All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 106 Shocked Mr. Liang! Galactic Parliament! (Part 1)

inside the room.

Qin Luo carefully introduced the identities of the two women.

"That is to say..."

Liang Xue said with complicated eyes: "Among them, one is your follower, and the other is Miss Wang, who is also your teammate?"

"Also, this Miss Gong... is your wife?"

Liang Xue asked hesitantly.


Qin Luo nodded.

Hearing this, Liang Xue couldn't help but look at her.

"Hello, Miss Liang."

Gong Qingyue smiled softly and greeted lightly.

Don't look at Liang Xue as the head teacher in high school.

In fact, she is only 24 years old this year, one year younger than Gong Qingyue.

Liang Xue responded.

She pulled Gong Qingyue again and chatted a lot about the things that Twilight World and Qin Luo did during this time, which made the food a bit cold.

"Ahem․․Teacher Liang, that's almost the end of the question!"

Qin Luo quickly shouted.

See his weird eyes.

Liang Xue explained with a reddish face: "I am only caring about the lives of the students as the head teacher. Don't misunderstand me, Qin Luo!"

"It's okay, Teacher Liang, I understand.

The corners of Qin Luo's mouth curled up slightly.

The voice just fell.

Liang Xueqiao's face was stained with a blush at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Notice how she looks. Wang Mengyu next to 30 knew it.

'Okay, here comes another competitor.

'Damn it! Why are there so many people robbing Miss Ben for men!"

She looked a little resentful.

As the saying goes: "Three women make one play."


The three women are not the kind of narrow-minded and narrow-minded people. After chatting with each other for a few words, their relationship quickly became close.

After a while.

Qin Luo interrupted their chat.

He asked, "Teacher Liang, what is the purpose of your coming to see me this time?"

"Yeah, I almost forgot"

Only then did Liang Xue remember the purpose of her trip.

"I'm here to inform you about the Novice Professional League."

"The rules of this competition are similar to those of the selection competition, except that there is an extra ranking competition, and only the top 100 players can participate."

"For the venue, the official chose [Corpse Mist World], which is a doomsday wasteland world.

"Corpse mist will be born around you from time to time in this world, which contains a lot of dangerous monsters! In short, you have to be careful.

Information about the world of Corpse Mist.

Qin Luo understood.

It is an intermediate world.

Only players below level 40 can enter.

After thinking about it, he asked: "The points are also obtained by killing monsters this time?"

"There's more than one way."

Liang Xue explained: "Participants can also receive tasks in the human base of [Corpse Mist World], and get hidden points...

Seems to remember something.

She asked, "What level are you now?"

"Level 35."

"It turned out to be level 3...35?!"

A look of shock appeared in Liang Xue's eyes.

She exclaimed: "It's only been a month, and you've already reached level 35?"

"Of course." Qin Luo looked indifferent.

Generally speaking.

As long as you have a black iron profession or a good talent.

Players can become intermediate professionals within a month.

However, the maximum can be upgraded to 25 levels.

Only players whose occupation and talent are not lower than gold level can be upgraded to level 30 or above.

In fact, Qin Luo's level should have been higher.

It's just that he spent tens of millions of experience on skills.


He still has 2312w experience left unused.

You know, Qin Luo only used 80 million experience points to reach level 35.

Liang Xue was a little jealous.

‘I’m already 24 years old, yet I’m only level 40. "


She is also the pride of the Liang family.

If it is not restricted by the family contract.

She is at least a top-level professional above level 60 now.

"Fortunately, with you, I can lift the family restrictions this year..."

A flicker of joy appeared on Liang Xue's face.

Looking at each other's expressions.

Qin Luo really wanted to say that he had a way to resolve the contract she signed with the family.

In the world of performing advanced advanced tasks, you can get a strange thing called "Spirit of Wishing", which can fulfill a player's wish.

This is an item that Qin Luo discovered by accident in his previous life.

After thinking about it, he didn't say anything yet.


Liang Xue looked at Qin Luo and said, "According to this speed, you will definitely be promoted to a senior professional in the Dragon Kingdom college entrance examination two months later."

"With your strength, you can enter the top five without any problem!"

The college entrance examination in previous years.

At most, there are more than one hundred students who have reached the level of senior professionals.

"No, my goal is to be number one!"

Qin Luo looked determined.

In this life, he must get a place in the space competition.

"It is said that this year, the chief of the new generation of the legendary family is an invincible genius."

"If it wasn't for the appearance of that unknown player, he would also be able to get the title of Son of the World. Are you sure you can defeat him?"

Liang Xue asked curiously.

Qin Luo glanced at her faintly.

He was tempted to say that the current son of the world was right in front of her.


In order to avoid being deduced from someone close to you by others.

Qin Luo didn't tell anyone about it.

He said indifferently: "Of course I am sure."

"Then the teacher is looking forward to your performance."

Liang Xue smiled sweetly.

After continuing to chat for a while, she left Qin Luo's house.

Galactic Congress Headquarters.

The leaders of the top ten civilizations held a meeting again.

Kemos, who is the chief, said: "After a week of screening, we found 7523 new generation talents who have recently appeared in the major galaxies."

"Next, we will distribute the quota equally, and then send someone to confirm the information. What do you all think?"

The voice just fell.

The nine people in the second place said one after another:

"The deity agrees."

"I agree."

However, when it was the turn of the founder of the warlock civilization, Stu, his face changed a little.

"What's your objection, Your Excellency Stu 190?" Kemos asked with squinted eyes.

"No, of course I have no objection."

Stu immediately denied it.

He said in a concentrated voice: "It's just that my youngest son recently encountered an incident. In the eternal world, he accidentally created a level 40 legendary boss."

"Subsequently, he was killed by a level 30 player."

"The most important thing is that this player single-handedly killed the legendary boss and gained control of the world."

heard the words.

The people present were surprised.

30 levels.

Can kill the legendary BOSS at level 40.

This is completely in line with the characteristics of the children of the world.

"Your Excellency Stu, have you detected the other party's identity and coordinates?" Everyone stared at him closely.

Just let the person you control, kill Qin Luo, and then train him.

They can obtain the title of Children of the World through the same method.

As for why Stu said it.

It was because of his strength that he was at the bottom of the Galactic Council, and he couldn't keep his title at all.

Simply say it and buy everyone a favor.


Stu shook his head and said, "Because of system rules, we cannot locate the coordinates of the main world, but only the eternal world he entered."

"Then I hope your Excellency will inform me in time when you get the news. After the matter is completed, I owe you a favor."

Kermos smiled.

The eyes of the other eight people flickered.

But he didn't ask in public, but asked Stu after the meeting was over.


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