All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

【84】Death God Shows Great Power, The Fateful Battle Of Ancient Witch Spirits!

As Nasus transforms into the colossal form of the "Death God of the Underworld".

The combat situation analysis processor in the mechanical pterosaur's mind, perceives huge amounts of threats.

Immediately changed the low-altitude flight strategy.

Swinging huge amounts of mechanical wings, he flew up to a thousand-meter altitude.

Want to get out of the hunting range of Death God!

Nasus looked up, staring at the "prey" he locked!

Immediately gathering divine power, The God's Telekinesis moved.

The Sun Tomahawk in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

Subsequently, the Sun Tomahawk turned into the exclusive weapon of "Death God"

Chasing Soul Chain!!!

And at the end of the chain, there is also a triangular fork specially used to catch prey!

Nasus swung the soul-chasing chain and threw it towards the sky.

The triangular fork dragged a long chain, and shot towards the sky at an extremely fast speed!

In just a few breaths, he caught up with the mechanical pterosaur at a height of a thousand meters!

The sharp triangular fork directly penetrated Dragon's Cyborg body, and immediately locked it!

And the other end of the chain was firmly held by Nasus!

In the sky.

The mechanical pterosaur, which was held by the chain, immediately struggled violently.

It fluttered its wings, trying to break free from the shackles of Lock 01 with huge amounts of Flight power!


How can Nasus, who has captured the prey, let it go easily!

He pulled the soul-chasing chain with both hands, dragging Dragon to the ground forcibly!

Frost Dragon roared angrily!

It is struggling to fly upwards, resisting the opponent's calendar area!


Two behemoths, one in the air and one on the ground!

Pulling each other, competing for brute force!!!


A pure technological creation is still hard to resist the power of God!

in pull.

Nasus has unleashed a force that cannot be resisted by his prey!

Forcibly retract the chain, and drag the prey to the ground!!!


Huge amounts of the mechanical dragon body crashed on the desert plain like a meteor.

And Nasus saw the prey successfully captured.

Immediately, he took a big step and chased after him.

The mechanical pterosaur that fell to the ground immediately stood up.

It wanted to take off again, but found that its mechanical wings were already damaged!

Turning around, I saw that titan again, striding forward, heading straight for me!

The mechanical pterosaur immediately brewed the energy of pulse breath.

But just when the pulse breath was about to blurt out.

Nasus strode up, strangled the pterosaur's neck with one hand, and lifted its huge amounts of dragon body!

The pulse energy accumulated in the mouth is suppressed in the mouth, making it difficult to eject.

"Life is a part of reincarnation. And this part of you is over."

Voice all the way.

The power in Nasus' hands suddenly increased, and he directly broke the pterosaur's neck!

Immediately, a huge mechanical skull, together with the steel spine, was pulled out and thrown into the air.

Watch Nasus execute the Mechaptera.

This scene completely shocked the inheritors who were on the sidelines.

Originally thought that this giant sky beast summoned by someone unknown could restrain the desert emperor's ultimate move - the wall of the forbidden army.

But unexpectedly, turning around was instantly killed by the ultimate move of the desert Death God.

for a while.

The inheritors all felt hopeless.

I feel that wanting to defeat such a powerful BOSS is simply an impossible task.

But only Su Ye looked happy.

Not only did he not feel the slightest bit of frustration because his mechanical pterosaur was killed in seconds.

On the contrary, when the mechanical pterosaur was executed, Su Ye couldn't help clapping and applauding.

There is no other reason.

Just because Su Ye understands

Whether it's Nasus or Azir.

Their combat power all comes from the sun disc!

And the sun disc is an important part of the god-making project that is currently being implemented.

From this point of view.

The stronger the strength of the two dungeon bosses, the more optimistic Su Ye is about the prospect of the God-Building Project!

It is even unavoidable to imagine how powerful Bai Yuekui will display after the ascension and resurrection of the sun disc!

Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement and anticipation!

But no matter how imagining the future, Su Ye also understands that the problem of clearing the dungeon and defeating the boss still needs to be solved.

