All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 119 One Move Kills! An Arrogant Tianjiao! (Part 2)

Taking advantage of the interval when the giant scorpion was repelled.

Qin Luo looked at their attributes.

Red Shadow Rock Scorpion (Elite) (Enhanced)

Level: 45

Quality: Bronze

Life: 130w/13~0w


Skills: Red Shadow Blessing-, Rock Thorn, Heavy Rock Carapace

Description: A guardian who has the bloodline of the king of the desert, Red Shadow, and his ability is biased towards defense.

"King of the Desert Red Shadow? Is there such a powerful BOSS in the desert?"

Qin Luo narrowed his eyes slightly.

His interest in the desert grew stronger.

Of course, the first task is to solve the forces behind the scenes.

The exploration of the desert can be left until after completing the world quests.


The giant scorpion screamed.

During Setsuna, the body escaped into the yellow sand.

Qin Luo suddenly lost the sense of their orientation.

super state!

Titan Totem!

He cast two skills casually, the power of totem protected the three of them, and the defense suddenly increased by 230,000.

As long as one's own defense is high enough, monsters can attack casually.

Anyway, it doesn't break the defense.


The giant scorpions suddenly drilled out of the yellow sand, and stabbed them with tail needles...

Frost Visions!

Qin Luo activates the equipment skill.

A blue human-shaped phantom appeared in front of it, directly taunting the forty giant scorpions, and their attack was forcibly interrupted.

Immediately after...

The flame dragon cruising in the sky suddenly fell.

It is Qin Luo's professional skill: [Dragon Fury]!


The monstrous sea of ​​flames spread, engulfing the figure of the giant scorpion, and the damage was as high as "161w", far exceeding the monster's blood volume.

"Ding, you killed the Red Shadow Rock Scorpion and gained 43164 experience points (+120%)."

"Ding, you kill

Harvest 172w points of experience in one breath.

Noticing the skill damage, Qin Luo couldn't help but glance at the panel.

Dragon Fury is only level 6.

Not full level yet.

Today, Qin Luo has reached the upper limit of level 40.

On the panel, there are more than 60 million experience left, which can be used to upgrade epic quality skills.

"Ding! The level of Dragon's Fury has been raised to level 10."


Qin Luo spent 47.42 million experience to upgrade the four epic skills of Dragon Fury, Blood Coagulation Halo, Fire Barrier and Flame Storm to the full level.


He still has 14.79 million experience left.

Before being promoted to a senior professional, Qin Luo prepared to use the accumulated experience to upgrade [Xuanhun Jinshen Jue].

The help that the main god's skills brought to him was enormous.

Think here.

Qin Luo shook his head, clearing his mind.

He quickly collected the spoils scattered on the ground.


He turned around and asked, "Mi Lin, how far can you perceive now?"

"I'll try~"

Milin closed her eyes.

After a while.

"I can perceive a radius of 500 meters at the farthest. If the enemy is hidden in the sand, I will not be able to perceive it at all. y

She blamed herself a little: "Master, isn't Milin very useless?"

"of course not!"

Qin Luo reached out and touched her head, and comforted her with a smile: "This desert is so weird, even I can't perceive how far it is, so don't be discouraged."

Milin perceives the enemy's location by sensing the soul.

However, this is not a professional perception skill after all.

In the immediate situation, it is normal to be suppressed by the environment.

However, Cai still made a decision in his heart.

Practice your perceptual skills more.

At this time,

Wang Mengyu was also a little worried: "Qin Luo, if the enemy's stronghold is underground, wouldn't it be difficult for us to find them?"

After thinking about it, Qin Luo said, "Anyway, let's go to the coordinates first."

Wang Mengyu responded.

Qin Luo opened the map.

There is a difference of more than 600 kilometers between the team and the coordinates provided by the system.

Full use of 【Airspace Shuttle】, you can reach the destination directly.

It happened that there were more than ten minutes left in the skill cooldown.

As soon as the time came... Qin Luo immediately cast his skills.

