All People: Gunner? I Start Throwing Two-Way Foil

Chapter 194: Ye Ren Makes A Star With His Hands! (Please Customize)

This two-way foil can easily destroy 200 billion stars.

No, it’s more than that, the Milky Way is too huge, but there are hundreds of billions of stars, satellites, meteorites......

In comparison, the spirit of the planet seems so small.

So much so that after Ye Ren crushed it with his own hands, an indescribable slight feeling was born.

He murmured:

"It's... so weak."

After the asteroid collapsed, the secret realm attached to it was a blessing in disguise. The spirit of the secret realm successfully merged and absorbed the collapsed star!

So far, the attributes of the Breathless Land have also changed!

[Land without Breath (Living Secret Realm)]

In a low-level area like the Star Sanctuary, there are only a handful of living book secret realms!

It seems too much to describe it as rare, because the conditions for the birth of a living secret realm are too harsh!

If it weren't for Ye Ren, the spirit of the secret realm in the non-breathing land has been eaten by the spirit of the planet, and the secret realm will disappear as a result.

And the star itself that devoured the secret realm will also become a new kind of monster!

Known as [Greedy Star].

It will greedily devour all nearby stars, inheriting the characteristics of infinite expansion of the secret realm, and keep growing itself!

There is no end to this process, it will only continue until the moment Zixing is destroyed!

But the living secret realm is different. Take the spirit of the secret realm as an example, it no longer needs to be attached to the real dimension, because it has already integrated "427" into the asteroid itself!

The difference from Greedy Star is that it is more rational, at least the spirit of the secret realm will not try to eat Blue Star.

A small snake that turned into a cloud came out of the air, and happily landed in front of Ye Ren, who couldn't help but thank you!

The spirit of the secret realm knows that he can have this day only because of the existence of Ye Ren!

Otherwise, the Restless Land will be destroyed in the first place, and it will not even have a chance to be born!

And when it was bullied by the spirit of the planet and was almost devoured, Ye Ren appeared and saved it!

The spirit of the secret realm can't cry, but the whole body it touches is filled with a faint white mist!

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

The Spirit of the Uncharted Realm doesn't know why Ye Ren treats it so well, is it just because it provides a warehouse for Ye Ren?

Or is it silently working hard to make the Phoenix Blood Divine Tree bear more fruit?

But no matter what, it has now become a living secret realm, the most special existence among all secret realms!

Ye Ren smiled faintly:

"Can you continue to expand now?"

He didn't think about it that much, at first it was just for experimentation, and he wanted to see where the limit of the so-called secret place of canceration was.

But as time goes by, Ye Ren is more and more pleasing to the eyes of the spirit of the secret realm. This cute little snake is so cute after getting used to it!

At this moment, the collapsing asteroid is gradually dimming, its star core has been extinguished, and the whole body has become a stone floating in the air.

The Spirit of the Secret Realm said embarrassingly:

"Yes, but I have to fix myself first...

This will be a long process, first of all, the spirit of the secret realm has to reunite the broken stars!

Sink metals with radioactive elements into the core of the star, re-ignite it to release energy, and make the star come alive again!

All this is easy to say, but it may take hundreds of thousands of years in practice!

Ye Ren frowned slightly at this:

"Is it so troublesome, let me try?"

Hearing this, the spirit snake of the secret realm was stunned. It can't try something like reshaping the planet?

I saw looking around, and randomly picked some stars from the orbit of the sun with the Möbius ring.

The universe is so vast that no one would notice the absence of a few celestial bodies!

But after seeing those stars disappearing from the starry sky and reappearing in front of Ye Ren, the spirit of the secret realm almost didn't collapse!

Is it possible for human beings to pick stars at random?!

And every asteroid picked by Ye Ren is no smaller than the one that was destroyed just now!

In front of these stars, Ye Ren is like a grain of sand in the desert, insignificant!

But it is such a small existence like him, who manipulates a celestial body that is countless times bigger than him at will!

This sharp contrast made the spirit of the secret realm feel his soul trembling!

It originally thought that it had become a living secret realm, a living planet, how can it be said to be a very strong existence, right?

But at this moment, the spirit of the secret realm realized that he was wrong!

It even has a kind of absurd idea, if Ye Ren wants to extinguish the sun, he can do it too?

But the spirit of Rift doesn't know that Ye Ren can not only extinguish the stars, he can even easily destroy the entire galaxy!

But these are not important, Ye Ren crushed the captured planets in front of the spirit of the Rift!

"A thousand times the gravity!"

Ye Ren threw out the gravitational field, and the force caused the stars to shatter!

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

But the spirit of the secret realm seemed to have heard the roar when the body shattered!

Their burning cores were exposed, and the rows of yellow star cores were as dazzling as small suns.

But at this moment, Ye Ren raised his hand slightly, controlling the gravity to condense the star cores one by one!

In the dark universe, the star cores shine with their brilliance, and in the high-pressure environment of the gravitational domain, energy cannot escape!

The spirit of the secret realm trembled, because it seemed to understand what Ye Ren was going to do, could it be making stars?!

Can humans really do this kind of thing!?

The spirit of the secret realm murmured:

"My God..."

I saw that the burning star core was bound together by gravity by Ye Ren, and the fusion reaction produced by the heavy elements emitted terrifying heat!