"Chaos! Get your France-destroying army ready to join the battle immediately, and build a supernatural replication matrix network!"

"Key copy target: ancient witch spirit Xerath!"

"In any case, copy his arcane magic!"

"Whether you can defeat the desert emperor depends on you destroying the law!"

Su Ye pondered for a moment, then gave an important order to Chaos beside him!

next moment.

The Ling Xiaobao Temple in the sky responded synchronously.

Up to 5,000 Sentinels, each taking more than a dozen airdrop pods, landed on the ground one after another.

subsequently. Under the unified command of Chaos.

Sentinel divided into several square teams and formed formations in the desert open space.

Get ready for the next magic war!

And at the same moment.

On top of the ruins of the Pyramids not far away.

Desert Emperor Azir has discovered the location of the omnic Scourge.

Just when Nasus was about to go to suppress it.

However, Azir perceived an extremely familiar aura emerging from the depths of the desert.

Azir's eyes froze immediately, and the anger in his heart suddenly rose!

"Lowly slave, dirty traitor!"

Perceiving the appearance of his mortal enemy, Azleton flew into a rage.

"Azir, you are not worthy to rule Shurima!!!"

"You are the true betrayer! You broke your promise to me!!!"

Accompanied by a loud voice resounding through the sky.

The earth dust storm reappeared.

But it's different from before.

This sandstorm actually infiltrated the energy of arcane magic.

next moment.

The ancient witch spirit Xerath emerged from the sandstorm.

The dungeon hides the BOSS, and finally debuts!

At this moment, Xerath no longer has a physical body like it did thousands of years ago.

He became a spirit body composed of arcane magic stones, wrapped in sealed chains, and glowing with a strong magical aura!

After getting rid of the seal and returning to the rune world, Xerath felt extremely free!

He opened his arms and said loudly towards Azir:

"Azir, it is fate that makes us fight!"

"And my return will end your ridiculous rule!"

"From now on, Shurima will be prosperous by me, and I will recast the glory of the empire until I conquer the whole world!"

Hearing such arrogant words, Azir said angrily:

"Xerath, you are but a speck of dust in Shurima!"

"And your destiny is destined to be destroyed!"

Azir is determined to go out in person and destroy Xerath, the mortal enemy.

"My empire exists in every grain of sand!"

"Soldiers, heed the emperor's call! Wake up from your deep sleep!"

Read a word 027.

Azir no longer kept his strength, but used all his summoning powers!

next moment.

The entire Shurima continent began to tremble.

On the boundless desert, countless grains of sand are dancing.

Immediately, they condensed into yellow sand soldiers one by one.

After a while.

The desert, which was originally empty and empty, was occupied by countless sand soldiers!

There are a large number of sand soldiers, covering the entire desert!

Its legion is so huge that it can't even be seen at a glance!

Blessed by the power of the sun disc.

Under the "Sun Affinity" and "Desert Lord" abilities.

Azir's iconic Ability is to gather sand to form an army, and touch a stone to become a general!

It can summon lifeless sand and stones into powerful war creatures!

So, in theory

As long as the sun disc exists!

As long as the sun shines on this world!

As long as there are deserts in this world!

Then, he has an endless army of sand soldiers!!!

There are so many of them that even the Scourge, which is famous for its explosive soldiers, can compete with them!

And on the other side.

Su Ye saw that Azir finally showed his full strength.

Summoned as many as hundreds of millions of yellow sand soldiers!

Among them, there are many elite Shurima troops such as mad sand warriors, magic sand warlocks, and flying sand knights.

Su Ye immediately made a decision to face it head-on and participate in this big melee!!!

"Taotie, implement a large-scale airborne immediately and establish a powerful interception line of defense!"

"No matter what, we must stop the sand soldier army!"

"Establish a network for the Legion of Destroying France, and buy enough time for copying abilities!"

"Chaos, I'll give you half an hour!"

"Must be copied to Xerath's [Arcane Ritual] big move!".

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