All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 114 World Quest! Multidimensional Soul Network! (Part 2)


There was an impulse in Qin Luo's heart, and he wanted to go to the Boros Empire to snatch the corpse of the Calamity Beast.

Notice the look in his eyes.

Greif said, "You want this scourge's bone?"


Qin Luo nodded slightly.

He wanted more than just this bone.

It's the corpse of the entire Calamity Beast!

Think for a moment.

Greif said in a deep voice: "Young man, as long as you do one thing for me, I can hand over this bone and the supreme treasure of the Boros Empire to you.~"

"What's up?"

Qin Luo didn't - agree immediately.

Instead, ask about its content.

"Kill someone!"


Greif gritted his teeth and said: "My colleague, Imperial S-level researcher [Axi.

Qin Luo's eyes lit up.

According to his past life memory.

The owner of this name is the final boss of the hidden area.

"Why did you kill him?" Qin Luo asked curiously.

Greve slowly narrated:

"Ten years ago, the mysterious force smashed the calamity beast into thousands of pieces, and disasters continued to occur on the mother planet of the empire until we recovered and sealed all the bones."

"At the same time, the Academy of Sciences convened people to study the genes of disaster beasts."

"However, all civilian faction researchers were excluded. Not reconciled, we stole a bone and fled here.

"However, that bastard Yann proposed to use people from this world as test subjects.

"I didn't agree with his ideas, and he sent someone to kill me!"

Speaking of which.

Greve's tone was full of hatred.

at last.

He stared at Qin Luo firmly and said, "Young man, I hope you can kill Yan and destroy his research institute, will you agree?"


"Congratulations on triggering World Quest: Mad Scientist."

"Mission content: Ian is opening Pandora's Box, please stop his actions.

"I accept your request."

Qin Luo firmly agreed.

"You promise me one more request, and I will give you something in advance!" Greve said.

"Please tell me."

"You should be a player from another world, right?"

Qin Luo was slightly surprised: "Do you know the existence of players?"


Greve nodded: "The reason why I came to this world is because a person who called himself a player traded a legendary item with me.

"I see."

Qin Luo was thoughtful.


Greve said: "Young man, swear to the system of your players."

"It seems that the player revealed quite a lot of information to you." Qin Luo said with a gloomy gaze.

"Haha, because that bastard married my daughter!"

Greff laughed.

Qin Luo shook his head.


He made a systematic oath, the content of which was to kill Ion within 4 days.

"Here, this is your reward."

Greve pointed to the metal box.

There was a glint of light inside.

A book with a silver cover appeared.

Qin Luo took a look.

【Soul Network Construction Method】

Quality: legendary

Effect: Construct a soul network through biological brain chips...

"The soul network is the foundation of the Boros Empire. Researchers can mobilize the souls of billions of citizens through the network to assist in deduction and calculation."

"This has allowed our civilization to develop extremely rapidly in technology."

Greve explained proudly.

It is indeed strong.


If only this function.

That didn't do much for Qin Luo.

Because he is not walking the path of technological flow.

Moreover, in the world he controls, there is no world on the technological side.

Think about it.

Qin Luo ignored it for the time being.

He then looked at the skeleton in the culture tank.

[The corpse fragment of the chaotic calamity beast]

Quality: Highest

Description: It contains a ray of disaster rules.


Qin Luo gasped.

Good guy!

It turned out to be the bone of a fierce beast of the highest rank.

If you can get the whole body.

Sacrifice up again.

At least one high-level reward can be obtained!

Qin Luo's eyes were shining brightly.

He has an idea.

Immediately, Qin Luo looked at Greif and asked, "What should you do? Do you need me to take you out?"

"Need not!"

Greve shook his head and said: "As long as you kill Ian, I will naturally feel it.

Hearing this, Qin Luo didn't say anything more.

He leaves the cave with the two women.

en route.

Qin Luo used the blessing of the ancient gods to evolve the soul network construction method to the main god level.

【Multidimensional Soul Network】

…0 for flowers…………

Quality: main god level

Effect 1: Recruit other souls to build a network, the upper limit of the number is determined by your own mental strength.

Effect 2: Low-dimensional souls provide spiritual bonuses to high-dimensional souls.

Effect 3: When receiving a negative effect of the soul system, the soul in the network will be used as a whole to determine the impact.

Evolved skills do not need to use biological brain chips as carriers.

There are many kinds of effects.

However, the ones that are useful to Qin Luo... so far are effect 1, effect 2 and effect 3.


The multidimensional soul network can take effect across worlds.

Qin Luo can add humans from the world he controls.

If there are hundreds of millions of people in the soul network.

I am afraid that any negative effect of the soul system will not be able to affect him.


Think here.

He looked at the two women and said, "I want to test a new ability on you, remember not to resist!"

Wang Mengyu: "Yes.

Milin: "Okay, master!"

Qin Luo cast his skills.

"Ding, do you want to accept player Qin Luo's invitation to join the Multidimensional Soul Network?"

"Yes!" x2

They immediately agreed.

"Nothing seems to have changed?"

After Wang Mengyu felt it carefully, she had some doubts on her face.

Qin Luo said with a smile: "After leaving this world, I will recruit some more people so that you can enjoy the benefits."


Only he himself got the 22-point spiritual bonus provided by the two women.


The three left the cave and continued to the dark forest.

The original world of Immortal Dao.

Inside Asgard.

The moment when Qin Luo mastered the soul network.

The woman in the palace costume opened her beautiful eyes, and the misty fairy energy lingered around her body, and a stream of information was transmitted to her mind.

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, "I never thought he would have mastered the prototype of the Empress's infinite soul network, and also met the corpse of the beast I killed back then."

"And... the Chaos Calamity Beast is still her original creation.

"Qin Luo, you really are our destined person."

The woman in palace costume smiled slightly.

She stretched out her exquisite jade hand, and took out a piece of time from the long river of fate.

"The empress and Yuanchu are about to wake up."

"If they knew of your existence, I don't know what their expressions would be..."

A smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.


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