This is undoubtedly a devastating disaster, as the number of devoured planets increases, the spirits of the planets will become stronger and stronger!

The most important thing is that it is very close to the blue star, after the fusion is completed, the planet spirit will unsurprisingly stare at the blue star!

With its sanctuary's full-level attributes, coupled with the planet itself, the people on the blue star basically have only a dead end!

Unfortunately, however——

Ye Ren made a move!

He looked very annoyed, thinking that if he had come earlier, he might have saved the spirit of the secret realm.

Anyway, they are friends who have been together for a while, and with Ye Ren's personality, if the spirit of the secret realm really died, he would be sad for a long time!

But at this moment, Ye Ren controlled the all-seeing eye and fell towards the incarnation of the planet spirit!

In any case, let's avenge the spirit of the secret realm first!

A silver meteor streaked across the sky, and Ye Ren strictly controlled the speed of the All-Seeing Eye, lest it hit too fast and cause the Restless Land to collapse.

Don't look at the non-resting land has now expanded to the size of an asteroid.

But under the impact of the all-seeing eye, even if it is a thousand times bigger, it will be instantly killed!

Accompanied by a piercing sound, the head of the planet spirit was smashed to pieces by the all-seeing eye.

At the same time, a silver floating word popped up above its head!

【Gang Qi-900】

A total of 900 points of stellar energy were all emptied in this instant?!

You must know that the value of Gang Qi can greatly weaken the damage received!

Even if it is a forbidden spell-level sanctuary skill, it is impossible to clear a hundred points of Qi all at once!

But Ye Ren did it!

He didn't even raise his eyelids. If it wasn't for being in a secret realm, the all-seeing eye would have shattered the planet itself!

The huge body of the planet spirit fell down, and the earth-shattering bang swept the entire secret realm!


In addition to the emptiness of the qi bar, two-thirds of the blood bar of the planet spirit also disappeared in this impact!

It panicked! The huge body quickly merged into the purple-brown ground!

Ye Ren murmured:

"Got to figure out a way to get it out."

At this time, the nano-cluster can be used, and the golden glow is scattered.

Countless tiny floating characters jumped out!




The spirit of the planet wants to hide, but it can't escape the attack range of the nano-cluster at all!

After all, Ye Ren opened the all-seeing eyes and covered the entire non-breathing land in the monitoring range.

With the precise cooperation of the all-seeing eye and the nano-cluster, the spirit of the planet had to temporarily suspend the fusion!

As it was removed from the Breathless Lands, the purple-brown land quickly came to life.

With the grassland under Ye Ren's feet as the center, tender grass and flowers grow on the barren and lonely ground.

Water flowed again in the dry riverbed.

The claw-shaped dark clouds in the sky also slowly dissipated, revealing the blue sky.

The spirit of the secret realm turned into a little snake and descended from the sky!

It clung to Ye Ren's neck, crying so miserably, it can be said that the listener shed tears and the hearer was sad!

It keeps choking:

"You're back at last! I almost died!"

The Spirit of the Rift is not exaggerating. If Ye Ren comes a few days later, then it will really be exhausted.

Fortunately, Ye Ren caught up, and it is still alive.

Ye Ren breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the spirit of the secret realm is not dead, everything will be fine. At this time, the spirit of the secret realm kept telling his grievances!

It said that it was bullied miserably by the spirit of the planet. It was first like this, and then like that...

Ye Ren said helplessly:

"You want me to avenge you, don't you?"

The spirit of the secret realm, which turned into a snake, nodded repeatedly. It was almost desperate to face the spirit of the planet.

But things are different now!

Because its master Ye Ren has come, the grievances suffered, will the spirit of the planet not close to pay back double?!

Regarding this, Ye Ren said lightly:

"That's exactly what I mean."

He left the Land of No Rest and set foot on the surface of the asteroid again, but this return felt the difference of the asteroid!

Because it has life at this moment, this planet has come alive!

……ask for flowers……


The earth is cracked, if you look down from the universe, you will find traces of the asteroid cracking, just like a big mouth!

The core inside the planet exudes a high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees!

You must know that the melting point of iron is about 1500 degrees Celsius, and the high temperature of 100,000 degrees is enough to melt everything!

At the same time, Ye Ren felt that the gravity had changed.

The planet spirit is trying to use gravity to forcibly swallow Ye Ren into the star core to kill him!

If it is someone else, there is a high probability that it will suffer.

After all, even a sanctuary-level powerhouse would find it difficult to maintain his actions under the crushing force of gravity.

It's a pity that the spirit of the planet met Ye Ren!

He said lightly:

"You can manipulate gravity too?"

The gravitational field is opened, and the scope keeps shrinking and shrinking, and finally only covers the entire planet.

Ye Ren snapped his fingers, Gota double gravity activated!

The planet shook at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dead land on its surface was slightly sunken downwards!

Especially the opening, originally the spirit of the planet just wanted to make a mouth out so that it could swallow Ye Ren easily!

But this gap keeps growing under the influence of fifty times the gravity, so that it can't even heal itself!

Planet Spirit feels fear and anxiety!


It can't understand what Ye Ren did to make it feel such a huge history for a planet?!

Ye Ren said lightly:

"Is this not enough?"

One hundred times the gravity is activated, and there is a loud noise from the planet itself, as if something is collapsing inside!

At this time, the spirit of the planet is completely incapable of taking care of other things, and it has done its best to maintain its own integrity!

The asteroid is now like an egg that is about to break, its interior is hesitant to speak, and it just needs a little more force.

It will crumble right from the inside out!

Ye Ren's eyes were indifferent, and at this moment, a large number of twisted rocks and dead poisonous plants suddenly appeared under his feet!

【The spirit of the planet has feared you】

It is begging Ye Ren to stop, and the instinctive will to survive forces the spirit of the planet to bow its head and surrender.

But Ye Ren just said coldly:

"No, you're too ugly."

The main body of the planet spirit is a dirty and twisted titan, which is not in the same style as the cute and small spirit of the secret realm!

Under the desperate mood of the planet spirit.

Ye Ren activated 500 times the gravity, which only lasted less than five seconds!

But these five seconds are enough to destroy a living planet!

With the sudden increase in gravity, the star core of the asteroid could not bear the pressure and deflagrated!

The high temperature and energy released in an instant are locked inside the planet due to gravity and cannot be transmitted out!

So this formed the second and third deflagration!

After several consecutive deflagrations, the star core and even the inner rocks surrounding the star core have reached their limit!

It's collapsing from the inside!

This is a completely irreversible process, Ye Ren watched as the red blood bar on the planet body dropped rapidly!




With one million blood points, it only lasted for less than four or five seconds!

When the blood bar was completely emptied, there was a slightly mournful sound inside the planet. The sound was like an explosion and a wail!

That cry is the last word of this planet!

A living planet with a full sanctuary level was crushed to death by Ye Ren with 500 times the gravity!

He looked at the universe, how many similar planets are there in this vast space?

The planets in the Milky Way alone have at least...

200 billion pieces!

Thinking of this number, Ye Ren was suddenly in a daze, and subconsciously took out the two-way foil.

Ye Ren once again realized how terrible he is!

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