
Red Shadow Desert stronghold.

The three of Qin Luo spent several hours sorting out the spoils.

There are more than 30,000 items.

Quality is at least gold level.

After all, guardians cannot be upgraded, and the level of equipment is limited, so we can only start from the quality.

This wave is cheaper for him.

"These trophies, together with the origin of the world, are enough for this week's sacrifice."

"Although their cumulative value is far less than that of the main godhead of light, after the sacrifice, the two main god-level rewards will not be less.

"If you're lucky, it might be a supreme god and a god-level reward."

Qin Luo secretly said.

Originally, he planned to find the corpse of the Chaos Calamity Beast and use it as a sacrifice.

I didn't expect to get the origin of the world from Hillier.


He temporarily gave up his previous plan.

Besides, Qin Liu's main task is to complete the task.

"Finally we can go back."

He smiled slightly.


Reach out to open the system bar, ready to exit the corpse mist world.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

More than a dozen figures appeared at the stronghold.

Qin Luo looked at them.

Instantly judged 447's identity.

"People from the legendary family of Komos civilization? Just these few people, are they also planning to deal with me?"

He said in a serious tone.

Qin Luo immediately raised his staff.

Seeing his posture, the players of the Kermos family were immediately turned pale with fright.

"No no no!"

They quickly denied it.

"Dear mage, please don't misunderstand, we are here to apologize to you! We are not here to take revenge."


Qin Luo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

However, his inner vigilance has not diminished in the slightest.

In his previous life, after he defeated Hillier, the Komos civilization directly sent a hundred legendary experts to hunt him down. Fortunately, he had life-saving props to escape.

The current practice is completely out of line with their style of doing things.

something wrong!

Seeing his expression... These people naturally knew that Qin Luo didn't believe it.

"Your Excellency, we apologize to you with great sincerity. This is an apology prepared for you by His Royal Highness Kemos."

"Please be sure to accept it!"

They take out a bunch of items.

Flashes of five (dabb) colorful light.

These items have a minimum quality of Epic.

There are a hundred pieces in total!

In addition, 2 billion gold coins are included.

Qin Luo glanced slightly.

Three drops of golden blood came into view, with a mysterious aura circulating on its surface.

"Apotheosis of blood?!"

His eyes became a little weird.

Good guy.

He even used this precious thing as an apology.

It really is a big deal.

"Could it be that the main god cast a secret curse on the item?"

Qin Luo was a little skeptical.

He couldn't help opening the Eye of Reality to observe the item.

Nothing special was found.

Think about it.

Qin Luo glanced at these people and said, "I accept."


The players of the Kemos family breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on their faces.

One said respectfully: "Your Excellency, I hope that after you accept the apology, you can forgive our previous offense."


Qin Luo replied calmly.

It doesn't matter whether there is a special means of the main god of Kemos hidden in it.

He can take it all.

Anyway, it's free stuff, so don't waste it.

It cannot be used by itself, and it can also be used as a sacrifice for sacrifice.


The other party handed over the compensation to him.

"Ding! You got items: 2 billion gold coins, deified blood x3, Blazing God Fire Skill Book Legend, Twilight Crown Legend..."

"We left first."

After completing the tasks assigned by the Lord God, these people will leave immediately.

At this time, Wang Mengyu said solemnly: "Qin Luo, you'd better be careful, it's definitely not a good thing for these people to give gifts out of nowhere."

"Maybe there is a trap in the item."

"I know."

Qin Luo nodded.

[Eye of Reality] can only view the information of things that are not higher than the god-level quality.

And the other party is a main god.

There are many means of the quality of the main god.

As far as he knows, many players in the realm of the gods have been tricked into hiding their heads by this method.

Qin Luo naturally has to be vigilant...


They left the corpse mist world.

Qin Luo returned to the portal of the camp.

He and Wang Mengyu handed over the scoring device bound to their identities to the league referee.

Results of the points race will be announced tomorrow.

"These three days of non-stop fighting and traveling have made people a little mentally exhausted. Let's go home and have a good night's rest.

Qin Luo suggested.

"It's time to take a good rest.

Wang Mengyu agrees very much.

Mi Lin also smiled happily: "Tonight, Mi Lin is going to have a sumptuous dinner to celebrate the good rankings of the host and sister Wang!"

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Qin Luo smiled.

Now there are a group of foodies living in his house.

Everyone was conquered by Milin's cooking skills...

Think here.

He activates space props.

The three disappeared instantly and returned to Qin Luo's home.

A medicinal fragrance filled the air.

They couldn't help looking at the remodeled work room, which was reserved for Gong Qing to refine medicine.

"Young master, you are finally back."

Gong Qingyue came out of the room.

Qin Luo reached out and hugged her, and asked curiously, "Are you refining medicine?"


Gong Qingyue smiled and nodded: "I am trying to refine a legendary potion."

"Then you are busy, I will not bother you." Qin Luo said.


Everyone got busy.

And Qin Luo opened the sacrificial panel and put 105 units of the world's origin, all the apologies of Kemos, many materials, equipment and monster corpses into the sacrificial column.


He decisively clicked the "sacrifice" button.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the reward for the sacrifice: the statue of the original belief · to the highest level."

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the sacrifice reward: Perfect Adaptation God Level."

One item, one talent.

"Hiss... I actually got this item."

A delighted smile appeared on Qin Luo's face.

He had also obtained this original faith statue in his previous life.

There is only one word to describe it.


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