All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 109 Killing The Wolf King! Ability Awakening Potion! (Part 2)


The three of Qin Luo entered the middle of the Thousand Springs Mountain Range.


They have encountered hundreds of corpse swarm attacks, and because of the "lord hunter", there have been seven bosses.

The frequency is very high.

You know, in other worlds, you will encounter at most a few high-level BO-SS in ten days.

And now it's only half a day, and I've met seven bosses.

At this time.

Qin Luo looked at the trees on both sides.

Possessing the killing intent incarnation condensing method at the main god level, which made him extremely sensitive to killing intent.

a moment later...

"Roar!" "Roar!!"

All kinds of ferocious beasts rushed in.

Vacuum Siphon!

He cast a spell resolutely, turning the area in front of him into a vacuum, and at the same time, released a terrifying suction force, sweeping across an area of ​​nearly a kilometer.

-10w! -10w! -10w!

Thousands of monsters were sucked into the vacuum and imprisoned for 3 seconds.

All ordinary monsters are instantly killed.

Only the blood volume of elite monsters can withstand the damage.

"The Wrath of the Snow Sea!"

Wang Mengyu connected a skill and wiped out the surviving monsters.

All their corpses turned into corpse insects.

Looking at the damage caused by the skills, Qin Luo secretly thought:

Although Vacuum Siphon is a monster-gathering skill, its damage is still a bit low.

Think about it.

Qin Luo opened the skill panel.

He invested 2408w points of experience in skills in one go.

"Ding! The vacuum siphon skill has been upgraded to level 10."

Vacuum Siphon (Legendary)

Level: 10(MAX)

Effect: suck nearby enemies into the vacuum, imprison them for 3 seconds, and cause [6000+law attack x300%] magic damage per second.

Qin Luo directly upgraded the skill to the full level.

The range has roughly doubled.

As for Wang Mengyu's talent upgrade times next week.

He is going to leave it to 【Superstate】.

After all, the opponent's talent can make the skill level limit break through to level 15.

at this time.

Wang Mengyu glanced at the map.

She said softly: "We are not far from the center of the mountain range, and we should be able to complete the task before dark.

"Then keep going."

Qin Luo nodded.

One afternoon.

They wiped out dozens of silver-level corpse insect swarms, and they were only short of a gold-level corpse insect swarm to complete the task.

After half an hour passed...

The team suddenly stopped.

"Master, there are many corpse worms ahead, the number is higher than the silver level! There are still players nearby."

Milin said with a wrinkled face.

"Go, let's go!"

Qin Luo grabbed the arms of the two.

Divine shadow technique!

Immediately, their figures disappeared into the air, and their breath was perfectly covered.

Quickly walked through the woods and came to the clearing.

There are two teams of one hundred people here, not players from the Linzhou base, but players from other civilizations.

in front of them.

Massive corpse mist gushes out from the ground.

Form thousands of fierce beasts.

And a golden boss, a giant wolf over fifty meters in size, exuding a disturbing aura.

Shadow Wolf King (Lord)

Level: 40

Quality: gold

HP: 1627w

Attack: 8.4w

Skills: Culling, Bite, Dark Impact, Specter, Wolves Calling...


The wolf king raised his head and howled.

next moment.

There was a burst of ripples in the air, and five hundred silver-ranked demon wolves descended.


The captains of the two teams immediately issued orders.

Frost burst!

Corrosion Arrow!

Chaos fire!

Melee players step forward to resist the impact of monsters.

Long-distance professional players shot out one after another, cast various spells, and smashed into the middle of the group of mobs.

A series of "-2w" and "-3w" damage numbers popped up.

But the wolf king stood far away and couldn't attack it.

"Qin Luo, what shall we do?"

Wang Mengyu asked.

"You kill mobs here, and I'll deal with the Demon Wolf King!"

A gleam appeared in Qin Luo's eyes.

"it is good."

The two women had no objection.



Titan Totem!

Qin Luo summoned a totem and put it on the ground, their defense power +16w, and they got a layer of 160w shield.


He teleported to the front of the wolf king, and launched [Dragon Destroyer] at the speed of light.

An 800-meter-long flame dragon descended from the sky with brilliant power.


The explosion sounded through the sky.


…0 for flowers………………………

The wolf king's blood bar dropped sharply.

The younger brother beside it was also instantly killed.

"Damn it! Is someone robbing monsters?"

Hearing this, hundreds of players hurriedly looked towards the position of the boss.

Hunter Angel!

Qin Luo exploded at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, he flew to the top of the wolf king, clenched the long sword in his hand, and cut out a series of sword shadows.



Fifteen swords per second.

The cumulative damage reached 645w.

Boss HP drops by 50%.

Hundreds of players:

They stared blankly at the scene.


What kind of perverted mage is this?!

Less than 3 seconds.

The battle ended immediately.

"Ding, you killed the phantom wolf king, gained 126w experience points (+120%), 32 free attribute points (+100%), world reputation +1000."


at the same time.

Qin Luo and Wang Mengyu released several spells together to kill the remaining thousands of monsters.

This wave gained more than 7 million experience.

And completed the gold mission.

Immediately afterwards.

They collect loot in front of these players.


Someone asked: "Uh... they seem to have stolen our monsters."

"What should I do? Want to snatch it back?"

"Fuck you, didn't you see the scene where the big boss and the wolf king are facing each other? The boss's attack didn't even break the defense.

"If you annoy the boss, maybe we will be killed in seconds."

The two teams dispersed and left the place.


Receive all loot in your backpack.

"Let's go, let's go back and hand in the task, and sort out today's harvest by the way."

Qin Luo said.

He took out a teleportation item.

At noon, Qin Luo placed the space coordinates in the base.

Launch props.

The three of them returned to the Abyss Association in an instant.

Qin Luo submitted the task.


"Congratulations on overfulfilling the task: clearing the corpse swarm."

"Rewards: 500,000 experience, world reputation +1000, free attribute +16, advanced ability awakening medicine.

The game scorer of the two increased by 10,000 points.


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