All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 117 Mission Complete! Frost Walker God Level (3Rd Update)

"It's time for me to fight back!"

With the help of equipped shadow flash skills.

Qin Luo escaped from the dark dragon's maw, appeared above its head, grasped the long sword tightly, and stabbed fiercely at its head.


The sound of gold and iron clanging suddenly sounded.

The dragon scale armor is as hard as metal.

The blade cannot break through a single point.

But... just need to touch the body of Jiaolong, the power of silence can pour into its body.

Skills are all sealed.



At the same time, it receives additional damage from skills.

"Human, what did you do?!"

There was a trace of panic in the eyes of the Jiaolong observer.


Qin Luo smiled and said, "I just want to fight you fairly."

"Damn it!"

The observer was furious, but he couldn't use his skills. In desperation, it shook his head violently, trying to throw him out.

Boom boom boom...

As the dragon shook, the ground made a loud noise.

Ha ha.

Qin Luo sneered.

Since it was delivered to the door on its own initiative.

There is no reason for you to run away.

He immediately mobilized the mana in his body to gather it to the soles of his feet, forcing himself to be absorbed on top of the dragon's head.


Qin Luo slashed with his sword, and streaks of cold sword light fell on Jiaolong's head.

Many numbers of "-29w" and "-25w" popped out.

Now his attack speed breaks through 16/s.

It can swing sixteen swords in one second.

The cumulative damage exceeds 864w.


The base players stared blankly at this scene.

They feel their scalp tingling.

Isn't the boss a mage?

Why are you playing melee all of a sudden?

The most excessive thing is... Qin Luo's burst damage in melee attacks is even higher than that of spells!

It simply makes melee players feel ashamed.


The dark dragon's health bar fell below 50%, and he felt that he was definitely no match for Qin Luo.

"Hurry up and help me.w!"

He calls for help from four other observers.

"it is good!"

The other four looked at each other and immediately set off to surround Qin Luo.

They know.

One-on-one would definitely defeat Qin Luo.

We must work together to defeat the enemy.


They displayed their skills and flew towards them at high speed.

Mysterious Golden Body Art!

Qin Luo's complexion remained unchanged, but instead activated the auxiliary skills, which further improved his ability to avoid injuries.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The smoke from the explosion engulfed him.

A layer of golden light on the surface of the body resists the attack.

The damage is all "0".

Qin Luo ignored the other observers.

He only attacks dark dragons.

3 seconds later.

kill it.

Then attack other observers, just carry the enemy to set fire, and destroy them one by one.

"Ding, you kill the observer, get 205w points of experience (+120%), free attribute +32 (+100%), world reputation +1000 strategy value E10.W


Five BOSS corpses exploded with loot.

A total of 35 gold quality items.

Equipment occupies 23 pieces.

The rest are props and materials.

And... Qin Luo's directional wormhole fragments reached 6 pieces.

Only 4 yuan is needed to synthesize a complete wormhole.

"This time the harvest is really good!"

Qin Luo smiled.

With the death of five observers, the swarm of corpses gradually receded.

Not long.

Qianquan base returned to normal.


"Congratulations on completing the task of defending the city: the contribution rate is 68.7%."

"Rewards: 3 million experience points, 5000 world reputation points, 50 free attribute points, and 2 perfect mission treasure chests."

Mission accomplished.

Rewards are issued.

In this battle, Qin Luo alone made more than half of the contribution.

So he gets the Perfect Mission Chest.

This type of chest can drop rewards from diamond to legendary quality.

Qin Luo has not opened the box yet. the personal panel.

Experience: 12997w/2068w

Without a trace of hesitation.

He consumed 6948w experience points to confirm the level up.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 38, four-dimensional attributes +20, free attribute points +22."



Upgraded to 3 levels in a row.

Qin Luo reached the upper limit of a mid-level professional in one go.

After breaking through the senior professional rating, you can continue to upgrade the level.

He glanced at the promotion conditions.

First: Possess a silver-level occupation (satisfied)

Second: Complete advanced advanced tasks

Third: 1 kg of magic source gold (satisfied)

The promotion conditions for the same occupation are the same.

Qin Luo prepared the required items in advance.

Close the panel.

Only then did he open two perfect mission treasure chests.

"々`Ding! You have obtained epic equipment: Boots of Ice."

"Ding! You got an epic item: space teleportation skill book."

Both rewards are good.

He directly evolves this piece of equipment.

"Ding! The boots of ice have evolved into god-level equipment: Frost Walker."

Qin Luo looked at the properties of the shoes.

【Frost Walker (God Level)】

Defense +3500

Speed ​​+7000

Additional: All Attributes +1000 [Agility +600 (Mo Zhao's) Special Effect: Cooling Reduction +20%

Skill: Frost Phantom (summons a phantom to taunt nearby enemies for 3 seconds. Cooldown is 3 minutes)

Equipment requirements: 40-level legal profession

As a god-level quality equipment.

The attributes and skills of Frost Walker are very good.

Can be called the best.

Especially skills, you can interrupt the enemy's attack or cast spells through ridicule.


Qin Luo put on new shoes directly.

Cooldown reduction capped at 40%.


He added the attribute points to the spiritual value, and then opened the character panel.


Physique: 10019

Agility: 7520


"Nice break!"

Qin Luo nodded in satisfaction. .

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