All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 125 Conversation With The Principal! Ask! (Part 1)

No.3 Middle School is located not far from Qin Luo's home.

Qin Luo shuttled through the space and teleported to the door of the head teacher Liang Xue's office.

Several students in the corridor were taken aback.

When they saw Qin Luo's face clearly, they couldn't help exclaiming: "Brother Luo?!"

"Student Qin Luo, congratulations on getting the first place!"

Qin Luo glanced back, and found that they were students in Class 2 (Senior Grade 3), he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Long time no see."

"Brother Luo, you are my idol now! After the points match, you abused those arrogant family members in No. 1, you are too good!"

The male classmates adored Tao.


Qin Luo has a very high reputation among the civilian students in the Linzhou base, almost reaching the point where everyone knows it.

"Brother Luo, are you here to find Teacher Liang?" Another person asked curiously.


Qin Luo nodded.

"Oh, then we won't bother you, let's go to "200" first."

A few students said hello and disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

The corridor fell silent.


Qin Luo reached out and knocked on the door gently.

"Please come in."

A female voice came from the door.

The office door opened automatically, Qin Luo walked in, Liang Xue sat on the chair, staring at the virtual panel, her legs crossed, revealing the graceful arc of her calf.

Slender and refined.

Qin Luo is not a leg control, but she is also attracted by her long legs.

He had to admit it.

Liang Xue's legs may be the most beautiful among the women he has ever seen.


Qin Luo raised his head, and the eyes of the two met.

"You came.

Liang Xue said with a slightly red face.

While talking...she quietly straightened her posture and sat upright.

Qin Luo said calmly, "Mr. Liang, where is the principal?"

"In his office, I'll take you to see the old man."

Liang Xue replied seriously.

Hearing the other party's address, Qin Luo couldn't help asking curiously: "Are you familiar with Principal Wu?"

"Well. He's my grandfather."

Liang Xue didn't know what to think of, her face was a little sad.

She was born in the Liang family of the five great epic families of the Dragon Kingdom.

Then the identity of her mother must not be simple.

After thinking for a moment, an idea came to Qin Luo's mind.

"The old principal's surname is Wu... Could it be that he is from the Wu family?"

The Wu family is also an epic family of the Dragon Kingdom.

But five years ago, it was destroyed by a legendary family of foreign civilization.

Think about it.

Qin Luo didn't say anything.

Instead, she followed Liang Xue to the office on the top floor.

"Go in, the old man has been waiting for a long time."

Hearing this, Qin Luo opened the door and walked into the room, a white-haired old man with a benevolent face appeared in his field of vision.

The opponent exudes a mysterious aura.

He opened his eyes of truth and looked at this "Principal Wu".

【Wu Jianbang·Medium God】


Because the level gap between the two sides is too large.

Qin Luo could only see that the opponent's realm was a middle god, and the rest of the information was full of question marks.


This is enough to prove that the other party is a survivor of the destroyed Wu family.

Principal Wu noticed that Qin Luo was spying on him, of course, he didn't care, but smiled and said: "Student Qin Luo, we meet again.


Qin Luo glanced at him.

"That time at the wild camp." Principal Wu reminded.

"So you were there."

Qin Luo understood.

The principal Wu in front of him is also one of the hundreds of gods.

"Haha, student Qin Luo, you performed very well in this points competition, which made our third middle school stand out."

Principal Wu smiled.

"As a third middle school student, it is natural for me to win honor for my alma mater."


After a pause, Qin Luo stared at the other party, and asked straight to the point: "Principal Wu, why are you looking for me?"

"Then I won't keep it up."

Principal Wu restrained his smile and said solemnly: "I came to you today mainly for two things. The first thing is naturally that I will discuss with the school's senior management and give you a reward."

"We will do our best to accommodate your request."

Say it.

Principal Wu waited for his answer.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Luo said, "I need some formulas and refining materials for advanced spirit patterns."

"no problem!"

Principal Wu readily agreed to the request.

After all, in a top-level world mastered by the school, there is a civilization of divine pattern masters, and there are as many things as spirit patterns.

"When everything is ready, I will send someone to deliver it to you." Principal Wu added.

"Okay." Qin Luo asked again: "Then what's your second thing?"

"The second matter is related to that girl Liang Xue... 0"

"Teacher Liang?"


Principal Wu nodded: "I hope you can help resolve Liang Xue's family contract. After the matter is completed, I would like to present a great gift."

"Wait! Didn't it mean that as long as she wins the family bet, the contract can be terminated?"

Qin Luo wondered.

"It was possible before, but not now."

Principal Wu sighed deeply: "During the catastrophe five years ago, the ancestors of the Liang family and I were cursed by the Lord God, and now we are dying."

"Once we fall, the Liang family will definitely become fat in the eyes of the other four families.

"The Liang family always intends to marry the Li family, and they will not return Liang Xue's freedom."

The Li family is a legendary family in the Dragon Kingdom.


The patriarch of the Li family, Li Changyi, is the only master in the God Realm on Earth.

With the blessing of the main god, the Liang family can be safe and sound.

Qin Luo frowned and said: "Principal, the key to this matter lies in whether the Liang family's plight can be resolved, otherwise, Teacher Liang's termination of the contract will not help.

"Of course the old man knows."

Principal Wu said helplessly: "So I only hope that you can protect Liang Xue. And the old man can tell that girl Liang Xue has an unusual attitude towards you."

Think about it.

Qin Luo agreed: "I agree."

If the four epic families really annoyed him, then he would directly incarnate as the Lord God of Despair, and he could destroy these families with a single slap.

"In addition, after 3.0 is completed, I need 10 cores of divine origin!"


Principal Wu agreed decisively.

It is difficult for players in the mortal realm to obtain the core of the source of God, but for the gods, it is relatively easy.

The conversation is over.

Qin Luo turned and left the office.

Looking at his back, Principal Wu said with emotion: "As expected of the patron of the Supreme God, his strength is astonishing. It seems that he is the son of the world.

Obviously he also misunderstood Qin Luo's background.

Think here.

Principal Wu's expression froze suddenly.

Immediately, his eyes suddenly lit up: "That's right, why did I forget about this matter. If girl Liang Xue can make things happen with Qin Luo, all problems will be solved easily!

"Hey, it seems that the old man wants to talk more with the girl.

Old principal Wu said with a smile.

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