The figures of the three disappeared in place.

Galactic Council player stronghold.

Hundreds of tents are stationed in the desert, and magic circles are set up on the ground to prevent monsters in the desert from attacking the stronghold.

Players gather together to communicate.

The pride of Komos civilization, Hillier asked quietly: "How long is the world promotion left?"

"Less than 33 hours."

The family player replied.

However, his face was a bit puzzled: "Your Highness Hillier, why don't you take action to speed up the speed of the world's development?"

"Do you know how high the value of the origin of the world is?"

Hillier glanced at him, and said in a cold voice: "The original power needed to be promoted from an intermediate level to a high level is enough to buy 10,000 pieces of god-level equipment!"

"The origin of the world bestowed by the patriarch must not be used until a critical moment!"

"I see......"

Everyone nodded.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden change.

Qin Luo appeared in front of the Galactic Council stronghold.

"Ding, found the target of 'Breath', the distance is 213 meters.

The detection props given by Warlock Civilization Stu immediately sounded an alarm.

The players were taken aback.


"He actually took the initiative to find the door."

Hillier sneered and said: "This man is indeed the son of the world! He must have accepted the mission issued by the will of the world.

For the legendary family.

The information of the children of the world, they know very well.

For example:

When the world is damaged, it is inevitable to issue tasks to the children of the world.

"The title of Son of the World, I want to decide!"

"Go! Follow me to suppress him!"

Hillier went first.

Hundreds of players from various legendary families followed closely behind.

They come to the door.

The three of Qin Luo stood outside.

"Hillier, the pride of Kemos civilization?"

A strange look appeared in Qin Luo's eyes.

...0 for flowers...

It seems that we are really destined.

In his previous life, when he won the title of Son of the World, he was challenged by Hillier.


The opponent was defeated by one move.

This led to his feud with the Galactic Council.

"Since you know me, that's even better."

Hillier said in a cold tone: "Do you choose to hand over the title to me, or should I pick it up myself?"

He threatened without hesitation.

Investigation by the Galactic Council.

Qin Luo does not belong to any legendary family of civilization.

no background.

"It's really familiar words..."

Qin Luo smiled emotionally.

In the previous life, the other party also said this sentence.

Hillier frowned, but didn't know what he meant.

"such a pity……………"

"I don't want to give you the title, if you want it, you can get it yourself.

The corners of Qin Luo's mouth rose slightly.

At the same time, he told the two women to back off.

"Alright, I'll let you understand the gap between us."


An artifact long sword appeared in Hillier's hand.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

A series of afterimages appeared in the air.

In an instant, he sprinted in front of Qin Luo, and the sword was surrounded by 5,000-degree high-temperature fire.


The blade fell.


Qin Luo then summoned the Titan Totem, his own defense +120,000, and also got 25% damage immunity.





The attack was lower than Qin Luo's defense, causing no damage.


Due to the effect of Hillier's god-level talent, the attack has an additional 50% real damage, and gets a shield equal to the damage.


Qin Luo's health bar instantly filled up.

"Sure enough, I have some strength, I—"

Hillier's words stopped abruptly.

Golden Crow Divine Spear!

The shining spear has already flown, locked on the target, and pierced through his body.



Hillier's blood bar of up to 500,000 was suddenly emptied.

To know.

Qin Luo's normal blood volume is only 380,000.

Killed in seconds?!

Hundreds of players:  …

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.


His Royal Highness Hillier, known as the number one pride of the galaxy, was killed in a flash.

how can that be?

They were full of disbelief.

Most importantly, Qin Luo's injury.

A full 78w+ real injury!

This is too outrageous!


There was a flash of light from Hillier's corpse, and he was revived.

For a while, there was no sound.

His face was terribly black.

As the proud son of the Kemos family, he has never been defeated so easily by his peers.

This made him a little mentally unbalanced.

Qin Luo smiled lightly: "That's it?"

"Damn guy!"

Hillier blushed angrily. .

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