All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 121 Destiny Value! The Origin Of The World Is At Your Fingertips! (Part 2)

"The strength of this child of the world is somewhat beyond our imagination.

"Isn't he a mage? Why is the defense so high?"

The guardians discussed with gloomy faces.

They are basically at level 60, and they have been stuck for several years...Although they cannot be upgraded, they can improve their attributes in other ways.

single attribute.

Some high-level protectors are no lower than epic powerhouses.

"Next, it's my turn!"

There was a chill in Qin Luo's eyes.

【Red Dragon Gauntlet】!

In a blink of an eye, the prop effect was turned on, and the body changed for a while, turning into the red dragon apostle.


"You enter a special state: injury-free +40%, life +100%, damage +50%, for 60 seconds."

The whole body exudes a terrifying aura.


The enemy swallowed in fear.

The players of the Galactic Council hurriedly used their probing abilities.

【Ding! Current player combat power:???】

"He.....his combat strength has exceeded 20 million!"

"Playing at level 40, the player has epic strength at level 30?!"

"What's the joke?"

The fear on everyone's faces was extremely strong.

The upper limit of detection ability is 20 million... This value is the threshold of the epic realm.

Exceeding the value cannot be probed.

That is.

Qin Luo, who is only level 40, has at least reached the initial stage of the Epic Realm.

This kind of person can no longer be described as Tianjiao.

Monsters are more accurate!

next moment.

Qin Luo made a move.

"Vacuum siphon!"

Terrifying suction swept across an area with a radius of nearly 5,000 meters, sucking all the guardians there.


Three seconds later.

Everyone was killed in seconds.

Of course, for Taoists like them who have lived for many years, there must be no shortage of life-saving props.

The Wrath of the Snow Sea!


Space Burst!

Group spells came out one by one.

The damage is not less than 200w, making the guardians die continuously. They couldn't escape even if they wanted to. The will of the world had already blocked the space of the Scarlet Shadow Desert.

in a minute.

Qin Luo changed back to his own appearance.

The number of surviving guardians is less than a thousand.

"The hunting angel!"

He cast his skills again.

In the form of an angel, Qin Luo explodes at a speed 15 times the speed of sound, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the enemy.

These people also cannot use props due to the silence effect.

The following battle is a one-sided massacre.

The defenders were wiped out.

The skill has 15 seconds left.

Qin Luo looked back at the people in the stronghold, and said with a sneer, "Now, it's your turn!"

A fiery red feather appeared in his hand.

Inject mana decisively.

"Clang clang—"

A phoenix was born in the crimson sky, and it sang loudly, and the sound spread hundreds of kilometers.

"Who the hell are you! It's impossible for someone with no background to master such props!"

Hillier stared at him and asked.

A legendary summoning item whose value is comparable to a hundred artifacts!

"Me?" Qin Luo laughed, "Of course I'm an ordinary person."

Hear this answer.

Hillier almost vomited blood.


Qin Luo and Phoenix shot together.

8 seconds later.

The defensive circle was broken, and he casually killed everyone in the stronghold.

Follow the rules.

After the death of the eternal world.

Within a month, you will not be able to enter this world.


"Dear son of the world Qin Luo, congratulations on completing the special task."

"You will get rewards: 500w experience, world reputation +2w, destiny +1, ultimate power awakening potion Epic."

The most precious reward is Destiny Point!

It is the admission ticket to participate in the Trial of Destiny.

The rewards of the Trial of Destiny can increase the success rate of "Supreme God Advanced".


Only by participating in the missions and activities issued by the will of the world can you get the destiny value.

Basically the exclusive privilege of the children of the world.

At this time, two women came over.

Wang Mengyu said happily: "Qin Luo, the world blockade has been lifted, we can now leave the corpse mist world.

"I know."

Qin Luo smiled.

Today is exactly the date when the points race ends.

He said, "Help me collect the loot first."


The two women nodded.


Qin Luo walked into the stronghold, ready to pick up the dropped items.

"Huh?! This is?"

His eyes narrowed sharply. 023

A ball of golden light floated on the ground, exuding an inexplicable charm on the surface.

Qin Luo quickly put it away.

"Ding, you get: 105 units of the world's original power.

"Good guy! It really is this thing!"

A happy smile appeared on his face.

In the heavens and worlds, the unit world origin is worth 50 high-level artifacts.

As for the so-called high-level artifacts...

It is above level 60, and the quality reaches the god level equipment.

"If I use the origin of the world to sacrifice, at least two high-level god-level rewards!"

Qin Luo secretly said.

At present, this thing is useless to him.

It can only be used as a sacrifice.

Qin Luo said with a satisfied smile: "Yes, this trip is worth it."


He took the power awakening potion and evolved new skills.

"Ding! You have awakened the epic skill: Soul Sting."

"Ding! The thorn of the soul has evolved into a god-level skill: soul hunting."


Qin Luo gasped.

Did I just explode out of luck today?

There is the origin of the world before, and there are soul skills later.

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