All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 110 Mutations At Dusk! Mission From The Will Of The World (Part 1)

Qin Luo looked at the potion rewarded by the mission.

【Advanced ability awakening medicine】

Quality: gold

Effect: After use, a gold level ability can be awakened. Limited to 1 use per person.

Browse through the information.

Qin Luo thoughtfully said: "The effect of this potion is similar to that of the Life Awakening potion, but it has a wider range and does not limit ability attributes.

"After I control this world and find the formula, I will let Gong Qingyue refine the enhanced version of the potion."

There was another thought in his mind.

This potion can be taken by humans who control the world by themselves.

Indigenous peoples strength increased.

The world level will also increase.


[World No. 5] and [Koborn World] have reached the pinnacle of the primary world, and are about to break through to the intermediate world.

Think here.

Qin Luo smiled slightly and said:

"Milin, this bottle of medicine is for you.

For him, an epic level ability, the bonus to strength is not as high as before.

"Thank you master~"

Milin happily stretched out her little hand to take the medicine, and then took it.

"Ding! Your follower, Milin, awakened the gold-level skill: Rain of Fury."

As for Wang Mengyu, she also got a bottle of awakening medicine.

Qin Luo helped the two evolve new skills.


The three of them began to count the trophies and find out the equipment they want to use by the way.

Qin Luo took out a mage professional gauntlet.

Blessings of the ancient gods!

"Ding! Cold Shadow Gloves evolved into epic equipment: Moon Shadow Gloves."

Moon Shadow Gloves (Epic)



Additional: Strength +300, Constitution +350, Spirit +400

Special Effect: Casting Speed ​​+15%

Skill: Moon Shield: Gain a shield of law attack x500%, refresh every 5 seconds.

Equipment requirements: Level 35 legal profession

The equipment skill is to increase the shield.

Count other skills and spirit pattern bonuses.

In normal state, Qin Luo can get 218w points of shield, which is seven times his HP.


He decisively equips Moon Shadow Gloves.

Qin Luo opened the personal information panel casually.

Level: 35

Life: 35w/35w

IX: 22266


Law Defense: 28420

His attributes are much higher than those of players of the same level.


If the attribute increase skill is turned on, the light panel data can be increased by five times. As for the strength, the increase is even more exaggerated.

"It's almost here today, let's go back to the camp and rest."

Qin Luo said.

"it is good!"

The two women very much agree.

Because the environment of the corpse fog world is too bad.

If it wasn't for the competition, they would never come here.

Qin Luo opens the system tray and clicks the "Back" button.


Two seconds passed.

No response.


A question mark appeared in Qin Luo's mind.

"Why can't I quit? Did something happen?!"

Wang Mengyu exclaimed.

And Qin Luo looked at a new system prompt.

【System prompt: The current world has been blocked. Players can enter, but they cannot exit voluntarily. They can only be resurrected in the main world by dying. 】

[System prompt: 7-day blockade]


Qin Luo narrowed his eyes slightly.

There are indeed props that block the world in the eternal world.

However, such props can only be purchased from the system reputation shop.

"Why did that person block the corpse mist world?"

"As far as I know, there are no high-level treasures in this world. And in the previous life, absolutely nothing like this happened."

Qin Luo pondered.

The only difference between this life and the previous life.

It was he who participated in the novice professional league.

The result is obvious.

The other party came at him.

Just then, there was another mutation.

"Ding! Corpse mist world announcement:"

"Due to the influence of unknown forces, the level of this world is being promoted. Estimated completion time: 3 days... 0"


Heard the announcement.

Qin Luo has been identified.

The enemy's target is himself.

After all, if the world level is promoted to high level, it means that players from level 40 to level 60 can enter this world.

"I want to see how you deal with me."

Qin Luo smiled coldly.

Even if a million level 60 players came to attack him.

He also has no fear.

There is only 1 day left on the cooldown of Heart of Despair.


He also has the Stone of Despair in his backpack which reduces cooldown.

"Qin Luo, what shall we do next?"

Wang Mengyu asked quietly.

As the person who witnessed him slapping the collateral elder to death with his own eyes.

She fully believed that Qin Luo had the strength to solve the predicament.

Qin Luo spoke a word.

"Just wait until the enemy shows up and kill them, and we'll be safe.

Wang Mengyu nodded.

at this time.

A system prompt sounds.

"Ding! Dear son of the world, Qin Luo, the will of this world has issued a special mission to you to eradicate the behind-the-scenes forces that caused the world's voice to rise.

"After the task is completed, you will be rewarded with the will of the world."

"Do you want to accept this task?"


0.8 Qin Luo accepted it directly.

He had taken on many similar missions in his previous life.

Because forcibly promoting the level of the world will consume a lot of world origin.

This is not good for the subsequent development of the world.

Qin Luo looked at the mission prompt.

[Coordinates of forces behind the scenes: Red Shadow Desert. 】

He opens the map.

In the highlighted area, there is no such map.

That is.

No players have found this desert map yet.

"Forget it, ask the aborigines tomorrow to see if there are any clues." Qin Luo thought secretly.


They found a safe place, set up tents for the night, and summoned three avatars and six BOSS souls to vigil.

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