All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 111 Response From All Sides! News From The Desert (Part 2)


Red Shadow Desert.

Hundreds of players are stationed here.

The team members are from the ten major civilizations of the Galactic Council.


More than half of the players are dressed as mages, they are people from Komos civilization, and they come from a legendary family.

The leader is a white-haired youth.

He is the youngest son of the main god Kemos.

He is also the most talented clan member in the history of his family!

He is deeply loved by the elders of his clan.

At this time.

A player reported: "Your Highness Hillier, we have sealed off this world.

"What about the promotion circle?"

Hillier asked coldly.

It is running, and it only takes three days to upgrade the level of Corpse Mist World to Advanced. "

"At that time, each family will send 1,000 high-level protectors! With their assistance [Your Highness, you will become the son of the new world!"

The players responded excitedly.

The senior protectors are all level 6300 players.

Hillier snorted coldly.

He said calmly: "Even without the help of a guardian, I can defeat the opponent alone and regain the title of Son of the World."

"Yes, Your Highness is right!"

"That kid was just lucky enough to get the title of Son of the World."

"With your god-level talent, Your Highness, you can easily defeat that person!"

The players around him were full of flattery.

Hillier didn't speak.

However, there was a hint of pride on his face.

at the same time.

In a laboratory of biotech civilization.

Hundreds of humans in white coats operate various instruments and conduct some kind of experiment.

Center of the room.....

A refined middle-aged man is observing the experimental data uploaded by the researcher.

At this time.

A young man ran over excitedly and said, "Teacher Yaen, the genetic resolution of disaster beasts has begun to improve!!"


Hearing this, the middle-aged man called "En" showed surprise.

He hurried into another room.

Thousands of bottles of glass culture tanks are placed here, and monsters of various shapes are preserved in the nutrient solution.

At the very end, there is a special cultivation tank with a height of 500 meters.

Its tank body is more than twenty meters thick!

There is a gray broken bone hundreds of meters inside.

Data are displayed on the surface of the culture tank.




The value increases extremely slowly.

But it is improving.


Yan said with great joy: "Only analyzing 1% of the disaster beast's genes, we have created a super life like corpse worm."

"If the resolution reaches 2%, 10%...or even 100%, what kind of amazing life can be created?"

He couldn't help but recall the scene ten years ago.

A space behemoth with a body size of thousands of kilometers descended on the home planet of the biotechnology civilization Boros Empire.


In the sea of ​​stars in the universe, the sea of ​​immortal energy was born out of thin air, and gave birth to billions of flying swords.

Shred the disaster beast into thousands of pieces.

This saved the Boros Empire from a disaster.

"Perhaps after fully analyzing the genes of the Calamity Beast, I can create a real god!"

"Until then.....…"

"I will have enough power to occupy the bones of the disaster beast!"

Enthusiasm flickered in Yan's eyes.

Think here.

He took out a silver-blue pocket watch.

This is a space teleportation prop.

Through it, you can go to the Boros Empire.

at this time.

The researcher in the room exclaimed: "Look at the monitoring panels of other cultivation tanks! The data of all organisms are skyrocketing!"

Ian also looked over.

He couldn't help but look suspicious.

"The situation in front of us must be some kind of change in the environment of this planet.

Ian ordered:

"Ground observers, all dispatched to find out the cause of the mutation!"

This order is instantly conveyed to the observer's mind through the biological brain network.

the next day.

early morning.

Qin Luo and others woke up.

After washing up and eating the breakfast made by Milin, they headed to the Association of Supernatural Beings.

Qin Luo approached the staff and asked, "Do you have a complete world map here?"


The staff led him to another room.

There is a huge map inside.

The cap maps in detail the areas traveled by human expeditions.

The three browsed carefully.

five minutes later.

"Why is there no Red Shadow Desert?"

Qin Luo was a little depressed.

Even the map of the aborigines does not have the location indicated in the mission.

Is it really up to him to find it by himself?

Obviously impossible.

After all, the world is too big.

Qin Luo didn't have so much time to waste.

at this time.

The staff hurriedly said respectfully: "President!"

Qin Luo looked back.

A one-eyed old man stood at the door.

He looked at Qin Luo and asked seriously: "Young man, what are you looking for in the Red Shadow Desert?"

Wen 220 words.

Qin Luo's eyes lit up, and he said, "Do you know the Red Shadow Desert?"

"Of course. The old man is a member of the expedition team."

The one-eyed old man touched his eyes and said: "And the old man's right eye was stabbed blind by a monster in the desert.

"Can you tell me where the desert is?"

Qin Luo asked.


The one-eyed old man sternly refused: "The Scarlet Shadow Desert is the first of the top ten known restricted areas, and there is an S-level beast king in it!"

"You are courting death if you go in."

In the world of corpse fog.

S rank is diamond rank.

"I have a reason to go! Please tell me the location!"

Qin Luo said firmly.

The one-eyed old man gave him a deep look.

As soon as you have it......

He said: "The old man can tell you the position, but before that, you must prove your strength to the old man."

"How to prove it?"

"An early S-class beast king was born in the dark forest, kill it" I will recognize you when I grow old.

"it is good!"

Qin Luo answered decisively.


"You get a diamond-level mission: Prove yourself."

"Task content: Kill the diamond-level BOSS in the dark forest. The time limit is 1 day.

He has a mission. .

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