All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 118 Subkong Shuttle! The Evil Desert (Part 1)

The last reward is the skill book.

Or space teleportation skills, just what Qin Luo needs.

He is determined to learn skills.

Then use [Ancient God's Blessing] to evolve it.

"Ding! Space teleportation has evolved into a god-level skill: Subkong Shuttle."

【Arkon Shuttle (God Level)】

Level: 1 (0/25600 experience)

Effect: Shuttle space, the farthest teleportation is [spirit x1000%] meters away.

Go to an area you haven't been to, cool down for 6 hours.

Otherwise chill for 1 minute.

in normal condition.

This skill can travel up to 100 kilometers.

And when the super state and imperial magic are turned on, it can travel 729 kilometers.

It's been a long way.


This kind of space teleportation skill is also used in the mortal realm.

Once promoted to a god.

Space shuttle is just the most basic ability, it can even be said to be instinct.

More convenient than skill.


Qin Luo looked back towards the direction of the battlefield.

"Time to collect loot..."

The two daughters, Wang Mengyu and Mi Lin, are already picking up the dropped items.

With the help of the system, 55 players can see which items are their loot.

It took nearly an hour.

They just cleaned things up.

The total number of equipment, props and materials is more than 40,000.


The two girls also went up several levels in succession.

Wang Mengyu used all her experience to level up, she is now level 37.

Milin is level 36.

Unlocked the eighth page of the Book of Souls.

Qin Luo smiled and said, "Let's go back and hand in the task."

"it is good."

The two women nodded slightly.


They went to the Abyss Association and found the one-eyed old man.

Before Qin Luo could speak.

The one-eyed old man was the first to say: "Young man, thank you for taking the initiative to save the Qianquan Base, the old man will work together to survive in the Zhiying Desert!" Monster Siege.

He witnessed Qin Luo's battle scene with his own eyes.

That strength is already at the top level in the world!

Qin Luo glanced at him and asked curiously, "Aren't you checking the dead body of the dark viper?"


"Your performance on the battlefield is enough to prove your strength."

The one-eyed old man nodded.

The system prompt sounds:

"Congratulations on completing the mission: prove yourself."

"Mission rewards: 500,000 experience points, 10 free attribute points, high-level ability awakening medicine, news of the Red Shadow Desert."

The reward is in hand.

"You come with the old man."

The one-eyed old man led him to another room.

He pointed to the map on the wall and said, "This is the Red Shadow Desert."

The map identifies hundreds of gray unknown areas.

The Red Shadow Desert is located in the southwest corner of the mainland.

Very far away.

The distance is close to 10,000 kilometers.

"At my speed, coupled with the sub-air shuttle, I should be able to reach the destination tomorrow afternoon.

Qin Luo secretly said.


He thanked the old man, then turned and left.

The three of them came to the southernmost Mingyan base through the teleportation array.

Take a night off.

The next day, the team left the base and headed west.

And the western region is an uninhabited natural environment, where countless terrifying beasts live!

Because they were eager to rush to the Red Shadow Desert, they didn't get too entangled with the monsters.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon.


Qin Luo finally set foot on the desert territory.

Seen from a distance, the sand sea is slightly glowing with a hint of evil red (dace).

Seen from a close distance, the sand is khaki again.

This is surprising.

At the same time, a hot wind mixed with sand blows head-on.

Wang Mengyu took out the props from the backpack and opened the energy shield to resist the wind and sand from the outside.


"You found the map: Scarlet Shadow Desert."

"Mission progress: 20%."

The task panel gives a coordinate, but does not explain the meaning of the coordinate.

"Could it be where the forces behind the scenes are located?"

Qin Luo guessed.

Thinking room.

There was a strange noise in his ear, and he couldn't help but look up and look around.


The nearby sand rolled up, as if something was about to be drilled out.

"There are monsters!"

Qin Luo said in a deep voice.

next moment.


There was a yellow sandstorm on the soles of the feet, and giant scorpions came out one after another, stretched out their claws suddenly, and pinched them.


Qin Luo immediately put his arms around the waists of the two women and moved fifty meters away.

Sudden attack.


The two girls were taken aback.

"It's strange how I didn't perceive their existence.

Milin's small face was full of doubts.

"It's the sand, which seems to block our perception."

Qin Luo narrowed his eyes and said.

He has always had the habit of releasing mana into the air.

This way allows you to spot the enemy in the first place.


When these scorpions are in the sand...

Qin Luo didn't notice them at all, and didn't feel them until they broke through the ground.

You must know that both his and Milin's perception ability has reached the god level.

And... Both of them have high mental strength.

Unable to detect the situation under the sand.

This is a bit intriguing.


"It seems that this desert map also hides some kind of secret."

Qin Luo became very interested in this place.

However, the monsters would not give him time to think, they all gathered together and attacked them.


The monsters screamed shrilly.

Flame Barrier!

Qin Luo raised his hand to cast a spell, and a blazing flame rose from the ground, forming a huge barrier of flames.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Giant scorpions were knocked out.

It fell like raindrops into the yellow sand thousands of meters away. .

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