All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 107 The Eye Of Truth! Corpse Fog World (Part 2)

Three days later.

early morning.

A system prompt sounds.

"Ding! You get 1 Chaos Sacrifice.

"Ding! Player Qin Luo, congratulations on conquering the world of Coburn. Rewards: world reputation +2w, world bonus, intermediate world treasure chest."

Qin Luo opened the world information panel.

[World bonus: 175+200+422 points for all attributes]

The three worlds provide 797 points of four-dimensional attribute bonus.

Magic attack rose to 20242 points.

Immediately afterwards.

He took out the middle-level world treasure chest, which can give legendary quality rewards at the highest, and diamond quality rewards at the lowest.

Qin Luo opened the box directly.

"Ding! You have obtained an epic item: the skill book of the eye of supersense."

"Ding! You have obtained a legendary material: mirage flower*1."

The mirage flower was directly handed over to Gong Qingyue.

As for this skill book.

It really made Qin Luo feel happy.

It turned out to be an investigation skill.

In the past few days, Qin Luo kept searching for the refining materials of the Exploration Department skill book and the Holy Lie's Yang Potion in Zhutian City.


He found that the highest was the silver-level investigation skill book.

The quality is simply too low.

The next novice professional league venue, which is [Corpse Mist World], requires advanced detection capabilities.

Qin Luo almost gave up.

Unexpectedly, today, I got what I wanted from the world treasure chest.

"Looks like I'm lucky."

Qin Luo smiled.

He learns the skill first, then evolves it with talent.

Blessings of the ancient gods!

"Ding! The eye of super-knowledge has evolved into a god-level skill: the eye of truth.

【Eye of Reality (God Level)】

Grade: None

Effect 1: Get detailed information about things not higher than god-level quality.

Effect 2: Immune to illusion effects with priority lower than god level.

Although the description is extremely simple.

But it works powerfully.

Just right for myself.


Qin Luo closed the skill panel with satisfaction.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the door.


Wang Mengyu pushed open the door and said softly: "Qin Luo, it's time, let's go to the competition."

"it is good."

Qin Luo nodded.

As if remembering something, he said again: "Your talent has also been refreshed this week, continue to help me upgrade my skills."

"No problem, which skill do you plan to upgrade?"

Wang Mengyu asked.

She showed her talent immediately.

"Titan totem."

Qin Luo made a choice.

"Ding! The Titan Totem skill level has been raised to level 10."

【Titan Totem (God Level)】

Level: 10(MAX)

Effect: Nearby allies get bonuses, damage-free +25%, defense +[law attack x150%], shield +[law attack x1500%] points.

Consumes [Spirit] mana per second.

With Qin Luo's spell attack, the defense bonus of the totem reaches 3w+.

The value is very high.

After all, the damage of most mid-level professional players can't reach 3w.

"Okay, let's go.

Qin Luo said.

Wang Mengyu responded.

This time, Gong Qingyue didn't plan to go because [Corpse Mist World] didn't have the materials she needed.

She still stays at home refining medicine.


Before leaving, Qin Luo got thousands of bottles of epic and legendary quality strengthening potions from Gong Qingyue, and their effects were particularly strong.


Qin Luo took Wang Mengyu and Mi Lin to the camp outside the city again by car.

There are only 500 contestants this time, from the five major high schools in the Linzhou base.

They receive the scorer from the official referee.

Then, the three of them came to the portal of [Corpse Mist World].

The jewel at the top of the gate is red.

This means that [Corpse Mist World] has not been conquered.

This is normal.

Because this world was born only last month.

According to the news in the forum, the players neither found the Child of Destiny, nor encountered a monster with a strategy value.

There isn't any clue about world quests.

"I remember that in my previous life, it seemed that a week before the college entrance examination, the World of Corpse Mist was conquered."

Qin Luo pondered.

Think here.

He stepped into the space portal with the two women.


"The level is lower than 40, and the requirements for using the portal are met. Please select a destination.

A panel pops up in front of you.

"Thousand Spring Base."

Qin Luo chose a base located in a high-level area.


The figures of the three disappeared into the camp.

next moment.

The scenery changed rapidly, Qin Luo was teleported to the square of Qianquan Base, and the sky above his head was gray.


As the light flickered, players continued to appear around him.

Qin Luo led the two girls to the street.

The aborigines on the side of the road were all dressed in shabby clothes and were in a mess.

Even, many people have strange things growing on their bodies due to radiation.

As soon as the three of them appeared, they immediately attracted their attention.

Goodness! They are so clean!"

People's eyes are full of envy.

Qin Luo went straight along the street to the central building of the base—the Association of Espers.

That's right!

Ability is the extraordinary power system of the corpse mist world.

In addition, there are modern guns and guns.

The three of them walked forward for a while.

There was a commotion in the street behind him.

"You bastards, hurry up and get the hell out of here!"

"Stay out of the way ahead!"

Several strong men with ferocious faces pushed away the crowd and walked over.

"Hey, these two girls are really pretty!"

They looked at Wang Mengyu and Mi Lin.

There was a strong greed in his eyes.

One of them said cruelly: "Little boy, be sensible and hand over these two girls, or I will treat you to eat bullets!"

Say it.

He shook the gun in his hand in protest.

"Death!" (Dede)

Qin Luo didn't talk nonsense, he summoned a Forest Ice Spear, and with a "swoosh", pierced the air to attack.


Pierce directly through the villain's body.

"A, Ability?!"

They treat spells as abilities of their own world.

The faces of the remaining two villains suddenly turned pale.

in this world.

The status of supernatural beings is equivalent to the supreme nobleman.

"Respect, respected psychic, I'm sorry, please spare the villain's life..."

The two stuttered and said.

Qin Luo's face remained unchanged.

Shadow Assassination!

An invisible assassin teleported behind them, pierced the back of the heart with a dagger, and killed the two.


Qin Luo turned and left indifferently.

The passers-by behind were silent like cicadas, their eyes full of fear.

They were afraid that Qin Luo would be unhappy, so they killed him.

As for the death of the three villains.

No one cares.


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