"Grass! If you have a seed, come down!"

On the barren high ground, Ou Hua raised his head and cursed angrily.

A dozen or so vultures overhead annoyed him.

He didn't intend to pay attention to these flying monsters, but they would swoop down and attack him when he wasn't paying attention, and when he turned around, they immediately spread their wings and raised their wings.

They even spit sulfurous acid water to bomb Ou Hua.

The damage is not high, but the insult is extremely strong!

And that foul-smelling green acid water is also an extremely terrifying mental attack to Ou Hua!

There is no water source here, if they spit it in, the negative effect of corrosion will be dispelled and stored by "Blood Blood Bingxin", but the stench of acidic water cannot be dispelled!

Once he was spit out, he would have to bear the stench of acidic water until the transfer was over! Which hunk can bear this kind of mental torture? At least he can't!

After being harassed continuously for several hours, Ou Hua was also angry. After avoiding the acid water bombing again, he drew out his giant sword and pointed at the vulture monster in the sky and roared.

Each of these monsters named Stinky Vultures has a level of around lv.52, but at such a high level, they are purely disgusting and never fight head-on, which also fits their names. foul smelling.

After Ou Hua took a deep breath to calm himself down, he quickly ran to the highest peak far away from the barren highland.

At this moment, he just wants to quickly complete the damn job transfer task, and then go back to the city to offer a reward and recruit a few remote professionals to slaughter this group of stinking vultures!

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse, and the seemingly ignorant high mountain in the distance looks very close, but Ou Hua ran for a whole day, but it only made the peak slightly bigger, and there was no sign of reaching it at all.

However, Ou Hua was lucky enough to find a man-high cave in this barren Gobi, and Ou Hua, who was irritated by the acid water spit out by the stench vulture, immediately got into it.

"Phew... it finally stopped!"

Ou Hua, who was hiding in this small cave, quietly looked up at the sky, and found that the dozen or so vultures dispersed after he entered the cave.

Fortunately, after turning on the "Blood Engine", I have high agility and good agility, otherwise the equipment and clothes on my body would definitely be ruined by them.

However, I used several bottles of the recovery potion I bought.

Relying on his own blood recovery efficiency alone is not enough to frequently activate the "Blood Engine" to avoid attacks.

He drank four bottles of medicine just to avoid the vulture attack. This extravagant act of using drugs to avoid attacks is enough to prove how much Ou Hua dislikes them.

The interior of this cave is not big, only more than 30 square meters, and it looks like a shelter excavated by humans.

But the shelter looked like it hadn't been used in a long time, it was empty and the fire in the center was a month or two old.

After some inspection, Ou Hua was completely relieved.

After eating a few compressed biscuits with the water in the kettle, Ou Hua started to set up a warning trap, and sprinkled the potion to disperse the monster ten meters away from the entrance of the cave.

After being chased by the stinky vulture for several hours, he was really exhausted after running at full speed during this period. He opened his sleeping bag and lay down in it, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Although it was a little cold to sleep without a fire, there was no wood for him to pick up in the Gobi, and buying charcoal at the camp would take up too much space in his backpack, so he had to wrap his sleeping bag tighter for the night.

Ou Hua, who was in a drowsy sleep, woke up instantly when he heard the bell warning the trap, picked up the two treasured swords beside him, got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Friends! We are job-changers for leveling! Seeing a shelter cave dug by the job-changing union here, I just want to come here to rest! We don't have any malicious intentions!"

The middle-aged man who stepped on the bell gave a wry smile, and hurriedly explained loudly to the job-changers in the cave to avoid turning into a fight between the job-changing teams.

Ou Hua stood in the shadow of the entrance of the cave, looking coldly at the five job-changers who were at least level 50 and above who stopped walking under the moonlight. He didn't want to stay with them.

"We just want to take a rest. On the barren highlands, there is no way to rest without a shelter. There is only this cave in this area. Please help me."

The middle-aged man who noticed that there was only one person in the cave said loudly again.

"Sorry, please come in."

After thinking for a while, Ou Hua put away the two big swords and walked out of the cave.

The other party is not hostile, and I don't need to be hostile to them. If they want to kill their money, when they know that they are alone in the cave, their magician sister Yu has already started bombing themselves from a long distance.


The middle-aged man didn't expect Ou Hua to be so young, and was obviously taken aback.

But he recovered quickly and led the team across Ou Hua into the cave.

"Hehe, the stinky vultures in the barren highlands are disgusting. The next shelter is eight kilometers away. Tonight we are a little crowded."

As soon as the middle-aged man entered the cave, he untied the long sword at his waist and put it aside, and then explained the reason again to Ou Hua who came in last.

"It's okay, this cave is big enough."

Other elders were the first to repay their kindness to themselves, and Ou Hua immediately replied with a smile.

"Old Qian, start a fire, the ghostly weather on this plateau is so cold to death!"

The middle-aged man turned his head and said to a strong man carrying a huge backpack.

The brawny man greeted Ou Hua with a smile, then opened the backpack, took out six diamond-shaped charcoal from the fireproof layer, and lit it with a flint.

The temperature in the cave quickly rises to a comfortable temperature as the orange flames light up.

Ou Hua looked at the bonfire in front of him. Those carbons were special charcoal bought in the transfer union. A bundle of carbons is not expensive, and the temperature is high, light in weight, and burns for a long time.

Ou Hua had also considered these charcoals before, but he couldn't carry these extremely space-consuming charcoals while carrying daily necessities and sleeping bags.

Ou Hua, who looked away from the campfire, looked at the five people who were busy setting up pots and cooking. It is really important to have a well-coordinated team, at least to be able to eat hot food in the wild.

"The young man has gone deep into the barren highlands at such a young age. He is really young and promising. However, it is too dangerous to practice alone. In the future, it is better to find some like-minded friends to form a team."

Zhuang Huahao, who is twenty-seven or eighteen years old, invited Ou Hua to have dinner together.

Ou Hua, who couldn't refuse, realized that it was only nine o'clock in the evening, and it was already dark when he went to bed, and it got dark so early in this barren highland.

"Well, thank you for your advice, senior. I will think about it carefully when I go back this time."

Ou Hua nodded, and he agreed casually without thinking of finding a companion.

Under the warmth of the bonfire, everyone chatted happily. At 10:30, after the five-member team arranged the guards, they soon fell asleep slowly.

Ou Hua chose a place to sleep near the entrance of the cave.

You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

Just like the five-member team who didn't count themselves among the night watchmen, although they were hospitable, they chatted happily with themselves, and kept praising themselves for being young and promising, and they would definitely be the pillars of the country in the future.

But they are still wary of themselves, and even regard themselves as potential enemies.

But Ou Hua was also happy to let the five of them take turns to watch the night by themselves, and free their bonfires and sentries.

In the warm bonfire, Ou Hua slowly fell asleep with the two giant swords under his arms. This was the most solid sleep since he accepted the job transfer task.

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