All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 23: Starting The Job Change Task

The barren highland is located on the edge of the northern mountains. There are countless secrets, illusions, and abyss fissures in the northern mountains. Monsters and demons are rampant. It is a dead zone that humans have never explored.

Fortunately, the barren highlands are located on the edge of the northern mountains. If they go deeper into the center, Ou Hua will have to give up this second mission.

Even the mobs that came out of the secret realm couldn't be beaten, so what's the point of changing jobs?

After getting off the boat and taking a car to Jiling City, which is the closest to the barren highlands, Ou Hua started shopping.

Because there is no storage space in this world, he can only buy another big backpack, a sleeping bag, and then buy a month's worth of living supplies.

As for the charging of mobile phones, he can only buy two high-power charging treasures and a solar charging board to carry with him. The mobile phone with the ability to query strategy and the map function must not run out of power.

And the transfer union in Jiling City bought a set of healing potions and a set of magic potions with trade union points, 12 bottles in each set.

After getting ready in Jiling City, Ou Hua immediately set off on foot.

The barren highlands are the place for professionals above lv.50 to go, and it is also a direct route.

I only have lv.30 at this time, and the test crystal can only detect the lv.1 warrior profession.

He is simply not high enough to buy a direct ticket right now. Even if he said that he was doing a job transfer task, he would be rejected and persuaded himself to give up the task.

So if I want to go to the barren highlands, I can only rely on walking, and I can't take a black car. The black car driver dare not do this kind of thing that will be judged if caught by the checkpoint set up on the road.

After Ou left the city, Hua walked on the slime grassland on the west side of Jiling City.

Of course, it was not the novice secrets that appeared around the city, but the large-scale appearance of the secrets decades ago. The animal horde disaster destroyed human civilization, and the surviving humans chose the novice area to build the city.

So now the large cities are all in the novice area, and some small cities with high-level professionals will appear near the high-level secrets. However, the conditions for going to those small cities with excellent treatment are extremely harsh, and ordinary people can hardly go there.

Now that the leveling wave of collective job transfers has passed, only sporadic newbies are leveling up on this novice grassland.

These professionals belong to those who are sick and change jobs a few days later, or who fail to change jobs for the first time, and only succeed in changing jobs for the second or third time.

When Ou Hua passed by, those job changers who started late all looked at Ou Hua's extra luxurious equipment for them with envy.

At night, Ou Hua, following the direction guided by the navigation, finally left the slime grassland and entered the orc plain in the northern mountains.

The monsters here are a group of monsters called Beastmen, with levels ranging from lv.14-lv.24.

This group of Beastmen had ugly faces, protruding fangs, and were more than 1.9 meters tall. Their attack power was extremely powerful, and they knew how to use clubs, stones and other weapons to attack.

Belonging to one of the admittedly thorny monsters.

But the experience value they give is several times that of other secret realm monsters, high risk and high income, and the income earned by a well-coordinated team here is also several times that of other places.

Ou Hua chose a leeward hill and dug out a depression with three strikes and five divisions with the giant sword.

He set up a bonfire with the wood he picked up, sprinkled monster-repelling potions around it, and after setting up the warning bell, Ou Hua unfolded his sleeping bag in the dug out depression and rested.

When camping in the wild, physical strength is extremely important, and besides, he has to traverse the entire orc plain alone, if he does not rest well, it will be fatal.

And Ou Hua, who was lying alone in his sleeping bag and swiping his phone, began to envy other people's teams.

A standard five-person team can have one person carry a large tent, and then send people to take turns to watch the night and sleep peacefully.

Sleeping alone can only look at your face. If your face is good, you will live in peace all night. If your face is not good, a team of beastmen will come in the middle of the night, and you have to get up to kill monsters.

The potion to drive away monsters just uses the monster's nasty smell to reduce the probability of being discovered. If you are discovered, you have to get up and kill monsters when you should get up and kill them.

Having nothing to say all night, Ou Hua, who is used to this kind of sleeping in the wild, packed up his things early the next morning, and strode to the depths of the orc plain.

All the orcs he met along the way were all killed by him with one knife.

Although these wild orcs are troublesome in the eyes of others, in Ou Hua's eyes, they are no different from those skeletons, zombies, and goblins. That's all.

But at this time, Ou Hua, whose level was already lv.30, gained very little experience from killing these monsters around lv.15, which made Ou Hua feel that swinging a sword was a waste of energy.

So Ou Hua focused his attention on the road, bypassing it if he could, and going recklessly if he couldn't.

It took three days for Ou Hua to kill the large secret realm of the Orc Plain and enter the Orc Hill.

The Beastmen here are taller, stronger, and uglier, and their weapons are more sophisticated, and their patrol teams are more organized, with both melee and long-range combat.

Their level is between lv.26-lv.36, which is still within Ou Hua's instant kill range. Of course, if you encounter elite beastmen, Ou Hua will have to use the "Blood Engine" to slash twice.

With the continuous deepening, on the fifth day after receiving the job transfer task, the hilly area gradually turned into a tree-lined mountainous area.

As long as you pass through this forest secret place called the Beastman camp, you will be considered to have reached the barren highland.

"It's so hard!"

In the forest, Ou Hua split the head of a Beastman commander with a sword, and cursed viciously, and beside him lay the corpses of six Beastman soldiers.

The level of the beastman in this beastman camp has reached level above lv. 40, and the captain of the beast man is even more at lv.

After entering the Beastman camp, Ou Hua could no longer perform instant kills. Even if he maintained 50% HP, he would have to slash four or five swords to kill a Beastman soldier. After eating more than a dozen swords from him, he once thought that the ten commander was an elite monster!

Fortunately, his agility is high, his attack speed is fast, and he can cut seven or eight swords in a second, otherwise he might not be able to break through the secret realm of the beastman camp just now.

Now that the Beastman camp is so difficult to break into, what should I do if the recommended level is lv.54 in the barren highland? Not to mention the four job-changing mission bosses who sound awesome.

After adjusting his mentality, Ou Hua successfully walked out of the forest of the Beastman camp on the sixth day after receiving the job transfer task, and boarded the path up the mountain.

This path twists and turns around the strange rocks, and there is no green growth.

When you look up, you can see the yellow area, and when you look back, you can see the green trees. This kind of distinct color is very strange, and only in the secret realm that does not belong to the 'normal' ranks can this kind of strange scene appear.

Ou Hua, who was walking on the path, wiped the sweat from his forehead, it was really too hot here.

Fortunately, I read the strategy, brought four water bottles, and filled them with water in the river in the forest of the Beast camp.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking on the path. When my sight suddenly opened up, I saw the desert-like scenery in front of me. The name of the barren highland is well-deserved...

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