Wen Xiu glanced at the gargoyle in front of him

【Name: Gargoyle

【Quality: Rare

【Attributes: Stone

【Level]: Black Iron 8

【Skills: Earthshatter, Stone Spear, Ghostly Shadow, Stone Soul Blast

The gargoyle in front of him has the strength of Black Iron 8, but he seems to be just a gatekeeper.


The gargoyle let out a creepy laugh, and its ghost eyes stared at Wen Xiu and the others as if it was looking at prey.

The next second, the gargoyle split into several ghost clones, and then the gargoyle itself and the clones attacked Wen Xiu and the others together.

Wen Xiu said indifferently:"Young man!"

The Fire Demon Wolf was so angry that he had nowhere to vent. What the hell was this damn ghost thing laughing!

With a flash of its figure, the Fire Demon Wolf pounced on one of the ghosts and killed it with a wolf attack.

The remaining ghosts saw that the Fire Demon Wolf killed one of its clones in an instant, and they all looked at it with some fear.

The Fire Demon Wolf looked at the remaining gargoyles, a hint of murderousness flashed in its eyes, and it rushed to a clone again at an extremely fast speed, opened its bloody mouth and ate it.���It bit the opponent, and then a huge amount of flame energy erupted from its mouth.


A huge amount of flame energy erupted, and a scorching breath swept the whole place. The remaining ghost clones were all wiped out, leaving only the main body with a breath left.

The Fire Demon Wolf flashed and slapped it to death!

Simple and crude!

The main reason was that the gargoyle was too low-level, and even the Wolf God's possession was useless. It was solved with just two skills. The Fire Demon Wolf felt that it had not fought enough.

As a magic beast, it is extremely warlike, and the current battle has completely stimulated its instincts.

The Fire Demon Wolf rushed into the temple first, and immediately felt that a holy light force was eroding its body. At the same time, several huge white figures and a black figure appeared in front.

After Wen Xiu brought the Eightfold Son of God in, he saw that the huge stone statues were besieging the Fire Demon Wolf.

【Name: Giant Stone Statue

【Level: Black Iron 9

【Skills: Giant Spirit Impact, Holy Light

Rating: Very high defense, comparable to bronze level

【Name: Demonic Stone Statue

【Level: Black Iron 9

【Skills: Demon Flame Instant Attack, Demon Soul Death Ray, Demon Soul Explosion

Although the Demon Soul Stone Statue and the Giant Stone Statue are of the same level, their strengths are indeed different.

Several giant stone statues surrounded the Fire Demon Wolf and punched the Fire Demon Wolf one by one. Although the damage was not great, it was extremely insulting.

The Demon Soul Stone Statue continuously released the Demon Soul Death Ray to suppress the Fire Demon Wolf. Although it was not fatal, it was still a bit painful to be hit.

Seeing that the spirited young man was being fooled, Yae Shenzi was ready to help, but Wen Xiu held her back.

"Don't be impatient, the boy hasn't used his strength yet!" As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the Fire Demon Wolf turned golden, and a dazzling golden light was also attached to its body. It looked extremely dazzling. At this moment, it didn't look like a demon beast!

Wolf God Possession!

The Fire Demon Wolf used the Wolf God Possession, which directly doubled its defense, and greatly improved its attack and speed.

With a wave of its hand, the giant stone statue with extremely high defense suddenly broke into countless pieces, and it couldn't be put together.

Then the Fire Demon Wolf accelerated and rushed into the group of giant stone statues, like a wolf into a flock of sheep, clawing a little kid.

Soon there was only one demon stone statue left, and it was filled with black air, gradually wrapping its whole body.


With a loud bang, the demon stone statue instantly appeared in front of the Fire Demon Wolf, and punched it with a punch, with great force and heavy force, hitting the vital point!


Wen Xiu frowned when he saw this. Why did he feel that there was something wrong with this guy?

【[Demon Soul Burst]: Absorb a large amount of demon souls, improve all attributes in a short period of time, and enter a weak period after the effect ends!

