It seems that he is being targeted!

He doesn't care. If he can't win, he can just run away with his might. But Wen Xiu doesn't want the Son of God to run away with him.

"Little guy, you're here again!"

The Eightfold God looked at Wen Xiu with a frosty face.

"After I came to this world, I only have you as my relative, little one. Don't think of taking on everything by yourself!"

Wen Xiu looked at the Son of God with a wry smile. The Son of God was quite scary when he was serious, but his words made him feel warm.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Then Wen Xiu's right eye flashed, and Shenwei sucked Li Sheng in, locking him in a corner of Shenwei Space.

"Why do you still keep him?"

Xiao Qi asked curiously

"Keep the property and return it to its original owner!"

Wen Xiu said with a smile.

Xiao Qi looked disgusted:"You really have a bad taste!"

Xiao Lu walked up to Wen Xiu and opened his mouth.

Wen Xiu looked at the Eightfold Son of God:"Son of God, what did Youyou say?"

The Eightfold Son of God smiled charmingly, his voice soft and moving:"Youyou said that in order to be able to supervise the magic beasts at all times, it decided to be your pet!"

Wen Xiu's face lit up, then looked at Lu Youyou and asked:"Have you decided?"

Lu Youyou nodded.

The fire wolf lying on the side raised its eyelids with a look of disdain.


Supervision bullshit!

Stupid deer!

Wen Xiu stretched out his hand and pressed on Lu Youyou's forehead, and his soul power probed in.

Soon, the contract was completed.

【[Name]: Aurora Phantom Deer

【Quality: Myth

【Level]: Silver 1

【[Skills]: Concealment, Particle Beam, Illusionary Vision, Extreme Speed, Flash Impact, Holy Light Body Protection

Illusionary Vision: A unique skill of the Phantom Deer Clan, able to see through all illusions and tricks, and has a miraculous effect on treasure hunting!

Extreme Speed: Stimulates one's own potential, greatly increases one's own speed in a short period of time, and can penetrate objects.

Particle Beam: Sprays out a very penetrating white beam from the mouth, which is extremely powerful!

Seeing these skills, Wen Xiu smiled happily.

Although the Phantom Deer Clan is not the most powerful spiritual beast in terms of output ability, it is definitely the most versatile!

Attack, buff, invisibility, defense, treasure hunting, it's simply perfect!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting the reward: 10 top-level energy cubes, 200 points, 5 million star coins, Wood Release (fully mastered)!

Here it comes, Wood Release!

Wen Xiu smiled slightly, and now his strength has doubled. With

Wood Release in hand, the world is mine!

Lu Youyou tilted his head. Just now, he felt a very strong soul power connecting with him, and then he found that there was a special connection between him and Wen Xiu.

It feels very close!

Yae Shenzi approached Wen Xiu at this time, gently hugged Wen Xiu's neck with his jade arms, exhaled in his ear, and smiled softly:"Little guy, it's time to go to bed, I'm sleepy!"

Then he pulled Wen Xiu into the room and closed the door.

The Fire Demon Wolf and Lu Youyou were left staring at each other.

The Fire Demon Wolf glared at Lu Youyou.

What are you looking at, stupid deer!

Lu Youyou stared at the Fire Demon Wolf fiercely.

I'm staring at you, stupid wolf!


At this time, far to the north of Luhai City, a magnificent temple called the Original Beast Temple was located in the center of a mysterious lake.

Inside the temple were statues of ancient mythical beasts. These statues had hideous faces and looked extremely scary!

At this moment, more than a dozen people were standing in a row inside the Original Beast Temple, respectfully looking at the

""Everyone, tell me about the recent situation!"

A deep voice came from the stage.

The person on the stage was shrouded in black fog, and only a figure could be seen faintly.

""Reporting to the Dark Saint, the Warcraft has been relatively well behaved recently and has not crossed the line too much!"

One of the middle-aged men said

"Don't worry about the magic beasts for now, what about the high-quality spirit beasts I asked you to pay attention to?" The voice came from the stage again, and it seemed to have a hint of coldness. Everyone in the audience trembled all over, as if they had thought of something terrible.

""Master... Lord Dark Saint, not long ago, one of my men sent me a message saying that he had discovered a SSS-level talent who had just awakened in the human race!"

A woman said cautiously.

"SSS Level 1 talent? Are you sure?"

The voice was a little shocked and a little excited.

"It's true, and the other party also has a transformed beast pet!"

The woman said again

"Good, very good!"

The Dark Saint was very excited, and then ordered the woman:"Send a message to your men, tell them to catch him alive, and there will be a big reward!"

How many years have passed?

The opportunity has finally come!

As long as I absorb the boy's transformed beast pet, I can be promoted to the emperor level in one fell swoop!

What will you do at that time, my good brother?

A tall figure appeared in the Dark Saint's memory.

A trace of resentment flashed in the Dark Saint's eyes

""Yes, Lord Dark Saint!"

The woman saluted respectfully, and then immediately sent a message to her subordinates. However, after waiting for a long time, the other party did not reply.

The woman frowned. What is this kid doing?


The Dark Saint looked over.

"If the news is false, you know the consequences!"

The Dark Saint said in a cold voice!

The woman shuddered and said in a panic:"Lord Dark Saint, the news is absolutely true, but I don't know what happened over there!"

The Dark Saint said indifferently:"This is not a reason."

The woman looked terrified.

She was really afraid of being slapped to death by the Dark Saint, and at the same time she was cursing in her heart, this damn bastard, if you don't reply at the critical moment, I will kill you!

"Since you said the news is true, then you should go there in person. With your platinum-level strength, it should be easy to deal with a young boy who has just awakened!"

The Dark Saint pondered for a while and said

"Remember, only success is allowed, failure is not allowed!"

The woman nodded hurriedly:"Yes, please rest assured, I will bring back what you want within three days!"

The Dark Saint waved his hand:"Go!"

The woman's figure flashed and disappeared.

The Dark Saint waved his hand again, a little impatient:"You go too, continue to look for high-quality spirit beasts, I want to live!"

Everyone nodded and left the hall as quickly as possible.

Only the Dark Saint was left in the empty palace. He waved his hand to disperse the black fog, took off the ghost mask on his face, revealing an extremely handsome face.

The Dark Saint pursed his lips, his expression was obscure.

My good brother, do you know?

Despair is the truest emotion of human beings. No matter how you resist, you will eventually die under my dark power!

Wait and see, it won't be too long before we meet again!


The corner of the Dark Saint's mouth showed a crazy smile!


In the next few days, Wen Xiu would go to the elite area every day to finish the Japanese times and improve his strength as soon as possible.

The level of the Eightfold God has reached the 9th level of gold, the Fire Demon Wolf is the 9th level of silver, and only the little deer is still the 2nd level of silver!

Wen Xiu was a little speechless, what a bottomless pit!

Then he took out the ten magic cubes of the task and gave two to the God. After upgrading the God to the 1st level of platinum, he gave all the remaining magic cubes to the little deer.

As a result, the level just barely reached the 4th level of silver, which was outrageous!

At present, it seems that he has been targeted by the Dark Spirit Organization and will be attacked at any time. He must be prepared. Although he is not afraid of encountering diamonds now, who knows how many diamonds there are in the Dark Spirit.

What if a bunch of diamonds or a few kings come, he will definitely run!

Or what if the leader of the Dark Spirit comes to deal with him personally?

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not ruled out that the leader is extremely cautious!

Wen Xiu pondered.

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