All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 122 Soul Hunting! Panic Lord Gods (Part 3)

Qin Luo looked at the skill panel.

Soul Hunting (God Level)

Grade 1

Effect: Summon a soul-killing sword, lock the enemy's soul, and cause [magic attack x800%] point soul damage.

Each higher soul level, damage +10%.

Just lock onto the target.

Enemies will not be able to dodge.


Soul damage is also a type of true damage.

Ordinary defensive abilities cannot reduce the soul damage value.

Qin Luo closed the panel with satisfaction.

He turned to pick up the loot dropped by the Guardian.

At this time, Wang Mengyu couldn't help asking: "Qin Luo, do you have the strength of epic level? All the equipment dropped from the ground is level 60."

"In terms of damage alone, I have indeed reached the epic level."

"However, if I really want to fight against the epic powerhouse, I can't win.

"After all, they have already awakened the domain, and embarked on the road of transforming into gods, which will suppress the attributes of players below level 60."

Qin Luo's mind is still very calm.

Although he can beat 10,000 level 60 players, it doesn't mean he can beat epic players.

The power of the field is too strong.

Think here.

Qin Luo sighed, "I'm still too weak..."

Hearing this, Wang Mengyu rolled his eyes at him speechlessly: "If you call him weak, then I'm so weak.

"I'm afraid your feat today can only be described as unprecedented and unprecedented."

"Do not!"

Qin Luo shook his head and said: "I am not strong enough to kill these protectors, at least half of the credit is due to Lin.

"Milin will keep working hard!"

Her little face was full of seriousness.

Qin Luo fondled Milin's hair.

one way or another.

At the same time, he was at least twenty times stronger than himself in his previous life.

"Continue to organize things, if there is anything you need, you can just put it away by yourself," Qin Luo said softly.

"it is good."

Wang Mengyu nodded with a smile.

The three began to concentrate on collecting the loot.

Galactic Congress Headquarters.


As the light flickered, the main gods of the top ten civilizations appeared in the Starry Sky Temple.

"Your Excellency Kemos suddenly summoned us, why?"

The remaining nine main gods asked.

"My son Hillier has failed, and the defenders have also been wiped out." Kemos's face was a little ugly.


The nine main gods were taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, they activated the power of the main god, instantly knowing the cause and effect of what happened to Hillier.

"The strength of this child of the world...somewhat beyond my imagination."

Level 40 crushed ten thousand level 60 protectors. With this level of strength, the ten ancient supreme beings might not be able to match him at level 40. "

"It seems that the background of the child of the world is not as simple as our investigation."

The nine main gods discussed in amazement.

At this time, they looked at the chief Kemosi and said, "Next, what are you going to do?"

"Continue to investigate his identity!"

Kermos said in a deep voice, "We must know who he is."

Say it.

His mind moved.

A virtual screen pops up in the middle of the conference room.

Above is the battle scene of Qin Luo recorded by Hillier.

Because of system protection, the recorded screen is not his real appearance.


As long as there is a video, those who are proficient in fate/time ability can use it to deduce Qin Luo's true identity.

"Let me do it.

A main god said lightly.

"it is good."

They nodded and did not refuse.

This main god comes from the Yitian civilization and is proficient in chess and deduction.

Lord Yi casually threw out one white and one black chess pieces.

Setsuna room.

The pawns turned into phantoms of a sky-reaching chessboard, running across the starry sky of the universe, and Qin Luo's river of fate instantly evolved on it.


at this time.

Yi Tianzhu suddenly opened his eyes wide, with panic floating on his face.


Maybe it was too many times of being disturbed.

There was a trace of sullenness in Shenyin.

The Wuxing Immortal Qi sealed the void, turned into an ancient sword, broke through billions of spaces from the highest dimension, and forcibly cut off the arm of God Yi Tianzhu.


Although Yi Tianzhu's arm recovered immediately.

But He still spat out a mouthful of golden blood with a hint of purple rhyme in it.

"々`Supreme God! I'm not mistaken! That is definitely Supreme God!"

Yi Tianzhu's face changed drastically.

He cried out in horror.

There was no majesty of the Lord God on his face.

"Behind the son of the world stands a supreme god..."

The rest of the main gods naturally felt the supreme coercion from the river of fate.

"The supreme aura just now is not the supreme among the players, it should be the supreme god of the eternal world.

Said a main god.

Lord Stu smiled bitterly: "Now is not the time to discuss this issue. The point is, we have offended the children of the world and the Supreme God."

"What should I do next?"

The calm look on Kermos' face disappeared.

He is the one who fears the most now.

If the supreme god asks for sin, he can kill himself by blowing his breath.

At this time.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Kemos, (for Zhao Zhao) I can't get involved in this matter."

Lord Yi said.

He originally wanted to help Kemos, but in the end, the benefits were not reaped, and instead, he was slashed by the Supreme God, and his strength dropped greatly.

If the enemy seizes the opportunity.

He may be in danger of falling.

Seeing this, the rest of the main gods also left one after another.

"Damn it!" Kermos' face was cloudy.

After a long time.

He made a decision.


"I must win the forgiveness of the children of the world."

Kermos gritted his teeth and said.

He immediately took out many precious rewards and sent people to the world of corpse mist.

Originally, because of this incident, a full 200 units of world origin were wasted.


Another bunch of apologetic men have to be pulled out.

It's really a loss to grandma's house.

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