A skill that improves all attributes?

No wonder!

The Fire Demon Wolf took a punch but did not retreat at all. In the state of Wolf God's possession, the defense of the Fire Demon Wolf has been greatly improved. Now even the Silver level can hardly break its defense.


The Fire Demon Wolf backhanded a claw to repel the demon spirit stone statue, opened its mouth, and a white flame rushed out, turning into a white flame giant wolf, instantly biting the head of the demon spirit stone statue.

Suddenly, the whole body of the demon statue burned and turned into ashes in less than a second.

Good guy, the skill of the White Flame Wolf seems to be quite powerful!

Wen Xiu raised his eyebrows. He always thought it was just an ordinary small skill. He didn't expect that the white flame was so powerful!

The Fire Demon Wolf also withdrew from the state of Wolf God's possession at this time, but it didn't seem to feel weak at all. It was worthy of being a mythical quality demon wolf!

"Congratulations to the trialist Wen Xiu for successfully passing the Giant Spirit Secret Realm (Hell Level) and successfully advancing to the Bronze Level!"

A broadcast sounded in the sky and in the dungeon hall.

"It turned out to be Hell Level difficulty. I was wondering how a normal Black Iron 9th level could possibly pass this difficulty!"

Wen Xiu's mouth twitched.

It seems that this difficulty is set by the system according to one's own strength!

"Damn, who is so awesome that he can pass the Hell-level promotion secret realm with Black Iron level 9?"

"Wen Xiu? Is he that ruthless person from Uzumaki?"

"This kid is estimated to be at least S talent!"

"What S I am Wen Xiu, he is SSS Level talent!"

"What? Is this true?"

"Believe it or not, humph!"

When I heard someone claiming to be Wen Xiu's classmate exposed Wen Xiu SSS When the talent was revealed, everyone was silent. Is this true?

S The level is rare, but this year there is a SSS Talent?

At the same time, a pockmarked man in the corner of the hall on the first floor had a fluctuating look in his eyes when he heard SSS.

The pockmarked man looked at the entrance to the secret realm of promotion, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

It should be fun to slaughter the genius of the human race, right?

Then he turned and left the hall.

A moment later, Wen Xiu was teleported out.

Ye Fei on the side immediately greeted him and said excitedly:"Have you passed the Hell-level Giant Secret Realm? It's so fierce!"

Wen Xiu glanced at Ye Fei and was about to speak, but the Eightfold Son of God walked over, lightly lifted Ye Fei's chin, and teased:"My little master is so fierce, do you like it?"

Ye Fei blushed, turned her head away in shame and anger, and said:"You...what are you talking about?!"

The Eightfold Son of God smiled and retreated to Wen Xiu and stopped teasing her.

Wen Xiu looked helpless, the Son of God really likes to tease girls

"Sister Fei, are there any rewards after the promotion?"

Ye Fei's face was still red. There was nothing she could do. Even girls couldn't stand the flirting of the Son of God.

"After the promotion, the soul power will be greatly improved, and the second beast pet position will be opened. In addition, the high-level will give a dream crystal stone!"

Wen Xiu didn't care about the first two, but what is the dream stone?

"What is a Dream Stone?"

Ye Fei explained,"Dream Crystals without attributes can be used to improve the quality of pets. There are also Dream Crystals with attributes. After absorbing them, pets have a chance to comprehend divine skills of that attribute!"

Wen Xiu was shocked. Improve the quality of pets? There is such a good thing?

Ye Fei said again,"The probability of upgrading is not 100%, there is a possibility of failure!"

"So that's it!"

Wen Xiu nodded. If it was a 100% success, it would be amazing. Although it was useless to him, it was a priceless treasure to others!

After receiving the reward, Wen Xiu said goodbye to Ye Fei and walked out of the dungeon hall with Yajyou Shenzi under everyone's dull eyes.

At this moment, a figure at the door of the hall showed a cruel smile and chased after Wen Xiu silently.

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