All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

[85] Unique Way Of Communication

[85] unique way of communication

Seeing this scene, a name suddenly flashed in Su Ye's mind: worker bee!

The most basic unit of the Zeger Zerg in "StarCraft" is like the acolyte of the undead!


【You discovered the worker bees, they are the product of the Zerg ability: gene variant library, and they also have another Zerg ability: flesh regeneration!】

【Ability Description · Gene Variation Library】

As a representative race of biological weapons, the Zerg has incredible biotechnology. They absorb the gene chains of creatures of different races through phagocytosis, parasitism, infection, assimilation, etc., to promote their infinite evolution and mutation.

Under certain conditions, the biological gene chains absorbed by the Zerg will be included in the gene variant library.

Blade Queen Kerrigan injects specific genetic codes into the swarm units through the genetic variant library, so that they can evolve specific abilities.

【Ability Description·Body Regeneration】

This ability can make the Zerg's brood base produce highly active stem cells to repair roe deer, and form a slime creep with healing and regeneration functions.

When the Zerg units are active on the creep, they will get the healing effect of "body regeneration and limb regeneration". No matter how serious the injury is, they will return to a fully healthy body shape.

Looking at the information prompted by the system, Su Ye was shocked on the spot!

Immediately, I felt that the Zerg's evolution ability was simply against the sky!

Then, his attention was placed on the Zerg worker bee that had just transformed.

Through the investigation of The God's Telekinesis, the system is constantly extracting the information of this worker bee, and then revealing the secret of the origin of the Zerg for him!


[This system comes with a copy of the information file on the origin of the Zerg, please check it!]


The Zerg were created by a group of void races called the Xel'Naga. Xel'Naga came from the void and traveled in the heavens and worlds of the material universe, looking for those life races with the purest body and spirit.

The Xel'Naga were originally a well-meaning void race. They hoped to create pure material life and help these lives to upgrade to the same kind as the Xel'Naga.

But just like the ancient gods and the Titans, there is also a representative of darkness and corruption in Xel'Naga's group, Amon!

Amon is eager to destroy the material world and hates other xel'naga. So he searched for the race life created by Xel'Naga in various planes, and transformed them into powerful killing machines.

In the planetary world of Zerus, Amon discovered two races: Protoss and Zerg. Compared with Protoss, the fate of Zerg is even more tragic.

Amon controlled and transformed the Zerg, and forcibly acted as their "[[God", and enslaved the Zerg's mastermind, letting the Zerg fight and destroy every plane world for him!

In Amon's plan, the Zerg was just his killing tool, and after reaching his goal, he would also destroy the Zerg.

In order to resist Amon's enslavement and save the fate of the entire Zerg race, Kerrigan, Queen of Blade, relied on her powerful spiritual psionic energy to search for new gods who can save the Zerg race in various plane worlds, and lead them to defeat Amon, A new god who continues the race.

In the end, Kerrigan's psychic powers affected the nerubians in the World of Warcraft, and discovered that Amon was inextricably linked to the fallen titans of this world.

At the same time, Kerrigan also perceived your existence in this world, perhaps because of your special SSS-level ability, which made her look forward to communicating with you.

Kerrigan??? Can she perceive my existence?’

Su Ye was suddenly surprised.

Su Ye is no stranger to Kerrigan's illustrious name.

did not expect.

The majestic Queen Blade, the most dangerous person in the main world, is actually looking for a new life of her own, and wants to get in touch with her!

while thinking,

In front of Su Ye, the worker bee crawled out of the bacterial paralysis blood as if it had received an order.

Going straight to Su Ye, the two large pincers on the forelimbs were buckled on the ground, and the other six arthropods imitated the human kneeling posture and crawled under his feet.

Then he raised his head and made a grunting sound, as if he was still imitating speaking.


Su Ye felt The God's Telekinesis surging, The God's Telekinesis blending.

A stream of information flooded my mind.

this moment.

It has evolved in the universe for countless years and is a collective will formed by countless billions of Zerg individuals.

The demigod-like Zerg mastermind, Blade Queen Kerrigan, and Su Ye had ten "communications" that transcended cosmic dimensions and penetrated thousands of worlds

There is no dialogue of language, but the communication of consciousness with each other.

Su Ye perception got it.

Kerrigan is stating, telling, asking, inviting...

at the same time.

Through the fusion of The God's Telekinesis, which belongs exclusively to the Scourge Commander, Su Ye also saw Kerrigan's real body in his mind, and——

The extremely magnificent war Epic picture of the Zerg Scourge.

on screen.

It is a war scene in the interplanetary world of "Interstellar".

The first thing that caught my eye——

A battered techno-terran space battleship.

It is billowing thick smoke, dragging the flames of the wreckage, and falling from the sky!

The huge ship with a length of 2,000 meters passed through the thick cumulus clouds all over the sky, and finally crashed into the center of the human city!

After destroying the battleship.

An incomparably huge shadow was cast in the sky, and the entire human city was electrified!

That is the biological flagship of the swarm, Leviathan!

Huge worm body over 100 kilometers!!!

Suspended above the city, covering the sun with clouds!!!

And the hatching chamber inside Leviathan's body is constantly hatching the swarm army!

The millions of ejection cavities on the body surface have all been opened!

It reveals countless airdrop roe deer and egg worms inside!

These roe deer and egg worms will carry swarms of billions and billions.

It is about to fall from the sky and bring disaster to the people's cities!!!

Immediately, the screen changed again.

Focus on a female humanoid.

She is the supreme ruler of the swarm!

Queen of Blade, Sarah Kerrigan!

At this moment, Kerrigan stood proudly on the ruins statue hundreds of meters high.

With a pair of disdainful eyes, Wang (Li Zhao) looked at the human city in front of him.

On the charming and glamorous face, a wild smile appeared:

.I, the Queen of Blade!"

"I am the Zerg Scourge!"

at this moment.

Feeling the Queen's will.

The countless swarms of insects in the sky and on the land responded with neighing!

Resounding over the entire planet!!!

With the Queen coming to the battlefield!

The king worms and brain worms sent countless biological brainwaves to her, converging in her mind.

This is the unique communication method of Zerger Zerg!

And these biological brain waves are the swarms reporting the battle situation to their queen:

"Queen, the swarm army has assembled!

The space fleet of the human race has been wiped out by us!

Leviathan has patrolled the sky above the human city!

The Hydralisk Legion has seized the attack position. Qing!.

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