All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 116 Monster Siege! Advanced Killing Incarnation (Part 2)

Evolved skills.

Qin Luo looked at the personal panel.

The remaining experience value is 1608w.

Exactly one level up.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 37, four-dimensional attribute +20, free attribute +22."

He added all the free attributes to the spiritual value.

Magic attack rose to 22682 points.


Qin Luo uses space teleportation props.

The three of them returned to the Abyss Association.

The hall was empty.

Just then, the system prompts:

"Ding! Regional Announcement:"

"The swarm of corpses around Qianquan base is gathering to attack the base, please help the army defeat the incoming monsters.

"The task is completed, and all players will receive generous rewards."

Because the corpse mist world is being promoted.

The level cap gradually opens up.

In order to improve their strength, observers need to devour a large number of corpse insects.

Corpse worms can only be transformed from corpses.

So they focused on the humans in the major bases.

"30 I didn't expect such things as monsters to attack the city..."

Qin Luo felt helpless.

his appearance.

Leading to great changes in the corpse mist world.

Qin Luo said: "Let's go, let's participate in the defense of the city."

If the one-eyed old man died in the battle, he would have no way of knowing the coordinates of the Shadow Desert.


Wang Mengyu nodded excitedly.

Although monster siege is dangerous, it also represents opportunity.

Flash Phantom!

The three teleported to the city wall of the base.

Plains outside the city.

Packed with hundreds of thousands of scary monsters.

Qin Luo looked around.

No observers were found.

"Let's do it." Qin Luo said calmly.

super state!

Titan Totem!

He took the lead in throwing out two skills, and the huge totem crashed to the ground, exuding power and blessing the friendly units present.


Shield +217w!

Sudden BUFF.

Make the players swear.

"Damn it, my defense has increased by 21w!"

"Which support boss made the move?"

"I'm a good boy! The defense power is higher than my blood volume!"

"With this kind of defense, I'm afraid of a fart! Brothers, rush up and kill with me!"

Players are excited.


Qin Luo summoned the incarnation of killing intent.

It rushes into the battlefield wantonly absorbing killing intent.




The scale of the battle was in the hundreds of thousands.

The killing intent in the air was as thick as a river.

The attributes of the incarnation of killing intent rose wildly.


Qin Luo smiled with satisfaction.


The three of them also started to shoot.

The Wrath of the Snow Sea!

Vacuum Siphon!

Frozen Scourge!

The monstrous sea of ​​fire, ice and snow fell from the sky and fell to the earth.

Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of monsters were burned to ashes or frozen into ice sculptures.


Huge damage numbers kept popping up.


There was a sound of gasping for air, and for a level 40 player, who could deal tens of thousands of points of damage, he was already qualified to be called a boss.

Now, what did they see!

Qin Luo at level 37 deals 142w spell damage.

Or group skill damage.

What a pervert!

You must know that the blood volume of most level 60 players cannot reach 100w.

This big guy...

He must be the invincible pride of the legendary family!

Everyone looked at Qin Luo's figure with awe in their eyes.

Time passed slowly...

Three hours later.

"Ding, the quality of the killing intent incarnation has evolved to the legendary level."

【The Incarnation of Killing Intent】

Form: Killing Angel

Grade: 37

Quality: legend

Life: 342w

IX: 34200

Skills: Body of Energy, Frenzied Killing, Blood Sword Lore


In this battle, Qin Luo gained more than 100 million experience points.

Great harvest!

At this time, Milin said: "Master, the observers hidden behind the scenes have started to act!"

"These guys finally couldn't stand it anymore."

Qin Luo smiled.

"How many people are there?"


"Very good, as long as I kill them, I can get 5 more wormhole fragments."

The corners of Qin Luo's mouth rose slightly.


He turned on [Eye of Reality] to find the position of the observer.

Hunter Angel!

Qin Luo turned into an angel and flew to the back of the battlefield in an instant.


He condensed a Golden Crow Divine Spear in his hand, threw it violently, and stabbed an observer.



"Damn human, you are looking for death!"

The observer's body swelled suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a dragon.

Observer Dark Dragon (Lord) (Enhanced)

Grade: 48

Quality: gold

Life: 3755w/3900w

Attack: 19w

Skills: Beastization, Dark Breath, Dark Fang, Flood Dragon Coercion…………

Status: All attributes +50%

The monsters transformed by the five observers are all different.

The level is between 45~50.

"bring it on!"

Qin Luo's heart surged with fighting spirit.


The Dark Flood Dragon let out a low growl, rushed towards Qin Luo at high speed, and bit Qin Luo.

Although he left the protection area of ​​the totem, Qin Luo did not dodge, but flew towards the dragon with the sword of silence.



The damage is high.

Qin Luo's health bar did not decrease, and the damage was fully absorbed by the shield.


Jiaolong's attack was always a breakthrough.

Trigger the blood coagulation halo effect, due to the influence of life recovery +100%, he gains damage x50% blood volume in one breath.

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