All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 112 Observer! The Devourer Of Terror! (Part 3)

Gloomwood is near the Thousand Springs Mountains.

As long as you pass through the mountains, you can reach your destination.

"Fortunately, when I left yesterday, I placed a space coordinate in the central area, and I can directly teleport there, saving a lot of time on the road."

Qin Luo smiled.

"Young man, I wish you good luck." The one-eyed old man said.


Qin Luo nodded.

Immediately...he left the association with the two girls.

on the street.

Qin Luo activates the teleportation item.

The three of them instantly returned to the position where they killed the phantom wolf king yesterday.

The nearby woods were quiet, and there was not a single strange sound to be heard.

It's completely different from yesterday's situation.

As the saying goes:

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

A look of vigilance immediately appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Since the corpse mist world is being promoted, we are likely to encounter monsters higher than level 40 halfway through."

"Mi Lin, the detection task is entrusted to you.

Qin Luo opened his mouth and ordered.

"No problem, master!"

Milin nodded seriously.


Qin Luo activated [Kamikaze Domain] and headed west at full speed.

According to the current speed of travel, it will be able to reach the dark forest at about noon.

Time passed.

After more than ten minutes passed.

Doubt gradually appeared on their faces.

"Why aren't there any monsters? Even the corpse mist didn't appear.

"It's so strange..."

Qin Luo looked at the surrounding environment.

At this time.

"Bang bang․......"

There was a slight vibration in the distance.

"Milin, did you find anything?"

Qin Luo turned around and asked.

Milin said with a serious face: "I found more than a dozen players, and they are being hunted down by a monster that looks like a household."


Qin Luo pondered for a moment and said, "Go, let's go there."

super state!

Flash Phantom!

He caught the bodies of the two women and instantly moved them to a kilometer away.

A giant black snake shuttled through the woods.

"Run! Run!"

"If we are killed by it this time, we will lose more than three years of life."

"Made! Why is the world being promoted, so that level 45 monsters pop out."

"It's outrageous."

The players were chased and fled all the way.

I am afraid that I will be one step too late and be swallowed by the python.

Black Serpent (Lord) (Enhanced)

Level: 45

Quality: gold

Life: 2772w

Attack: 14w

Good guy.

Even higher than level 40.

It turned out to be a strengthened golden boss.


A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Luo's mouth.

These players also noticed the three of them, and hurriedly shouted:

"Run! There is a golden boss behind!"

He ignored it, and instead summoned a Titan totem with his backhand.


Shield +172w!

Qin Luo's own defense has broken through to 35w.

And the BOSS was directly attracted to hatred by him.


The black python opened its mouth wide, and spit out a green and black energy arrow.


Energy arrows exploded on his body.

But... Qin Luo's blood streaks didn't move at all.

"Fire of Dragon Fury!"

"The Wrath of the Snow Sea!"

"Frozen Scourge!"

next moment.

The three of them cast their skills at the same time.

A torrent of colorful magic spells hit the boss, and a series of "-97w" and "-112w" damage figures emerged.

The blood volume of the black python dropped "crash".


The fleeing player stops.

They have been dumbfounded.

"I am not wrong, right?"

"His highest damage has reached 100w+?!!"

"How is this possible! Isn't he only level 35? This damage is comparable to that of an ordinary player at level 60."

More than a dozen players were amazed.

Qin Luo continued to fight.



A sharp roar came from afar.

With only 20% HP remaining, the Black Serpent immediately turned around and left.

high speed.

Qin Luo didn't chase him for the time being.

He looked at the players behind him.

At this time, more than a dozen players said excitedly: "Thank you, big brother, for saving our lives.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

Qin Luo smiled.

He continued: "Where did you find this monster?"

The team members said decisively: "In the woods ahead!"

"At the beginning, we found a suspicious human being and followed him, only to find that he could devour corpse houses!"

Devouring Corpse Mist?

Qin Luo already had an idea in his mind.

This person is definitely an observer of biotechnology civilization.

at this time.

Mi Lin suddenly said: "Master, I feel the breath of a lot of treasures, the old breath underground!"

"Go and have a look."

Qin (Li Hao) Luo smiled slightly.

He sent it directly.

A human-like life stood at the entrance of the cave, opened its mouth, and devoured the corpse insects greedily.

The momentum of the observers is rising steadily.


It found something unusual and immediately yelled.


Qin Luo has already walked out of the woods.

The observer grinned and said, "Humans, prepare to die!"


The opponent's body expanded rapidly, turning into a terrifying monster, similar to apes.

Observer Black Moon Bear (Lord) (Enhanced)

Level: 45

Quality: gold

Life: 3500w

Attack: 17.8w

Skills: Beastization, Intimidation, Heavy Slash, Furious Rage, Bloodthirsty Axe.

The battle is imminent!


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