Even so, Ye Ren still frowned slightly:

"It still seems to be too little."

Hearing these words, the spirit of the secret realm almost collapsed, isn't that enough?!

It just wants to repair itself, not turn into a star!

But since Ye Ren has to do it, he has to do it beautifully. He added a little smoke to the burning star core.

What is a plume?


What happens when antimatter and matter meet?

The answer is explosion!

Matter and energy can be transformed into each other, and only a few grams of uranium is needed to release energy under the fusion reaction.

It is enough to cause a shocking nuclear explosion, and its central temperature can reach nearly 100 million degrees in an instant!

As we all know, there are two conditions for fusion to occur——

or heat!

or high pressure!

But now both of these conditions are met in front of Ye Ren, he released a fusion explosion of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius!

At the same time, it uses the gravitational field to pull the gravity of the core area to 500 times!

In this state....

The violent explosion even exceeded Ye Ren's expectations, and the light produced at that moment even surpassed the sun!

Eight and a half minutes later, the people on Blue Star will experience an unprecedented pure energy storm!

It stands to reason that this storm will turn the blue star into a red star in an instant, and all the animals and plants on the surface will be evaporated in an instant!

Fortunately, Ye Ren reacted quickly and immediately released the quantum lock to wrap Blue Star.

Only in this way can the tragic scene of life on the entire planet be reduced to ashes in this energy light burst be avoided!

Although this pure energy storm is extremely dazzling, it is still too weak compared to a supernova explosion or a horse storm....

Not long after, when the light dissipated, even Ye Ren couldn't help but shed a cold sweat, he almost took it off!

But the burning star core has become extremely dazzling at this moment!

Ye Ren continued to manipulate the gravity, continuously tempering the star core, forcing its mass and density to significantly increase!

High temperature and high pressure force the fusion reaction to become stable, in the quenching energy tide

A shining golden star core was born!

At the same time, a large amount of dust and rocks are attracted by gravity and wrapped on the star core, gradually extending and expanding into a spherical shape...

Ye Ren planned to build a star at the beginning, but after thinking about it, it is on the four acres of land in the solar system.

One sun is enough, if there is an extra round of stars suddenly, it may cause abnormal development of the movement of celestial bodies!

He finds it troublesome, and if something goes wrong, it will take a lot of energy to correct it, so Ye Ren settles for the next best thing.

So far, Ye Ren has completed a planetary creation!

He smiled lightly:

"Well, are you satisfied with this new body?"

The spirit of the secret realm trembled, it didn't know how to answer, and finally hung on Ye Ren's wrist feebly.

It needs to slow down before it can barely accept the super star that Ye Ren built for it!

[Land without Breath (Living Secret Realm)]

Or it can be called the Breathless Star, its size is now comparable to that of the Blue Star!

If one day the Blue Star is destroyed, the Land of No Rest can be used as a second resting place for human beings.

From a secret realm with an area only the size of a small county town, it has now become a planet with a radius of about 20 liters and nearly 8,000 kilometers!

The spirit of the secret realm feels that his life is simply a legend!

It was pulling on Ye Ren's wrist, spitting out apricot limply, it felt like a dream.

Now that the secret realm has merged with the star itself, the Phoenix Blood God Tree has also been transplanted outside.

The spirit of the secret realm trembled:

"Master, now it's not a matter of my dissatisfaction. This operation of yours has directly saved me thousands of years of struggle!"

If it is itself, it will take a long time just to repair the star, let alone grow to a size comparable to that of a blue star!

At this moment, the spirit of the secret realm is very grateful, thankful that he hugged Ye Ren's thigh tightly, otherwise how could he have today?

On the surface of the Breathless Land, monsters began to be refreshed one after another, and the start was at rank eight!

The ninth-rank monsters are also roaming around, and the occasional bosses in the wild area have reached an astonishing sanctuary level!

However, the Breathless Land now has no 3.5 masters of the secret realm. After becoming a living secret realm, the spirit of the secret realm also took over the authority of the master of the secret realm.

As long as it wants to "Spirit of the Secret Realm, it can refresh dozens of Holy City-level BOS$ at any time.

But Ye Ren was not satisfied with this, he murmured:

"I have to go buy some more..."

The purchase in his mouth refers to the abduction of tens of thousands of sanctuary-level monsters from the sanctuary thousand-story pagoda!

Because the previous asteroids have disintegrated, the current planets have new names.

So in the pioneering panel of the guild, a full-screen reminder for all members of the Dragon Totem guild popped up—

[Ye Ren (Pioneer): Has pioneered the endless star (living secret realm), and is setting up a teleportation point. Guild members can go to the unknown area that has been pioneered in two hours

At this moment, the Dragon Totem members on Blue Star looked at each other in blank dismay.

They wondered what kind of flirty operation Ye Ren is doing?!

After opening the frontier panel, the original asteroid teleportation point has failed and turned gray!

But there is a new frontier area below, and people can't help but feel confused when they see the words "Living Secret Realm"!

Ye Ren boss has pioneered a new thing!?

They had never heard of the existence of the Living Body Secret Realm, so they hurriedly asked Ye Ren in the guild channel.

To this Ye Ren just said lightly:

"It's a small matter, just made a spare planet."

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