【6】Deep suffering

Raptors and Ultralisks are about to charge!

Dragon troops deployed!

The self-destroyer mutation is complete!

The evolution of the Corruptor is complete!

Infestation bugs are full of poisonous sacs!

The thorns have been buried!

The queen is laying eggs!

Worker bees are collecting!

The brood base hatching is complete!

Queen, behind you is the whole swarm!

We devoured all resources of the planet!

Assemble all combat troops!


The swarm waits for the Queen's order!"

Kerrigan finished receiving the biological brainwave information.

The anger of revenge against the human race suddenly rose.

next moment.

The arthropod bone wings on her back suddenly opened wide!

There are streaks of purple psychic light running all over her body!

Kerrigan took a step forward, pointed forward, and snapped:

"The Swarm!!!"


Under the vengeful will of Queen Blade! …

Hundreds of millions of bug swarms are ignited like a cluster of Fire!

The bloodthirsty killing instinct is fully activated!

The swarm, launched an attack!!!

In the sky.

Countless air-dropped 500 roe deer and eggs, carrying a large number of swarm troops, ejected from Leviathan's body.

Like a storm, it keeps hitting the ground city!

The flying dragons all over the sky and the densely packed blaster mosquitoes let out bursts of sharp sounds and long whistles.

Like the stars falling to the ground, they swooped down towards the human position ahead!

And on the ground.

The mighty swarm marine troops are launching an army charge!!!

The one rushing forward is the huge and terrifying Thunder Beast!

As the most powerful land combat advanced unit of the Zerg, the Thunder Beast brings countless swift and fierce insects, and is extremely violent.

Facing the mecha defense line and tank positions of the human race.

Raging rush!!!

Hundreds of millions of swarms, resisting the ferocious human artillery fire, launched a charge without fear of death!

Even on the way to charge, corpses are left everywhere!

Insect swarm, no hesitation!!!

at the same time.

The ground of the entire battlefield was trembling violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred!!!

It was the raiding force of the swarm, digging tunnels underground, creeping forward towards the human position.

These underground raid troops are composed of ground thorns, tunnel worms, infected worms, swarm hosts and other units!

They are waiting for the opportunity, always ready to burst out from the ground and launch a fierce surprise attack!

And at the end of the swarm army!

It is a long-range troop based on Hydralisks.

These mighty and terrifying biological killing machines.

Fighting against the heavy tanks of the Terran!

The bone spurs in each Hydralisk's body have all erected from the ridge plate.

Like a missile waiting to be fired!


Under the compression of strong and powerful muscles, these bone spurs are shot out at supersonic speed.

Easily penetrate the alloy armor of human tanks and kill the occupants inside!

With the command of Queen Blade!

The Marine Corps of the Zerg Leviathan Fleet launched a full-scale charge!

The mecha city defense army of the Tyrannian Empire, fire with all their strength and resist!

this moment.

The Epic battle between humans and insects broke out in full swing!!!

This scene.

It is definitely a classic scene in the world of "Interstellar"!!!

The scene of the Zerg battle shocked Su Ye extremely.

have to say.

The combat power of the Zerg shown in the screen is indeed far superior to the Scourge of the Undead!

That larger legion size, that diverse means of attack!

This makes Su Ye very convinced:

If my undead natural disaster at this stage fights against Kerrigan's Zerg natural disaster.

There is absolutely no chance of victory!

The Mechanical Abomination and Frost Dragon that I am currently proud of, when facing the Zerg Hydralisk, Thunder Beast, and Flying Dragon.

Can only be reduced to a cannon fodder version of existence!


even so.

Su Ye still made a crucial point:

The undead Scourge at this stage cannot defeat the Zerg Scourge!

It does not mean that the undead natural disasters that will be fully developed in the future cannot be defeated!

for this.

(abcb) Su Ye is full of confidence.

Otherwise, Kerrigan would not "decline her identity" and take the initiative to seek contact with herself.

And it seems that he still has something to ask of himself, and he wants to join hands with him to destroy the fallen Titan God-Amon!

at the same time.

Su Ye also faintly felt that sooner or later, this Amon would pose a huge amount of threat to himself!

It seems.

Joining forces with Kerrigan is imperative!

after all.

The two are both commanders of natural disasters, so they naturally have some similarities.

There is no barrier to communication.


Su Ye realized again that Kerrigan sent him a message again.

I saw it on the screen.

It's the scene after the war.

The technological city of the human race has been completely submerged by the frenzy of the sea of ​​insects!

After the victory, Kerrigan did not feel the slightest joy.

She rose from the battlefield and returned to the cause of the Leviathan body suspended above the city.

As the flagship of the Zerg in the universe and starry sky!

Leviathan is huge.

And at this moment.

Inside Leviathan, Kerrigan stood on a plain that towered like a giant mountain.

Here, it is the main ventricle cavity of the core area of ​​Leviathan.

And that incomparably towering "giant mountain" is the heart of Leviathan!

Kerrigan perceives Leviathan's "voice" at close range, perceives Leviathan's "thoughts",

Leviathan was transmitting information to her, telling her something.

After a long time.

Kerrigan opened her eyes and stood on the Bloodpool Plains in the Heart of the Mountain.

She raised her head, looked at the giant mountain, and murmured:

"My boy! I know you're scared!"

"I also know that you have been hurt by the human race! They have burned countless scars on your skin!"

"But all of this is about to end! We are about to usher in our ultimate destiny!"

Speaking of this, Kerrigan's body suddenly glowed with a trace of purple aura, which came from the soul Ability Emperor in her body!

Kerrigan rose into the air and flew into the air.

Sending information to Leviathan again:

"Don't be afraid, my child!"

"Humans are not our fateful enemies! They are just passers-by!"

"You should know, who is our fateful enemy? And who wiped out all your race, leaving you alone wandering in the void of the universe? Suffering alone!

"And who is it that made the peace-loving Tyranids suffer so much that we were forced to change our peaceful nature and fall into endless wars from now on???"

"My child, please tell me! Who is the ultimate fateful enemy of me, you, and the Tyranids?"

Sensing Kerrigan's inquiry.

Leviathan responded immediately!

Its body began to shake, and it let out an earth-shattering neigh!

Shaking the whole planet!!!

Because, Leviathan was neighing in answer to Kerrigan's question—

"The ultimate fateful enemy: the fallen god Amon, and his Tyranids!!!"

Hearing Leviathan's "answer", Kerrigan nodded in satisfaction.

immediately. .

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