All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 113 Researcher Soul! The Secret Of The Calamity Beast! (Part 1)

at this time.

The observer stretched out his thick arms and grabbed the black python. The monster's body instantly collapsed into a corpse and poured into his bloody mouth.

The animal form of the opponent changed from a black ape to a black giant bear.

The remaining corpse insects turned into a weird heavy axe, the surface was covered with dark scales.

"I was robbed by monsters?!"

Qin Luo's eyes froze.

How can this be tolerated!


Vacuum Siphon!

Use the skill at will to imprison the giant bear transformed by the observer in place.

next moment.

call out

Qin Luo turned into a hunting angel, teleported to the front of the monster, raised the sword of silence and slashed, and the two incarnations also joined the battle.

Three-on-one situation.



Because the "Superstate" is still cooling down.

The damage is much lower.

However, the cumulative damage per second still exceeds one million.


The observer who was attacked on three sides roared.

As an ordinary player, the soul has long been intimidated.

However, Qin Luo's soul resistance is as high as 60%, and his mental value is not low, so the impact is minimal.

Not to mention the two avatars.

They are the thugs of Mo De's feelings.

"Damn it!"

The observer was furious.

Qin Luo is small in stature and moves so fast that he can't hit people with a heavy axe.

This caused him to be beaten the whole time.

"Bloodthirsty Axe!"

The observer jumped up with an ax in both hands and fell straight to the ground.


All of a sudden!

Black and red blood light suddenly erupted, sweeping around.

Mysterious Golden Body Art!

A layer of golden light appeared on Qin Luo's body surface, which resisted the bloody rays and weakened the attack by 90%, and the remaining damage could no longer break through the defense.


He was not hurt.

The two incarnations were also temporarily taken back into his body by him.


Just when the cooldown of the skill was over, Qin Luo immediately activated it.



The damage surged.

Only three seconds passed.

The monster was killed by Qin Luo, leaving behind a black bear corpse, which did not turn into a corpse insect.

These observers are biological reconnaissance weapons developed by the Boros Empire.

After being rebuilt by researchers (dadg), it has the ability to devour the evolution of household bugs.

"Ding! You killed the observer, gained 172w experience points (+120%), free attribute +32 (+100%), world reputation +1000, strategy value +10."

This time I finally got the strategy value.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 36, four-dimensional attributes +20, free attribute points +22."

at the same time.

Qin Luo has a lot of life-saving cards.

It is no longer necessary to upgrade to restore blood.

So he has no card rank.

After Milin received a sum of experience, she successfully rose to level 30.

The seventh page of the Book of Souls is unlocked.

"Can you seal his soul?"

Qin Luo pointed to the corpse and asked.

"He has no soul inside him."

Milin shook her head.

"That's right...that's such a pity.

Qin Luo felt a little regretful.

If another soul is sealed, Milin casts the god-controlling technique, which can increase the four-dimensional attribute by more than 20,000 points.


He uses Blessing of the Old Gods on ground loot.

All equipment evolves into two qualities.

"Items you got: Darkscale Tomahawk Epic, Wild Fighter Leather Armor Epic, Oriented Space Wormhole Fragment (1/10)..."

Qin Luo got the key prop.

Wormhole fragments!

As long as you collect 10 pieces, you can synthesize a complete wormhole.

He can go to the hidden area of ​​​​the corpse fog world.

Put things in your backpack.

Qin Luo looked towards the entrance of the cave and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

He walked into the dark cave first.

And Wang Mengyu took out the lighting props.


The three of them reached the depths of the cave, and there were many sci-fi items scattered on the ground, ranging in quality from silver to diamond.

"What's going to be in here..."

Qin Luo looked forward to it.

He looked towards the metal box at the back.

Because there is a combination lock, it cannot be opened.

However, this did not bother him.

Eyes of truth!

Qin Luo activates the skill.

All the information in the metal box can be seen at a glance.

enter password.


The box was opened, and inside lay a glass culture jar filled with blue liquid, although it was only the size of a palm.

It weighs several tons.

Obviously made of special materials.

Qin Luo took a few glances, and suddenly found a gray object the size of a fingernail in the liquid.

He activated his skills again.

[Hint: Probing failed]

Qin Luo's eyes shrank suddenly.

There is only one case where the Eye of Truth detection fails.

In the judgment of the system, the item does not belong to him, and it is higher than god-level quality.

That is.

The quality of this gray object reaches the main god level or the highest god level!


He gasped.

Qin Luo observed carefully and said curiously: "It looks like the bones of some kind of creature..."

Think about it.

He's about to break the bottle.

At this time,

An anxious voice came into his ears.

"Stop! Young man, don't break the bottle!"


Qin Luo followed the prestige.

I saw white light emerging from the metal box, gradually forming an illusory figure.

【Grave's Soul】

Grade: None

Time remaining: 92 hours

Description: One of the top ten S-level researchers of the Boros Empire, nine years ago, betrayed the empire and led his assistants to the world of Corpse Mist.

According to known information.

The Boros Empire is a civilization in another world that developed the "corpse worm".

Qin Luo narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Why can't I break the bottle?"

"Because it contains the bones of disaster beasts, once it is exposed to the outside world, it will bring you endless disasters!"

Greif's soul said in a deep voice.

"Disaster beast?"

"This is a creature with power comparable to that of a god. Ten years ago,..."

Grave slowly talked about the origin of the Calamity Beast.

"Thousands of kilometers in size, no matter how you have to have the strength of a mid-level god, as for the hundreds of millions of flying swords that kill disaster beasts, it should be the ability of the Immortal Dao."

Qin Luo thought to himself.


This is just speculation.

For beast gods, the body size of the normal state and the combat state may differ by thousands or even ten thousand times.

In the past, Qin Luo had killed some peerless Zengshen whose normal body size was thousands of kilometers, and whose combat body size reached billions of kilometers.


Calamity beasts have god-level strength.

It is the corpse of a god!

what does that mean?

The perfect offering!

It's like the main godhead of light. .

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