All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 127 World Protection! Cthulhu Aberration (Part 1)

With increased burn resistance.

The negative effect time attached to the enemy's attack has been greatly reduced.


The Red Flame reformer roared, his body surface was burning with blazing flames, his legs exploded with all his strength, and he charged at an astonishing speed, the animal claws pierced his chest.

Qin Luo quickly flashed to the rear.

The spell came out of hand.

Dragon Fury Fire!

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly, and a huge flame dragon was born out of thin air, and under Qin Luo's control, it flew towards the guard team head-on.


The flames engulfed the figure of the elite monster.


Damage explosion.

All turned into blood.

Immediately afterwards.

Wang Mengyu added a trick [Freezing Natural Disaster], and cooperated with Qin Lu to clear the mobs in the tunnel.

Only the boss monster survived, but it was also frozen into ice sculptures.

"Ding, you killed the Red Flame Reformer Elite, gained 74184 experience points (+120%), and world reputation +1."

The mobs in the hidden area have a lot of experience.

And there are prestige rewards.

The three continued to attack the boss monster.

It wasn't until their blood volume dropped to a trace of blood that they escaped from the frozen state. The monsters attacked Qin Luo again.

-0! -0! -0!

[You receive level 10 burning effect, level 10 burning resistance +15%]


Although the attack power of the silver leader is higher.

But Qin Luo's magic defense has exceeded 40w, and their attacks cannot break through the defense, but help him stack resistance.

After several consecutive attacks.

At level 10 burn resistance reaches 100%.

The enemy loses its use value.

Qin Luo casually threw skills to end their lives.

The experience value stored in the experience bar suddenly rose to 4194w!

Additionally, a bunch of drops are scattered on the ground.

The three picked it up.

When Qin Luo put the items back into his backpack, he realized that he had an unused item.

The World Altar of Prayer!

"Ding w.!"

"You get the protection of the corpse mist world: blood shield: when the restored health overflows, 100% of the overflow will be converted into a real shield, which will be refreshed every 10 minutes."

"For seven days."

This protection works well.

Normal monsters cannot harm him.

The large amount of life that Qin Luo absorbs with each attack is overflowing blood, which can just be converted into shield value.


"Warning! The A-level escort team has been wiped out by the invaders, please leave the first-floor research institute.

Alarms sounded incessantly in the room.

"Milin, have you sensed the enemy's position?" Qin Luo turned around and asked.


Milin pointed to the tunnel: "Five hundred meters forward, there are many souls in the room on the left. However, the fluctuations of these souls are not strong.

At the end, she had some doubts on her small face.

"Go! Let's go."

Qin Luo put his arms around the waists of the two women, and teleported to the room Mi Lin mentioned.

Hundreds of culture jars came into view, all kinds of monsters were kept in them, and there were researchers standing nearby, and they hadn't retreated yet.

They noticed three figures.

"Natives of this world?"

"Damn it, haven't we interrupted the underground and surface portals?!"

"Tell me, how did you get into the institute?"

The researchers questioned sternly.

Qin Luo smiled and said: "If you want to know, then ask yourself."

He made a decisive move.

Space Burst!

A force enveloped the cultivation tank, sealing off the surrounding space, and cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the tank.


The researcher shouted with eyes wide open: "Stop!"

next moment.

The space was suddenly distorted, and the explosion sounded immediately.


The culture tank and the organisms inside were all crushed.

Qin Luo gained another experience.

"kill him!"

"You villain must die!"

Seeing that his hard work was in vain, the researcher was furious, and an evil breath emanated from his body.

They are distorted in shape.

One by one eyeballs emerged from the surface of the body, making one's hair stand on end.

See this scene.

Qin Luo said with a serious expression: "々`Cthulhu mutant!"

"The Corpse Mist World actually has something to do with the Evil Bell Church."

The Evil Bell Church is a great force that spans the heavens.

The members of the faction are all players on the faith side.

It's just that they believe in evil gods.


Affected by the evil aura, the members of the Evil Bell Church are mentally abnormal, always doing acts of massacring the world, or using the whole world's life to sacrifice to the evil god...

In the previous life forum, the Raider of the Corpse Mist World said that he provoked the Xiezhong Church and asked for help from the boss.

Too bad no one believed him.

One is that none of the players want to have anything to do with the Evil Bell Church.

The second is that in the public perception, Zhongjiao has never been active in a world that favors technology (Wood).

"I'm really lucky..."

Qin Luo was speechless.


He is not afraid of the evil church.


"Kill the intruders...."

The mutated human roared strangely.

Qin Luo opened the Eye of Reality to check their information.

Devil's Eye Cthulhu Aberration (Boss) (Enhanced)

Level: 55

Quality: silver

Life: 1200w

Attack: 11.5w

Abilities: Chaos Beam, Bite, Evil Eye....

Evil God's Blessing: All attributes +100V%

Description: A primary aberration with the power of the evil eye evil god Eru, and the eyes on the body contain the power of chaos.

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