Wen Xiu walked slowly with Yaye Shenzi, looked at the information of Fire Wolf, and found that its level had reached Bronze 9, almost reaching Silver!

In the next few days, they just needed to finish the daily Elite Zone dungeon times!

At this time, Yaye Shenzi suddenly approached Wen Xiu's ear and whispered softly:"Little guy, Youyou just told me that someone is following us!"

Wen Xiu looked at Yaye Shenzi approaching his ear and thought she was going to tease him again.


Wen Xiu's expression froze.

Who would follow him?

The only people he had offended so far were the Chu family and the Dragon Blood Guild.

If the Chu family wanted to deal with him, they would not do it secretly, but openly.

As for the Dragon Blood Guild, maybe it was really them, who would take revenge and do anything.

Wen Xiu's expression did not change, and he continued to walk forward with the Son of God, and then deliberately turned into an alley.

"Is this the cemetery you chose?"

At this moment, a sinister voice came from behind.

Wen Xiu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, it came as expected!

Wen Xiu turned around, his deep black eyes had turned into a kaleidoscope, and he said meaningfully:"Yes, are you satisfied with the cemetery I chose?"

The pockmarked man in front of him suddenly changed his expression, turned his head abruptly, but did not see anyone.

The pockmarked man, who was relieved, looked at Wen Xiu coldly again:"Little thing, I don’t know where you get the confidence to face me alone, but what I want to tell you is that there is no special situation in this world!"

Wen Xiu asked in a cold voice:"Are you from the Dragon Blood Guild?"

The pockmarked man frowned:"What a bullshit Dragon Blood Guild, the kid is still talking nonsense when he is about to die!"


Wen Xiu's eyes flashed. He could see that the pockmarked man was not lying. Since it was not the Dragon Blood Guild, then who could it be?

The pockmarked man seemed a little impatient and muttered an unknown spell.

Then, with Wen Xiu's slightly surprised look, the pockmarked man began to change. Black scales began to appear on the surface of his skin, his teeth became serrated, a huge arc appeared at the corners of his mouth, his pupils turned into snake pupils, and the whole person grew several centimeters taller, turning into a half-human, half-beast.

Yae God Son also revealed an expression of extreme disgust:"So ugly!"

""Hiss! Boy, I will let you die without pain, thank me!"

After saying this, the pockmarked man shot towards Wen Xiu, as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Wen Xiu and stretched out his hand to grab Wen Xiu.

Wen Xiu thought about it and put the Son of God into the beast control space, then did a few somersaults to distance himself from the pockmarked man.

""Hiss! The little thing is quite good at hiding!" the pockmarked man said jokingly.

"But now you have nowhere to jump, prepare to die!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Wen Xiu again.

Wen Xiu showed a weird smile, and his right eye flashed.

Divine power!


As expected, the pockmarked man penetrated directly and hit the wall directly.

"How could it be?"

Wen Xiu suddenly turned around, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the shoulder of the pockmarked man, and once again displayed the power of his right eye!




The poor pockmarked man was knocked unconscious by Lu Youyou just after he entered the Shenwei space.

Then the monster-like body returned to its original appearance, but it looked particularly miserable!

After seeing the situation inside, Wen Xiu retracted his gaze, and with an idea, he released the Son of God.

As soon as the Eightfold Son of God came out, he questioned Wen Xiu:"Little guy, why did you take me in? What if you get hurt?"

Wen Xiu looked at the Eightfold Son of God with a smile.

"You're still laughing!"

Yae Shinko said angrily.

"Son of God, I will never put you in danger at any time. I would rather take the risk myself!"

Wen Xiu said with a serious face.

The Eight-fold Son of God stepped forward, stood on tiptoe, pulled Wen Xiu close to himself, and looked at him with narrowed eyes:"I don't care, if you dare to put me into the space without my consent next time, I will make you pay!"

"Did you hear that, my little master?"

Wen Xiu swallowed and nodded subconsciously.

"Hear...I heard it!"

The Son of God then showed his signature smile with satisfaction:"Well, that's right!"

Wen Xiu immediately held the little hand that the Son of God was holding on to, and said with a smile:"Okay, Son of God, don't be angry anymore, let's go home and eat fried tofu!"


Yae Shenzi withdrew his jade hand, turned around and walked away quickly.

【Ding! Congratulations! Your favorability with Yae Shinko has increased by 5 points, currently 75 points!

Hearing the system's prompt, Wen Xiu chuckled and then chased after him.


After returning home, Wen Xiu first released Lu Youyou and the Fire Demon Wolf, and then went to cook. As soon as the two beasts appeared, they began to quarrel.

But the main thing was that the little deer looked at the Fire Demon Wolf vigilantly, while the Fire Demon Wolf looked lazy and didn't take Lu Youyou seriously at all.

This made the little deer very angry.

This abominable stupid wolf actually dared not to take me, Lu Youyou, seriously!


If you dare to do bad things, I, Lu Youyou, will be the first to punish you!

The Fire Demon Wolf raised his eyelids and glanced at the little deer, with a hint of teasing in his eyes. You, a stupid deer whose hair hasn't even grown out, want to punish me? Dream on!

Then such a picture was formed. The little deer stared at the Fire Demon Wolf with wide eyes, and the Fire Demon Wolf lay lazily on the ground without even looking at the little deer, while the Eightfold God Son looked at the two fools with a smile on his side.

Soon, Wen Xiu brought the prepared meals to the table.

Seeing that the two beasts were still in a standoff, he said unhappily:"How long are you two going to be in a stalemate? It's time for dinner!"

The Fire Demon Wolf immediately got up and came to eat.

The deer blinked his sore eyes, and walked to the table gracefully, taking a bite and looking at it.

Wen Xiu shook his head, I really admire these two!

After dinner, Wen Xiu used the power of God to release the pockmarked man from before.

Pah! He woke him up with a big slap in the face.

At this moment, he was still a little confused, and then he saw a pair of scarlet eyes.

Illusion, Sharingan!

Wen Xiu used an illusion on the pockmarked man!

The pockmarked man suddenly straightened his body, his expression was dull, and his head drooped slightly.

Wen Xiu held his head and asked in a low voice:"Introduce yourself!"

The pockmarked man began to speak mechanically as if he was hypnotized:"My name is Li Sheng, from the 'Dark Spirit', I am a peripheral member of the 'Dark Spirit' organization, mainly responsible for finding geniuses among the human race and strangling them!"

Dark Spirit?

Wen Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Who is the strongest of the Dark Spirits?"

The pockmarked man spoke again:"The strongest of the Dark Spirits is... is..."

At this point, the pockmarked man's face was full of pain and he couldn't speak.


After a shrill scream, the pockmarked man rolled his eyes.

Yae Shinko looked at him curiously:"Have you become a fool?" Wen Xiu nodded and chuckled:"It seems that this organization is not simple!"

Next time, I hope to come to a stronger one so that I can get more information!

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