All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 25 Changing Job Boss Is Too Spicy?

The next morning, Ou Hua woke up slowly in the warmth.

When I woke up, I found that the five-man team was packing up camping equipment.

Ou Hua, who had the fewest things, nodded to each other, and left the warm cave first after packing up.

The barren plateau is very cold in the morning, and some stones are still covered with hoarfrost.

Ou Hua early this morning was not chased by those stinky crows again.

Without the harassment of the stench crows, those giant poisonous scorpions around lv. 57 and stone elemental puppets around lv. 54 couldn't pose a threat to Ou Hua at all, which made Ou Hua's pace obviously much faster.

When the sun was three poles high and the scorching sun made people see stars, Ou Hua finally arrived at the destination of the mountain.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Ou Hua looked up at the towering mission site and swallowed.

Regardless of whether he wanted to climb the mountain or not, the eleven plateau wolves at the entrance alone were enough for him to drink a pot.

The group of plateau jackals belonged to a large group of monsters, ranging from cowardly jackals around lv. 10 in the dark forest to wolf warlords above lv.

The jackals on the barren highlands belonged to the middle and lower breeds. These jackals with a level of around lv. 50 were one meter tall at the shoulder and two meters long without the tail.

And there are ten to eighteen group monsters, one of the most hated monsters by job changers!

To deal with monsters acting in groups like this, either crush them with firepower, or hide from them so as not to be discovered.

Hiding is definitely impossible, their hatred value is extremely high, once they lock you, unless you escape from the barren highlands, they will keep chasing and killing you behind your ass.

At this time, the way to the top of the peak was blocked by the group of plateau jackal dogs. To go up, the only way to go up was to destroy the den of that plateau jackal.

Jackals generally attack by biting and clawing, and they also have the skills of bleeding and wound infection.

Once entangled by a certain one, it often needs to face the siege of a whole pack of jackals.

It was the first time that Ou Hua directly challenged more than a dozen monsters, took a deep breath, and released the "Blood Engine" twice before attacking, reducing the blood volume to 50%.

When the one-minute cooldown was about to arrive, with the 250 extra agility bonus, Ou Hua was so fast that he rushed towards the group of plateau wolves like a black line.

Ou Hua ran the distance of five or six hundred meters in less than ten seconds. With the momentum of the charge, the huge sword in his hand slashed at the waist of the plateau jackal who couldn't dodge.

This sword beheaded the wolf howling again and again, and it tried to escape with its tail between its legs, but a pulse of blood mist rose into the sky like a fountain.

The third "Blood Engine" has suppressed Ou Hua's blood volume to about 25%, and the shock wave like a fountain of blood mist contains 830 points of power damage.

The head wolf's limbs were smashed off, and his abdomen was blown up so that his bloody flesh flew high.

But when it was sent flying by the shock wave like a fountain, a cold light flashed across its neck and beheaded it.

After the blood pressure reached 25%, Ou Hua increased his strength by 750 points and his agility by 375 points.

At this time, his speed was completely beyond the naked eye, and everyone could only see a black shadow shuttle back and forth among the wolves. The light disappeared without a trace.

After finishing all the jackals, Ou Hua immediately began to drink healing potions to replenish his lost blood.

A little bit, more than a dozen plateau wolves didn't even blow up a white dimensional box for him.

After adjusting her mentality, Ou Hua started her mountain climbing trip.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Ou Hua followed the mountain road for half a day to reach the peak of this mountain that seemed extremely difficult to climb. Along the way, he encountered a unique race on the plateau-the Lizardman.

This group of lizardmen monsters with khaki scales were much more difficult to deal with than the jackals, so Ou Hua immediately and decisively detoured after encountering them.

There is a stone altar platform at the top center of this mountain, and the size of the peak platform is only the size of a basketball court.

After arriving at the peak, Ou Hua looked at the rough sea of ​​clouds below and sighed that this ghost place is really spectacular.

After admiring the scenery, Ou Hua came to the altar and found that the four stone pillars were carved with eagles, wolves, snakes and bears.

And in the middle of the altar is a completely incomprehensible ghostly symbol.

Ou Hua walked to the altar, took out a huge sword and cut his finger, and dropped his own blood into the big formation like a ghostly talisman.

As that drop of blood fell into the formation, bloody flames suddenly ignited on the surrounding stone pillars.

"It's about to start?"

Ou Hua tightened the double blades in his hands, watched the burning blood flames, and waited for the boss to arrive.

But standing in the middle of the altar, he waited and waited for the boss to appear.

Puzzled, Ou Hua could only walk towards one of the stone pillars burning with blood flames.

As he approached, Ou Hua felt an inexplicable attraction coming from the stone pillar, and by some strange coincidence, he touched the stone pillar carved with snakes with the giant sword in his hand.

A burst of dizziness made Ou Hua couldn't help closing his eyes.

And when he really opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer in a barren highland, but in a tropical rainforest covered by 100-meter-high trees.

It seems that those stone pillars are the teleportation stones into the illusion.

"Hiss~ hiss~"

A terrifying hiss sounded behind Ou Hua, and a chill made his hairs stand on end.

Feeling the crisis, Ou Hua directly turned on the "Blood Engine". Ou Hua, whose strength and agility soared, turned sharply, and the double blades wrapped in blood mist in his hands slashed behind him one after another.

It feels like cutting off a tree trunk, which makes Ou Hua's expression dignified. Could it be that it was cut empty? !

But just when Ou Hua held his breath and was about to see the boss launch a thunderous strike after that, his sight returned to the barren highland in a blink of an eye.


Ou Hua looked that he was no longer burning blood, and the snake-carved stone pillar was surrounded by circles.

That's it? Could it be that the tree trunk he cut down just now is the snake boss?

Did you complete the mission without even seeing the boss?

no? It can not be! Is it so simple that a single red mission will come out after several years?

In fact, it's not because this task is easy, but because the Ou Hua attribute value of the numerical monster is too perverted. In addition, this is only the second turn, and the boss's level is forced to be lowered to lv.30.

After the attribute is reduced in all aspects, it is normal to be blamed for a shock wave of blood mist by the abnormal value of the strength value, plus two instant kills.

Killing a boss has completed the second-rank task, and Ou Hua's hanging heart is relieved, and then he turns and walks towards the giant wolf stone pillar that is burning with blood.

However, after defeating a job-changing boss in seconds, Ou Hua didn't float up and think that he was invincible.

Touch the stone pillar with the giant sword only after filling up the blood in front of the giant wolf stone pillar.

In a sense of haze, Ou Hua found himself transported to a grassland illusion.

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