All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 124 God Level Talent! News From Liang Xue! (Part 2)

Qin Luo looked at the item's information.

【Original Belief Idol・The Only】

Quality: supreme god

Effect 1: Gather the power of faith in the host across the world.

Effect 2: Eliminate all impurities contained in the power of faith and return it to the purest and most original state.

The description of the prop function is simple.

To sum it up, just two words: absorption and purification.

in the eternal world.

The power of faith is something that the gods love and hate~.

Its main functions are divided into two categories, one is the necessary energy to perform divine spells; the other is to transform it into divine power, or to strengthen its own level and - law.

In short, the magic is endless.


Its disadvantages are also enormous.

Beliefs contain mixed emotions of believers.

Absorbing the power of faith will also absorb these emotions, and when they accumulate to a certain amount, they can affect the gods themselves.


Most of the gods collect the power of faith and use it to perform divine spells as their trump cards.

Actively absorbing the power of faith is simply asking for a dead end.

Unless you have the statue of the original belief.

It is an innate fetish formed by the most advanced belief rules and purity rules.


Among all the heavens and myriad realms, there is only this statue of a god.

"The existence of this item must not be exposed!"

Qin Luo secretly decided.

Once exposed, it will inevitably be chased by the gods of the heavens.


He took the initiative to bind with the statue, and the blurry appearance of the statue instantly changed into that of Qin Luo.

Put away the props for now.

Qin Luo looked at another sacrificial reward.

【Perfect adaptation】

Quality: god level

Effect: When receiving a negative effect or control, the corresponding effect resistance will be increased, up to 100% resistance, and the god level will be given priority.

This talent greatly improves one's own survivability.

The only downside is that the priority is too low.

However, before becoming a god, the number of players with master god-level control ability is still quite small, and talents can basically play a role.

Close the talents panel.

A satisfied smile appeared on Qin Luo's face.

Immediately, he secretly said: "Next, it's time to deal with the statue."

With a thought.

With the help of the world authority, he came to the square of the No. 5 novice world origin city.

Place the statue of the original belief god in the center at will.

It works instantly.

Because Qin Luo holds the power to control the world, the aborigines are actually his followers.

next moment.


A stream of pure white air gushed out of the space, all pouring into the statue.

"Power of Faith +0.1."

"Power of Faith +0.2."


The stronger the strength of the believer, the more power of faith he will provide.

Minutes passed.

This idol has absorbed and purified more than 10,000 points of pure power of faith from World No. 5, Coborn World, and Magic Moon World.

He tried to see if he could upgrade.

A system prompt sounds.

[Ding! Upgrading to level 41 requires 2859 points of power of faith]

"It takes a few minutes to upgrade a few levels, which is amazingly fast."

"It's no wonder that so many people know the disadvantages of the power of faith, but they are still willing to be gods of faith."

Qin Luo said with emotion.


Followers will only provide power of faith once a day.

Not all the time.

Qin Luo didn't use this power of faith. After all, he was at the upper limit of level 40 and hadn't completed the advanced task yet.

Qin Luo looked around.

There are already many residents praying to the idol.....


He suddenly remembered one thing: "Just take advantage of this opportunity to recruit the aborigines into the multidimensional soul network."

Qin Luo acted immediately.

Due to the limitation of his own mental strength, only 10,000 people were added, providing him with 512 points of spirit, and all members of the soul network can get bonuses.

Finish these.

Qin Luo returned to his home.

At this time.

Wang Mengyu walked into the room and said with surprise on her face: "Qin Luo, the soul network you invited me to join last time suddenly provided hundreds of spirit points!"

"This is a normal situation. You can feel it carefully, the function of the soul network is more than that.



Wang Mengyu didn't hesitate, she closed her eyes and felt it.


"The functions are so powerful!"

There was a look of surprise on her face.

"Qin Luo, thank you for inviting me last time!"

Wang Mengyu thanked him solemnly.

"You don't need to thank me, after all, Mengyu, you are also my own."

Qin Luo said with a smile.

...0 for flowers...

Hearing this, Wang Mengyu's face was stained with a blush, but she didn't refute, just nodded her head lightly.

Looking at her cute appearance.

Qin Luo couldn't help reaching out and touching her cheek.

Wang Mengyu was startled immediately.

"Qin... Qin Luo can't do it now!"

She stammered a little.

"Don't worry, I just want to touch my Mengyu's face, and I won't eat you."

Qin Luo said with a smile.

" it..."

Wang Mengyu's voice became smaller and smaller, and her body stood still a little stiffly.

Until her cheeks were burning hot.

Qin Luo then let her go.

"I go first."

Looking at Wang Mengyu's fleeing back, Qin Luo smiled.



Qin Luo recruited Guan Qingyue into the multidimensional soul network.

She immediately used the function of the soul network, and with the help of all souls with lower authority than her own, jointly deduced a legendary medicine formula.

"My lord, thank you for your help, with this soul network, Aishen can more efficiently deduce the formula of medicine.

Gong Qingyue smiled sweetly.

"As long as it works."

At this time, Chef Mi Lin had already prepared dinner, Qin Luo continued: "Let's have dinner together first, it's not too late to do the rest of the work tomorrow."

"I understand."

Gong Qingyue nodded.

The four of them had dinner together, rested for a few hours, and then went straight to sleep.

the next day.

early morning.

Qin Luo woke up from his sleep.

Gong Qingyue was lazily lying in his arms, her body exuding wisps of fragrance.

"Ding, you have a friend message.

"Is there any information about Mr. Liang?"

Qin Luo guessed.

He opens the message list.

Liang Xue: "Qin Luo, the results are out. Congratulations, you won the first place in the points competition! Both you and that girl from the Wang family have broken the competition record."

Liang Xue: "By the way, come to the school as soon as possible. Principal Wu wants to see you, and the old man seems to be planning to give you a reward."


Qin Luo thought about it and decided to go out for a trip.

He was quite curious about what rewards the school could give him.

"Teacher Liang, I'll be right over."

Qin Luo replied with a sentence.

He got out of bed to wash, and then went to the campus of No. 3 High School. .

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